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Wrightslaw From Emotions to Advocacy Training
with Pat Howey

Roanoke, VA

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Wrightslaw From Emotions to Advocacy Conference, a Wrightslaw training program with Pat Howey is being sponsored by Pure Ministries and Bonsack Baptist Church. The Wrightslaw program starts off the third annual Opening Doors: Inspiring Inclusive Community Conference.

The program will be held at:

Bonsack Baptist Church
Community Room
4845 Cloverdale Road
Roanoke, VA 24019

Program Description

In From Emotions to Advocacy training programs (one day, 6 hours), advocate Pat Howey teaches you how to take an active role in managing your child's special education, the gentle art of disagreeing, and how to maintain healthy working relationships with the school.

You will learn:

  • how to assess your child's strengths and needs
  • how to prepare a Parent Report for the IEP team
  • how to build healthy working relationships with school personnel
  • how to document information that may prevent or resolve disputes
  • how to participate as an equal member of your child's IEP team

Wrightslaw programs are designed to meet the needs of parents, educators, health care providers, advocates and attorneys who represent children with disabilities regarding special education. The program is not disability specific.


8:00-9:00 a.m. Registration
9:00-10:30 a.m. Introductions
  • Section 1: Getting Started
  • Creating the Advocate's IEP, the Master Plan
  • Taming the Paper Trail
  • Goals and Strategies for the Advocate
  • The Parent as Project Manager
  • Advocacy 101: Learning the Rules of the Game
10:30-10:45 a.m. Break
10:45-12:00 p.m.
  • Obstacles to Success, Resolving Parent/School
  • Conflicts, Emergency, Crisis, Help
  • Evaluations and Your Child's Disability
  • Tests and Measurements 101
12:00-1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00-2:30 p.m.
  • The Bell Curve
  • Charting Test Scores
  • Smart IEPs
  • Overview of IDEA - Findings, Purposes and Definitions
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • ESSA
2:30-2:45 p.m.


2:45-4:00 p.m.
  • Rule of Adverse Assumptions
  • Taming the Paper Trail - Documenting and Writing Letters and using the "Letter to a Stranger" Strategy
  • IEP Meeting Strategies and Common Problems
  • Putting it all together
4:00-4:30 p.m. Questions and Answers


Registration Fee  
Parents (Parents, Grandparents or Guardians of PURE/Special Needs Individuals $75
Advocates (professionals, community & church members) $100

Click here to register online.

Your registration fee includes lunch, snacks, a deluxe Wrightslaw highlighter pen, and a copy of Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition.

Credits: 0.6 CEUs (continuing education units) have been approved for this conference. The units are provided by the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Education. They provide both graduate credit for practicing teachers and CEU's for a variety of professionals who need to document their professional development hours. There is a $30 fee and is payable at the conference.

Contact Carolyn Krisha by telephone 540-977-5701 or by email ckrisha |at| bonsackbaptist.org.

Refund Policy: No refunds are available for this conference. Substitutions are allowed with prior notice.

Contact Ann Green by email imlawyer |at| ntelos.net or by telephone 540-793-2577. Contact Jill Winston by email jwinston |at| bonsackbaptist.org or by telephone 540-977-5701 ext. 205.

Wrightslaw programs often fill up early! Space is limited - don't miss out! Register today!

Logistics, Directions, Accommodations


Please click here for directions to the Bonsack Baptist Church.


Parking is available at no charge.


Roanoke Regional Airport (ROA)
(9.5 miles to the conference location)


For a list of local hotels click here.

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