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Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference
with Peter Wright, Esq. and Pamela Darr Wright
Charlotte, North Carolina, February 27, 2007


Wrightslaw Special Education and Advocacy Conference, a Wrightslaw training program with Pete Wright and Pam Wright, is being brought to you by The Arc of Mecklenburg County.

The program will be held at:

Queens University

Dana Auditorium
1900 Selwyn Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28207

Program Description

One-day special education law and advocacy programs focus on four areas:

  • special education law, rights and responsibilities
  • tests and measurements to measure progress & regression
  • introduction to tactics & strategies for effective advocacy

Wrightslaw programs are designed to meet the needs of parents, educators, health care providers, advocates and attorneys who represent children with disabilities regarding special education. The program is not disability specific.


9:00-10:30Introductions & Review Agenda.
Overview: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004); Findings and Purposes; Definitions; "Catchall Statute" - Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), 10-day Notice, State Assessments, Accommodations
10:45-12:00IDEA 2004 (cont'd): Evaluations; Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs); Procedural Safeguards; Tests & Measurements & the Bell Curve
1:00-2:30Review; Section 504; No Child Left Behind Act; Tests & Measurements & the Bell Curve (review); SMART IEPs; Advocacy Strategies - Rule of Adverse Assumptions & Crisis Management


2:45-4:00Advocacy Strategies (cont'd): Conflict; Obstacles to Effective Advocacy; Negotiating; Organizing the File; Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation; Letters & Paper Trails; School Meetings: Preparation & Survival Strategies
4:00-4:30Questions and Answers


Fees: This conference is offered at a minimal charge of $10.00 to parents and guardians of children with disabilities. Scholarships are available. The fee for professionals is $50.00.*

Download the brochure.

Your registration includes Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd edition and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition ($50.00 combined retail value). Your registration fee does not include lunch.

* Other Info: .6 CEU's and 6 CLE's have been approved for this conference.

To Register: Contact Karen Samuels by calling (704) 332-4535 Ext. 16, (704) 332-3148 (fax) or email Karen@arcmeck.org.

Wrightslaw programs often fill up early - don't miss out! Register today!

Logistics, Directions, Accommodations


Queens University-Dana Auditorium, 1900 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC

Dana Auditorium is located in the E. H. Little Fine Arts Center on the corner of Selwyn Ave and Wellesly Ave.

From 1-85 (North) from SC: Take exit 33 (Billy Graham Parkway). This turns into Woodlawn Road, Cross over South Blvd and Park Road. Once you cross Park Road, go to traffic signal and turn left onto Selwyn Avenue. Queens University is approximately one mile up Selwyn, campus will be on left.

From I-85 (South) from Greensboro: Off of I-85 (South), take the I-77 (South) exit. Off of I-77 (South), take exit 6A (WoodlawnRoad/Queens University of Charlotte). Cross over South Boulevard and Park Road. Once you cross over Park Road, so to the second traffic signal and turn left onto Selwyn Avenue. Queens will be on the left approximately one mile up.

From I-77 (North or South): Off I-77, take exit 6A (Woodlawn Road/Queens University of Charlotte).Cross over South Boulevard and Park Road. Once you pass Park Road, go to the second traffic light and turn left on Selwyn Avenue. Queens is approximately 1 mile down on the left.

From US 74 (West) from Monroe: Off of 74 (West), turn right on Sharon Amity. Cross Monroe Road, Randolph Road, and then you will come to Providence Road. Turn right onto Providence. Cross over Wendover Road, go to the third traffic sign and turn left on Queens Road. There will be two stone churches on your left. Queens Road becomes Selwyn Avenue at the first traffic signal. Go through the light and the campus will be directly on your right.

Click here for directions from MapQuest.


Parking is available at no charge on-site or across the street.


Charlotte Douglas International Airport, 5501 Josh Birmingham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28208

The airport is approximately 9 miles from the conference site.


The closest restaurants are at the intersection of Park Road and Woodlawn Dr. Fast Food: McDonald’s, Wendy’s and a Subway. Casual Dine-in Restaurants: Charlotte Café, two pizza places, and a Rusty’s Deli.


When making your reservations be sure to mention our conference.

Doubletree Guest Suites South Park
6300 Morrison Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 364-2400
3 miles from conference site
La Quinta-Coliseum
4900 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC
(800) 984-4878
4 ½ miles from conference site
Holiday Inn-Charlotte-Billy Graham
321 W. Woodlawn Road
Charlotte, NC 28217
(704) 523-1400
4 miles from conference site
Charlotte Howard Johnson Inn
122 W. Woodlawn Road
Charlotte, NC 28217

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