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What People Are Saying About Wrightslaw Programs

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We get excited and energized at Wrightslaw special education law and advocacy programs and you will too.

I thoroughly enjoyed your conference in Texas. The information I learned was invaluable! My ability to interpret test scores has shed new light on my child's education and my work as an advocate. You have given me the confidence and incentive to be a more passionate advocate and I sincerely thank you! - from JR.

I attended your conference in New Britain, CT and just still cannot get over the exceptional content and support you provided. Your personal story is truly an inspiration! Thank you so much. I know that you will continue to make a difference in my daughter's life, as well as countless others you work with. - from LW.

"Our son and daughter-in-law attended your seminar in Monterey, CA this past March. They found it very informative and two of your comments helped make the first IEP meeting last week a success. The Costco food plates were a definite hit and started the meeting off in a friendly atmosphere. The second thing of note was the use of charts to portray his progress to date. The school system staff found those informative and easy to understand.Wrightslaw has been and will continue to be an invaluable asset" - Thankful Grandparents in Virginia

We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the chance to meet and talk with so many families and professionals. The learning experience was beyond what we anticipated or expected - JKJ from West Virginia

"When I came I was apprehensive that my needs as an educator would not be met understanding that this workshop was geared to include parents. I am so pleasantly surprised that my questions were ansered and I could assist parents around me in increasing their knowledge. Your Strategies are amazing. I look forward to my continued journey with your materiasl and will be attending another workshop in the future. Thank you." - Attendee, Portland, Maine 2 Day Boot Camp

"This is the best workshop that I've attended all year. Pete is a fabulous presenter" - Attendee, Portland, Maine 2 Day Boot Camp

"What a marvelous conference! I often leave sped presentations angry and/or guilty because of all the things that were done or not done. This time I left encouraged, inspired and armed!" - Melissa, advocate from Maryland

"Your boot camp was the most useful CLE I've ever attended. CLEs are notoriously boring and unpleasant. Your program was neither and I learned a lot, even as an experienced practitioner in the field." - Rob Mead, Esq., KU Wheat Law Library

"I had a wonderful time - the presentation was incredibly informative ... and FUN! Time just flew by." - Stella, advocate from New York

Teaching Strategies

We use PowerPoint multimedia presentations so you can hear and see what we are saying. Our quizzes give you feedback about what you have learned.

"I am so glad that I had the opportunity to attend this conference. I feel more empowered and better educated in my role as advocate for my two sons who are on the autism spectrum. Both Peter and Pam did an excellent job of presenting in both a professional and personable manner. It was a pleasure to spend two days in their guidence and company. Thank you for this very valuable experience." - Attendee, Portland, Maine 2 Day Boot Camp

"Very informative. Great ideas for advocacy. Now I feel that I can negotiate with understanding the law to support me." - Attendee, Portland, Maine 2 Day Boot Camp

"Thank you for sharing so much incredible information, and for sharing yourselves. I enjoyed your complimentary styles of getting information to your audience. You truly seem to be a Ying and Yang combo." - Barb, a parent from CT

Effective Advocacy Skills

Because Wrightslaw speakers have years of experience in special education law and advocacy, we tell you what works, doesn't work, and why.

"It was wonderful, informative and realistic approach to preparing for being my child's advocate. Thank you." - Attendee, Portland, Maine 2 Day Boot Camp

"I loved the workshop! I feel very prepared to do the next thing for my son. Thank you." - Attendee, Portland, Maine 2 Day Boot Camp

"The Wrightslaw Special Education Law Seminar in Michigan was a tremendously rewarding experience and will forever change our practice." - Attorney Bryan I. Eder, Esq., Chudnof & Eder, PLC

"I am an advocate and recently attended a Wrightslaw program. Thank you a million times over for giving me information that I am now using in child study meetings."

We teach you how to resolve parent-school problems and disputes while protecting relationships.

"Between what I learned in the seminar and the Wrights' books, I understand the 'do's, and dont's for parents and school personnel. I implemented suggestions from the program with very positive results." - Rebecca, parent from Ohio

Practical Solutions to Problems

You will leave with practical ideas that you can immediately apply to your situation.

Graph of test scores"After the Boot Camp, I spent several days going over the bell curve, charting out my child's test scores, setting up independent evaluations, and reviewing my notes from your presentations."

"As a counselor, I am often "out of the loop" so this information was especially valuable. When I returned to school, I reviewed my students' records and translated their test data into percentiles- now it is very clear to me. Thanks so much!"

"When I attended your informative, entertaining program, I learned skills that will help me advocate for my son - and these skills will help me in other parts of my life. This was the best two days I have spent in a long time.
- Debra, parent from Florida

Answers to Questions

We take questions and work answers into our presentations.

"Thank you for the most informative seminar I have ever attended. I learned so much! Thank you for answering so many questions." -
Linda, a parent from Colorado

"THANK-YOU so much for the opportunity to learn such invaluable information this past weekend. It was the BEST!"

"Thank you for the enjoyable, insightful, and motivating presentation. Pete, I wish my son could hear the part of your presentation on your school experience. You should do a video for students with dyslexia!" - Jill, parent and advocate, Florida

Motivated and Energized!

By the end of a day or a weekend, you will be energized, motivated, fired up, and ready to go!

"I attended your two-day training program - it was terrific. I left feeling enpowered and informed." - Victoria, parent from Cleveland

"I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and lost all track of time. You gave me a great boost. Thank you for an enlightening and stimulating presentation!" - Marie, parent from Florida

"We heartily thank you for presenting your workshop in our county. Wonderful things are happening as a result of your program. We came together to celebrate the successful event and will drink a toast to your health and continuing good work." - LDA of Montgomery County MD

To see even more reviews, click here.

P. S. To learn how you can bring a Wrightslaw seminar or training program to your community, go to the conference information page. Program Descriptions l Meet the Speakers

P. P. S. After we put on a training program in a city, it is unlikely that we will return to that area for a year or two. If you want to participate in a Wrightslaw advocacy training program, act now!

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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Understanding Your Child's
Test Scores (1.5 hrs)

Wrightslaw Special: $14.95