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IDEA 2004 & NCLB: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!
with Wayne Steedman, Esq.

Waterbury, CT, January 14, 2009

IDEA 2004 & NCLB: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You! a Wrightslaw training program with Wayne Steedman, Esq. is being brought to you by The Learning Disabilities Association of CT, Inc.

The program will be held at:

Holiday Inn Hotel
3580 East Main Street
Waterbury, CT 06705

Program Description

IDEA 2004 & NCLB: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You! (one day, 6 hours) focuses on changes in IDEA 2004, the interrelationships between IDEA 2004 and No Child Left Behind, and how to use these laws to get better special education services for children with disabilities.

You will learn about:

  • new requirements for evaluations, reevaluations, parental consent
  • new requirements for IEPs, IEP teams, IEP meetings
  • new eligibility requirements for students with specific learning disabilities
  • requirements for accommodations on high stakes tests, accommodations guidelines, alternate assessments
  • new rules about discipline and manifestation reviews
  • new procedural requirements and timelines, including the “Due Process Complaint Notice” and “Resolution (IEP) Session”
  • requirements for reading programs, essential components of reading instruction, research based instruction
  • requirements for highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals
  • new options and choices for children who attend struggling schools
  • how NCLB applies to children with disabilities

Wrightslaw programs are designed to meet the needs of parents, educators, health care providers, advocates and attorneys who represent children with disabilities regarding special education. The program is not disability specific.


8:00 - 9:00

Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00- 10:30 Introductions; IDEA 2004: History and Overview; Section 1400: Findings & Purposes; Section 1401: Key Definitions in IDEA: Special Education, LD, etc.
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 12:00 Section 1412: Child Find, Least Restrictive Environment, Private Placements, Statewide Assessments, Accommodations; Section 1414: Evaluations, Reevaluations, Parental Consent, Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs), IEP Teams, IEP Meetings
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 Section 1415: Procedural Safeguards: Prior Written Notice; Resolution Session; Mediation; Requirements & Timelines for Due Process Hearings; Discipline. Proposed IDEA 2004 Regulations.
2:30 - 2:45 Break
2:45 - 4:00 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB): IEPs; Research Based Instruction; Reading; Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers
4:00 - 4:30 Questions and Answers


Registration Fees
On or Before January 5
After January 5

Download and share the brochure. Please note that the brochure is a legal size document.

Click here to register online.

The texts for this program (also included in your registration fee) are Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition and Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind which includes the No Child Left Behind CD-ROM with dozens of publications, manuals, toolkits, and other useful resources ($60.00 combined retail value). Continental breakfast, refreshment breaks and buffet lunch are included.

Credits: 0.6 CEU's (continuing education units) for educators in CT have been approved and will be available at no additional fee. 0.6 CEU's for out of state educators and social workers have also been approved. The additional fee of $9.00 can be paid at the conference.

Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships for parents are available. Please contact the LDA for details.

Additional Information:
Snow date January 15, 2009.

Questions? Please contact Learning Disabilities Association of CT, Inc, 999 Asylum Avenue, #504, Hartford, CT 06105, or call 860-560-1711.

Wrightslaw programs often fill up early - don't miss out! Register today!

Logistics, Directions, Accommodations


Holiday Inn Hotel
3580 East Main Street
Waterbury, CT 06705
Note:A limited number of rooms have been reserved
for Tuesday, January 13th at the special rate of $89.
Call 203-706-1000 to make reservations.

Please click here for directions from MapQuest.


Parking is free on-site.


Bradley International Airport (BDL)

11 Schoephoester Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
(Approximately 38 miles to conference location)



Holiday Inn Hotel
3580 East Main Street
Waterbury, CT 06705



There are many wonderful restaurants to choose from in the area.

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