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Below are more reviews about the Wrightslaw programs


Attendees from the Portland, Maine 2 Day Boot Camp wrote to us:

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to attend this conference. I feel more empowered and better educated in my role as advocate for my two sons who are on the autism spectrum. Both Peter and Pam did an excellent job of presenting in both a professional and personable manner. It was a pleasure to spend two days in their guidence and company. Thank you for this very valuable experience.

Very informative. Great ideas for advocacy. Now I feel that I can negotiate with understanding the law to support me.

It was wonderful, informative and realistic approach to preparing for being my child's advocate. Thank you.

I loved the workshop! I feel very prepared to do the next thing for my son. Thank you.

* * * * *

Brian from New York wrote:

As a practicing attorney, I would just like to express my appreciation for the Wrightslaw Boot Camp lectures last weekend in Plainview, New York. I found the information informative and really enjoyed the lecture format. Keep up the good work.

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Stefanie told us:

I am an attorney in Nevada and completed the Wrightslaw Bootcamp in Toledo in October . . . Thanks so much! I truly enjoyed the conference, and Wayne was just fantastic!

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Ellen from New York wrote:

I attended the two-day Wrightslaw Boot Camp in Plainview last weekend. It was a great experience.

I am in awe of your skills as a teacher.

You certainly know your learning theory! I loved your multilayered approach that bombarded us with the principal messages from start to finish. Just giving us the two books, and getting everyone comfortable with using them, indexing them, writing in them, was such a brilliant and effective strategy.

Parents had to have come away from the experience less intimidated by the law, and feeling more in control of their own, and their child's destinies. The underlying message there was that parents need to do their homework if they want to be effective advocates for their children. The bottom line is you are awesome, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I really loved the emphasis on learning to understand evaluations and test scores. This is such a critical skill; I am very motivated now to provide this kind of training. But I thought you hit just the right tone, and presented the material in a very clear, but non-intimidating fashion.

* * * * *

Lisa from Houston says:

I attended your seminar in Houston last fall. The information I gained from you and the From Emotions to Advocacy book was immediately valuable.

Thanks for your effective work on behalf of parents of children with special needs. You made a real difference for our family!

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Arlene wrote us to say:

Thank you for the fantastic presentation you conducted yesterday at the LDA-CA conference. I learned a lot of new information and strategies from you. I have been on your e-mail list for about two years and had your first book a long time ago and found it invaluable. It was truly a privilege to have the opportunity to meet both of you!

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Amy had this to say:

I had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your training at the LDA conference. Plus, Pete made me feel like a star student when he held up my book with post-it notes (I have already used them a LOT)! Going through the book was a great idea.

I go to so many trainings and NEVER use the information I get. I have two copies of each
book (one for home and one for work) and have been telling everyone how fabulous it is!

I will also switch from using Ethics and Law for School Psychologists to your law book for my Laws and Ethics class. It is the most comprehensive text on the market.

I am so proud that the two of you are doing such great work!

* * * * *
A Thank You from Kathleen:

I just wanted to take a few moments to say Thank You.

I just attended your conference in Bloomington, IL. I learned so much. You presented your information in a clear and concise manner. You did not "sweat the small stuff". I feel so much more empowered.

Thank you for presenting information that I knew I needed to know more about but felt that I did not
really have the time or energy to understand "the law". I would highly recommend your conferences to everyone.

* * * * *

Cindy from Colorado writes:

Thank you so much for all you do and the wonderful conference in Colorado Springs. I was moved so much that I have sent an email to Oprah begging her to have you both on her show. I feel that there are so many (too many) parents in my shoes that have no clue what to do or how to do it and you are the key to our success.

Thanks again for being the wonderful people that you are!

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Click here to return to the Conference Schedule page.


Revised: 12/06/07
Created: 11/15/07


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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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