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When Is Wrightslaw Coming to My City?

Overview l Programs l Speakers l Schedule
Testimonials l Conference & Marketing Info l Fees l Forms

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When are you coming to our city? Answer: If your city is not listed on our full schedule page, it will happen when you contact us and set up a program.

We do not determine when and where, but are contacted by individuals like you who initially inquire, and then realize that someone has to get the ball rolling.

What happens, in many such instances, is that an individual, such as yourself, then contacts several agencies and organizations in their city to see if they will host a Wrightslaw program. Sometimes they are unable to find any agency or organization that is willing to undertake such a task.

In that event, the individual often decides to go it alone and set it up. Frequently, once they have taken the steps, contacted us, determined the desired date and venue, many organizations and agencies then step up to the plate and offer to "co-host" or become a co-sponsor or provide other assistance.

Your first step is to take a look at our "Conference & Marketing Info" page (link is at top of page). You will see how organizations and individuals used a Wrightslaw Conference as a fundraising event! After all expenses, a number of such hosts have generated a net, five figure, return! There is an audio and a video interview of organizers in two such instances.

After reading the info on that page and watching and listening to those files, go through some of the other links at the top of the page.

On the "Programs" page is a listing of various programs, however we are not limited to those programs and can create a "Hybrid" specifically designed to your request. The most popular program is Pete's one-day, six-hour, Special Education Law & Advocacy Training Program which is routinely approved for Continuing Education credits, both attorneys and educators.

As you read further, (and at the top of this page), you will see the link to the "Fees" page in which is the link to the "Form Contract" used with our conference hosts. Take a look at that contract, it may answer many of your questions.

Once you have done your homework and want to proceed further or if you have questions, send an email to Pete at petewright | at | and have the subject line read:

CONF XX YOURCITY - initial inquiry

For example, CONF VA DELTAVILLE - initial inquiry

Looking forward to hearing back from you so that Wrightslaw can come to your city!

What People Are Saying . . .

"Thank you for the Redding, CA workshop. I came down from Oregon and it was well worth it! I liked Peter's quick & directive teaching style. I felt he was truly in it to give us all the best and most pertinent information and more importantly tools that he has collected in his career. Thank you! I feel so much more prepared to go into my first IEP meeting!!!!!" Liz, parent (Facebook)

"I had attended Mr. Wright's workshop yesterday in San Jose, California. Gave an opportunity to meet with awesome speaker. Mr. Wright's life story is inspiring. I gained wonderful experience from the workshop. With enlightened knowledge about the law & process, I feel empowered to work with the school system."

"His engagement with audience, energy and passion for the subject is amazing. In fact, last night I read most of the IEP FAQ book and started making points for upcoming IEP annual meeting (March 21st). I finally, figured out how to present my concerns with the current IEP goals. Hope to get well written SMART goals for the next year."

"Thank you and appreciate for providing an invaluable opportunity to learn and gain the knowledge to support our children's needs."
Padma U. from San Jose, CA

"It was a great seminar! Sold out within 2 months. It was a lot of information crammed in one day, but Peter Wright was very entertaining, and thank goodness he broke it down for us. With his guidance, I feel really empowered for my future IEP meetings."

"Can you imagine how overwhelming it is to look at laws and regulations for the first time? The seminar moved rather quickly through the three books, but the most valuable thing we all walked away from is hearing the author point out, highlight, bullet point his own work so that you can quickly reference them later. I'm not kidding."
- Mary Tran, Lets Play OC! (To read Mary's full blog post about the conference, please click here.)

"Hi Pete, Thank you for the informative and excellent class on Thursday. I have been using your books with all my students for the past 5 years. I will tell you that since I attended your session 5 years ago, I have not attended a local special education law session. The speakers are not at your level of understanding, experience and training. Your training has really advanced my career. Most especially, it has allowed me to do good work for kids." - T.E. - Adjunct Faculty, Special Education Law Professor and Director of Special Education (for a local school district in Great Lakes area.)

"I am grateful for your training at the Boot Camp in MA. Using your advice, my daughter is now going to receive more services than we even requested. The school principal and I are back on laughing terms. I have also been able to assist friends with issues they have been having. And I gave the principal a lesson on the bell curve. She feels that the way I have been taught is much easier to understand. I will always be forever grateful for the great training you both provided.
- LC - Massachusetts Attendee

"I want to thank you for the incredible two day Boot Camp in West Virginia last week. I am a parent of a 12 year old and I wish I had been to one of these sooner. I wasn't sure if I could afford the time off to attend with my wife and I am so happy I did. Not only will I be a better advocate for my son, but as a sales professional. I really enjoyed your presentation and learned a few new ideas to make my presentations better. I will make sure that I tell every parent of a special needs child, I know what a great training program you put on." - Bucky - West Virginia Attendee

"What a marvelous conference! I often leave sped presentations angry and/or guilty because of all the things that were done or not done. This time I left encouraged, inspired and armed!" - Melissa from MD

"I thank you! I have been blessed to attend three of your "boot camps" and always learn from your web site. Than you so very much!" - Joan C from Southwick, MA

"Thank you! This website and newsletters are a life saver! This is a wonderful resource and I recommend it to everyone I know who has a special needs child or a child with an IEP. Your seminars are so empowering. The newsletter last month with Aimee Gilman was priceless! Ms. Gillman had me laughing so hard I was crying! Thank you again for providing this excellent resource!" - Arlene S from FL

"Thank you for sharing so much incredible information, and for sharing yourselves. I enjoyed your complimentary styles of getting information to your audience. You truly seem to be a Ying and Yang combo." - Barb from CT

"The Wrightslaw Special Education Law Seminar in Michigan was a tremendously rewarding experience and will forever change our practice." - Bryan I. Eder, Esq., Chudnof & Eder, PLC

"Your boot camp was the most useful CLE I've ever attended. CLEs are notoriously boring and unpleasant. Your program was neither and I learned a lot, even as an experienced practitioner in the field." - Rob Mead, KU Wheat Law Library

"I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. Your delivery was so engaging that I lost all track of time. You gave me a great boost. Thank you for an enlightening and stimulating presentation!" - Marie from FL

"THANK-YOU so much for the opportunity to learn such invaluable information this past weekend. It was the BEST!"

"As a high school counselor, I am often not 'in the loop' as I need to be so this information was particularly valuable to me. When I came back, I started to review records and translate data into percentiles -- which made things very, very clear to me. Thanks so much!"

"I recently attended your Bootcamp. Thank you a million times over for giving me information that I am now utilizing in child study meetings that I attend as an advocate."

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