Special Education Law & Advocacy Trainings
with Peter
Wright, Esq. and Pamela Darr Wright, MA, MSW
Anchorage, AK
Friday and Saturday, March 24-25, 2017
These two-day Special Education Law & Advocacy Trainings,
with Pete
Wright and Pam
Wright, is being sponsored by the Stone Soup Group.
The program will be held at:
University of Alaska Anchorage Campus
Lucy Cuddy Hall
2400 West Campus Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
Click Here for Map of Parking and Lucy Cuddy
Parking is free!
Program Description
Choose the schedule that works best for you. The one day trainings are designed to meet the needs of parents, educators, health care providers, advocates and attorneys. Friday's focus will be on special education law and Saturday will focus on advocacy issues.
1: Friday, March 24, 2017 - Special Education Law |
8:00-9:00 |
Registration |
9:00-10:30 |
- Introduction
- Overview of Book: Wrightslaw: Special Education Law
- IDEA History - PARC + Mills Cases - Past US Supreme Court Cases
10:30-10:45 |
Break |
10:45-12:00 |
- Section
1400: Findings & Purposes
- Section
1401: Key Definitions - Ethical Considerations re child's "Label"
- Section
1412: LRE,
ESY, Child Find, Private Placements
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch is on your own |
1:00-2:30 |
- Measuring
Progress: Understanding Tests & Measurements & the Bell Curve, Standard Scores, Scaled Scores, % Ranks
Demo: Charting Test Scores - Ethical Considerations re use of the Bell Curve
- Section
1414(a,b,c): Evaluations
1414(d) IEPs
2:30-2:45 |
Break |
2:45-4:00 |
- Section
1414(d) IEPs (cont'd)
- Overview of book: Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
- Section 1415 Due Process, Rules of Procedure, Discipline
- Other Statutes - Section504 + ADA AA + ESSA
- Recent Cases + USDOJ cases and OcR rulings
- Two Pending US Supreme Court Cases
- Legal issues: Charter Schools
- Legal issues: Episodic Conditions i.e., Allergies, Epilepsy, etc.
Initial Client Contact - Ethical Consideration
- Who is the client, child or parent(s)? Domestic issues?
- Prior to Face to Face, Organization of the File
- First Meeting with Client
- The "Theme of the Case"
- Initial contact with school system
Ethics - Preparation for Trial, Defuse Dynamics and Emotions
In Summary - Laws, Cases, Client management, Preparation
4:00-4:30 |
and Answers |
2: Saturday, March 25, 2017 - Special Education Advocacy Tactics & Strategies |
9:00-10:30 |
Overview of book: Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy
The Journey - From Emotions to Advocacy - Tactics
- The Parent as the Special Ed Manager and Expert
- Developing the Master Plan
- Knowing the Rules of the Game
- Recognizing and Avoiding the Fatal Obstacles
10:30-10:45 |
Break |
10:45-12:00 |
From Emotions to Advocacy - Tactics
- How to Deal with Conflict, a Healthy and Normal event
- Crisis, Emergency, Help
- Recognizing and Avoiding the Fatal Obstacles
- Organization of the Child's File
- Emotions, Conflict, Normal Obstacles
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch on your own |
1:00-2:30 |
- School
- Rule
of Adverse Assumptions
- Hazards of Litigation & Outcome Prediction
- Comprehensive Evaluations
2:30-2:45 |
Break |
2:45-4:00 |
Strategies (cont)
- Paper Trails & Letters
- The "Letter to the Stranger"
- Negotiation Skills - "Getting to Yes"
- The "Gerry Spence" approach
- School
Meetings: Preparation & Survival Strategies
- The 5 W's + H + E
Closing - In Summation |
4:00-4:30 |
and Answers |
Registration Fee - One Day Pricing |
Student/Parent |
$75 |
Professional (not seeking CLEs) |
$95 |
Professional with CLEs |
$150 |
Professional with CEUs |
$95, plus an additional fee through UAA |
Live Streaming to: Mat-Su, Fairbanks, Barrow, Kenai, Bethel and Juneau |
Download the Live Stream flyer |
Click here to register online.
Download and share the conference flyer.
Registration fee includes light snacks and refreshments, a deluxe Wrightslaw highlighter pen and three Wrightslaw books, which retail for $62.85 -
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition, Wrightslaw:
From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition and Wrightslaw: All About IEPs.
Credits: The Alaska Bar Association has approved 6.0 CLEs (continuing legal education) credits, including 1.5 ethic credits for this conference. CEUs (continuing education units) are through the University of Anchorage and are pending. CEU cost: 0.6 units/$35 and 1.2 units/$50. A 500 level course is being offered at the University of Alaska Anchorage. You must register as a Professional. Stone Soup Group will send you additional information about how to follow up directly with UAA to receive your credits (additional fees will apply through the university).
Special Accommodations: Contact Alexandra Fogarty by email alexandraf | at | stonesoupgroup.org no later March 1, 2017.
Scholarships: Scholarships are available. Submissions must be made by February 15, 2017.
Refunds: No refunds are available for this conference. Substitutions are allowed with prior approval. Deadline to contact the sponsors is March 15, 2017.
Questions? Contact the Stone Soup Group (SSG) by telephone 907-561-3701 by fax 907-561-3702 or click here for an online contact form.
programs often fill up early - don't miss out!
Logistics, Directions, Accommodations
Click here for directions to the University of Alaska Anchorage Lucy Cuddy Hall.
is available and free. West Central Lot is the closest parking area. Click here for a map and directions.
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC)
(Approximately 6 miles to conference location)
Hotel Accommodations
The sponsors have secured a special rate of $99 per night with the Marriott Spring Hill Suites Anchorage University Lake. Click here to register online.
We built
the Alaska Yellow
Pages for Kids with Disabilities so people can get reliable information
and support.
The State Yellow
Pages has many useful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic
tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others
who help parents get services for their children. If you provide a service,
sign up to be listed on the Yellow
Pages for Kids with Disabilities - this is a free service from Wrightslaw.
