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Special Ed Law & Advocacy Training (6.5 hrs) l Understanding Your Child's Test Scores

Special Education Law and Advocacy Training

smiling woman during Wrightslaw training

The Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Download includes all the content of a live 6 hour program... and more than an hour of bonus content. The program is divided into four sessions: two on law and two about advocacy strategies. Each session includes several topics. Click here for the program description. Your instructors are Pete Wright and Pam Wright.

CEUs (continuing education units) - Earn CEUs through Delta State University. Learn how!
Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy Training Download

Required Books

You need two books for the Special Ed Law & Advocacy Training Program: Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition.

During the law programs, as Pete explains specific statutes and regulations, he will have you make notes in the margins and inside cover of the book. In the advocacy segments, Pete and Pam will explain concepts in Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition and describe ways to improve your advocacy skills. You'll find these notes extremely helpful later.

Combos: Training Program Download & Required Books

You can purchase the Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Program Download and the two course books at a Special Wrightslaw Price.

Formats Availability Our Price
Special Ed Law & Advocacy Training Combo (MP4 Video) (6.5 hrs): Training Download + 2 print books + Law and From Emotions to Advocacy PDF downloads -
Suggested Retail: $159.95 - Special Offer - Save $60 (40%)
Buy $99.95
Special Ed Law & Advocacy Training Download (MP4 Video) (6.5 hrs):
Suggested Retail: $99.95 - Special Offer - Save $50 (50%)
Buy $49.95

When you purchase the Training Download online, you will receive a receipt by email that includes your training link. Click the link to download the training onto your computer.

If you purchased the Training Download Combo online, your email receipt will also include the Law and From Emotions to Advocacy PDF e-book download links. The print books will be mailed to you the next business day.

Program Overview

The one-day special education law and advocacy program download focuses on four areas:

  • special education law, rights and responsibilities
  • tests and measurements to measure progress & regression
  • introduction to tactics & strategies for effective advocacy

Special Education Law, Part 1 (1.5)

  • Overview: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004
  • Section 1400: Findings & Purposes
  • Section 1401: Definitions
  • Section 1412: “Catchall Statute” – Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), 10 day notice re: private placements, Assessments, ESY
  • Section 1414(a)(b)(c): Evaluations, Reevaluations, Response to Intervention

    Click here to watch and listen to Pete describe the Purpose of the law.

Special Education Law, Part 2 (1.25)

  • Section 1414(d): Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs), IEP Teams, Parental Participation, Placement
  • Section 1415: Procedural Safeguards - Prior Written Notice, Mediation, Due Process Hearings, Appeals, Attorneys Fees, Placement in Alternative Educational Settings
  • Recent Decisions by U. S. Supreme Court
  • Section 504 v. IDEA
  • No Child Left Behind Act: Purposes, New Legal Definitions (reading, essential components of a reading program, diagnostic reading assessments, scientifically based reading research)
  • Minimum Standards for Highly Qualified Teachers, Paraprofessionals
  • How to Use IDEA and NCLB to Advocate for a Child

Special Education Advocacy, Part 1 (1.5)

  • Creating Your Master Plan, Understanding the Parental Role
  • Rules of the Game: School Rules, Gatekeepers
  • Obstacles to Success: School Culture, Low Expectations, Isolation, Lack of Information, Emotions
  • Parent-School Conflict: 6 Reasons for Conflict; Dealing with Difficult People
  • Crisis! Emergency! Help!
  • Evaluations & Your Child's Disability: Using the Evaluation as a Roadmap; Selecting an Evaluator
  • Organizing Your Child's File
  • Tests & Measurements & the Bell Curve: Standard scores, Percentile ranks, Subtest scores
  • Demo: How to create graphs of progress or regression

Special Education Advocacy, Part 2 (1.75)

  • Rules of Adverse Assumptions; Outcome Prediction in Litigation
  • Creating Paper Trails; Writing Good Letters; Letter Writing Tips; Writing the "Letter to the Stranger"
  • Preparing for School Meetings: Pre-meeting worksheets, Agendas, Handouts, Charts
  • Negotiation Skills: 4 questions; 5 rules for effective negotiating
  • Meeting Survival Strategies: IEP Meeting Worksheets; 4 Rules of Conduct
  • Advocacy Strategies: What Can One Person Do?
  • Educational Advocacy Groups

    Click here to watch and listen to Pam discuss preparing for school meetings.

"This is advocacy training at it's best...Each time I listen, I pick up something new!"Read reviews

Wrightslaw Training programs allow you to learn in the comfort of your home or office. All you need is a computer and speakers.
When you are ready to begin the program, be sure you have the appropriate book and your yellow highlighter.

Use Wrightslaw Programs for Staff & Parent Training, Support & Study Groups

"Thank you for taking the initiative to produce a workable, affordable training program."

Wrightslaw programs are designed to meet the needs of parents, educators, health care providers, advocates and attorneys who represent children with disabilities regarding special education. The program is not disability adults applauding

Staff Training: Save money on travel ... train your staff without leaving the office. Buy the training program download and get a discount when you purchase the books in bulk. Train your entire office without the time, inconvenience and expense of travel. Your staff will thank you!

Parent Training, Support and Study Groups: Use Wrightslaw training programs during parent support and study groups. The content of the program is divided in topical areas. You can use the program outline to develop a template for your group.

Click here for a description of each session.

CEUs (continuing education units) - Earn CEUs through Delta State University. Learn how!


Your instructors for this Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training are Pete and Pam Wright.

Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy
Pete and Pam
were Adjunct Professors of Law at the William and Mary Law School where they taught a course about special education law and advocacy and assisted with the Law School's Special Education Law Clinic. They are co-founders and faculty at the William and Mary Law School Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA).

Pete Wright is an attorney who represents children with special educational needs and who successfully represented Shannon Carter before the United States Supreme Court in Florence County v. Shannon Carter (501 U.S. 7). Short bio.

Pam Wright is a psychotherapist who worked with children and families from the 1970's. Pam has written extensively about raising, educating and advocating for children with disabilities. She publishes The Special Ed Advocate, a weekly electronic newsletter. Short bio.

Pete and Pam Wright are the founders of

Adobe PDF fileThe FREE Wrightslaw: Special Education Law PDF Download includes the full text of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd edition with bookmarks and page thumbnails so you can move easily between chapters and pages. You can search the entire book for specific terms or topics in seconds.

When you purchase the Training Combo online, you will receive a receipt by email that includes your PDF e-book download link. When you click the link, the book file (3.7 mgs) will be downloaded onto your computer. (Depending on your connection speed, this may take a few minutes.)

Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ page has additional information about system requirements, browsers, and downloads.

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Revised: 03/16/21

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