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The William & Mary Law Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA)
Williamsburg, VA

July 30 - August 4, 2017

The program is full and no longer accepting applications.

Applications will be considered on rolling basis bi-monthly from February 1, 2017 - July 15, 2017

The William & Mary Law Institute of Special Education Advocacy is presenting a five-day training program hosted by the William & Mary School of Law and co-sponsored by the PELE Special Education Advocacy Clinic and Wrightslaw.

The purpose of this program is to provide training in special education advocacy for experienced advocates, law students, new attorneys, and attorneys who are new to special education law.

The program will include 22 sessions on applicable laws, ethics, best practices in advocacy, strategies in working with parents and schools, and dispute resolution procedures, taught by national leaders in the field.

The Institute begins on Sunday evening, July 30, 2017, with the Orientation and Registration session and Welcome Reception.

The program will be held at:
William & Mary School of Law
The William & Mary School of Law
613 South Henry Street
Williamsburg, VA 23185-4110


Topics include:

  • History and Applicable Laws
  • Ethics in Special Education Advocacy (CLE credit)
  • Caselaw Review
  • Understanding Evaluations, Tests and Measurements
  • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
  • Section 504
  • Eligibility
  • Behavioral Issues at School
  • Discipline
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Dispute Resolution and State Complaints
  • Preparing a Case for Trial/Due Process
  • Using Evaluations, Tests and Measurements as Evidence
  • Evidence Strategies
  • Legal Claims and Remedies
  • Creating Systemic Change in Your State
  • Transition
  • Bullying
  • Educational Rights of Homeless Youth


The registration fee includes the opening reception, all lunches and scheduled breaks, over $200.00 of materials, including books* and multimedia training.

In general, educational and training expenses are tax deductible. Check with your accountant about deductible educational expenses that may include books, continuing education fees, and travel costs.

Certificate in Special Education Advocacy

Upon the conclusion of ISEA, we have traditionally issued informal certificates of participation in the Institute to attendees. This year, for the first time, we will offer the option for attendees to earn a Certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William & Mary Law School.

In the past, our ISEA attendees have requested that we consider formalizing the Institute by offering a special certificate or credential so that attendees can list something more “official” on their resumes, CVs, and LinkedIn profiles. Therefore, we requested and have received approval by the College of William & Mary to offer a Certificate in Special Education Advocacy for an added fee for those who successfully complete the Institute and opt to earn the Certificate.

Please note that in Virginia, there are no certification or training requirements to become a special education advocate. We encourage you to research your state’s rules and regulations on the requirements, if any, of working as a special education advocate.

Please note that this course does not provide a certification or endorsement. We are simply offering a Certificate in Special Education Advocacy, which indicates that our attendees have successfully completed the required courses within the Institute of Special Education Advocacy. We expect that many ISEA graduates who earn this Certificate will list the training as an additional credential on their resumes, CVs, and LinkedIn profiles.

Starting next year, we will only offer the Certificate in Special Education Advocacy track. This year, for the first time, ISEA will offer the option for attendees to earn a Certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William & Mary Law School. Learn more.

Registration Fees -
Advocates, Educator/Advocates, Non-attorneys
Advocates, Educators/Advocates, Non-Attorneys seeking Certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William & Mary Law School
Attorneys (CLE credits pending)
Attorneys (CLE credit pending) seeking Certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William & Mary Law School
2 or more Individuals from same office
10% discount
Law Students (non-credit)
Law Students (non-credit) seeking Certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William & Mary Law School

Attendance is limited to 55. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis bi-monthly until the class is full. Early applications are recommended.

Scholarships: Some state Planning Councils or Developmental Disabilities Councils offer scholarships or funds for participation in conferences and short-term educational programs for advocates in the field of developmental disabilities. You may want to investigate funding available in your state. Go to the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities. Click on the map for your state Council website to begin your search. (Example: Indiana Consumer Investment Fund)

Registration for Law Students

Law students can earn one graded credit for this course.  Each law student enrolled for credit will be required to complete the pre-assigned work for ISEA, attend all ISEA sessions, and submit a paper no later than August 21st of no less than ten double-spaced pages to Professor Crystal Shin on a topic mutually agreed upon prior to August 7th.

Student tuition and fee information is found on this page: William & Mary students may register on-line prior to July 24, 2017. Law students not currently enrolled at W&M must contact Crystal Shin to apply for admission to this course.

*All registrants will receive new copies of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition, Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition, Wrightslaw: All About IEPs, and Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments as well as PDF copies of Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2016 and Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2015. If you already have copies with notes and wish to use your books for classwork, please do not hesitate to bring them with you.

Application Process

Attendance is limited to 55. Attendees will be selected via an application process. The application form includes all registration details, costs, applicant questionnaire, and required pre-conference assignments. Click here to download the application.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis bi-monthly until the class is full. Early applications are recommended.

If accepted, participants agree to complete all pre-conference assigned reading and course work, attend and participate in all sessions, and complete all homework and class assignments.

Submit your application to the Parents Engaged for Learning Equality (PELE) Clinic at William & Mary Law School with a deposit check in the amount of $250. Checks should be made out to the Marshall-Wythe School of Law Foundation or MWSLF. Please write ‘Registration for ISEA’ in the memo field.

If you are accepted, payment of the remaining registration fee must be received within ten days of notification of your acceptance in ISEA. If you are not enrolled in the course, your deposit check will be returned immediately.

Click here to download the application.

Credits: Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits including ethics, have been approved. 2.85 Continuing Education Units (CEU) through the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Education have been approved. There is an additional $114 fee for CEUs.

Questions? Please refer to this important ISEA FAQ sheet for questions you may have about the institute. We will update this FAQ sheet regularly. Contact the PELE Clinic at (757) 221-5735 or

Logistics, Directions, Accommodations


Directions to William & Mary.
Campus map.

Visiting Williamsburg area. Williamsburg area map.


The airports closest to William & Mary Law School are Newport News - Williamsburg - PHF (approximately 20 miles), Norfolk International - ORF (approximately 45 miles) and Richmond International - RIC (approximately 45 miles).

Airport Transportation

Tidewater Coach shuttle to the Colonial Williamsburg area from Newport News, Norfolk, or Richmond airports offers a special ISEA rate to be posted soon.

To Wrightslaw Seminars & Training

Read about last year's Institute here - ISEA 2016.

Created: 02/01/17
Revised: 07/26/2017

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