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Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy Training
with Wayne Steedman, Esq. and Pat Howey, Paralegal and Advocate
Rochester, New York, May 17, 2006

Special Education Law & Advocacy Training, a Wrightslaw training program with Wayne Steedman, Esq. and Pat Howey, is being sponsored by Greater Rochester S.A.F.E. (Schools Are For Everyone).

The program will be held at:

Rochester Public Library (Central Library)

Kate Gleason Auditorium, 1st Floor

115 South Avenue
Rochester, NY 14606-1896

Program Description

This full day special education law and advocacy program will focus on four areas:

  • Special education law, rights and responsibilities
  • Tests and measurements to measure progress & regression
  • Introduction to tactics & strategies for effective advocacy

Wrightslaw programs are designed to meet the needs of parents, educators, health care providers, advocates and attorneys who represent children with disabilities regarding special education. The program is not disability specific.

Download the information and registration form here.


9:00-10:30Introductions & Review Agenda.
Overview: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004); Findings and Purposes; Definitions; "Catchall Statute" - Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), 10-day Notice, State Assessments, Accommodations
10:45-12:00IDEA 2004 (cont'd): Evaluations; Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs); Procedural Safeguards; Tests & Measurements & the Bell Curve
1:00-2:30Review; Section 504; No Child Left Behind Act; Tests & Measurements & the Bell Curve (review); SMART IEPs; Advocacy Strategies - Rule of Adverse Assumptions & Crisis Management


2:45-4:00Advocacy Strategies (cont'd): Conflict; Obstacles to Effective Advocacy; Negotiating; Organizing the File; Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation; Letters & Paper Trails; School Meetings: Preparation & Survival Strategies
4:00-4:30Questions and Answers


On Site registration is available.

Your registration includes Wrightslaw IDEA 2004 and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition ($35.00 combined retail value), along with a complimentary copy of 10 Tips: How to Use IDEA 2004 to Improve Education for Children with Disabilities by Wayne Steedman, Esq

PAID by April 12th
(Early Bird)
Postmarked After April 12th
Professionals (0.6 CEUs) $110.00 $125.00
Individual/Parent $85.00 $100.00
Parent Team * $150.00 $180.00

* Couples will receive one set of books and two lunches.

Your registration fee also includes choice of lunch (see registration form for choices).
Download the information and registration form here.

Mail your completed registration form to:

Greater Rochester S.A.F.E.

c/o Rhonda Miga
205 Viennawood Drive
Rochester, NY  14618
Fax: (585) 546-7069 (Attn: Rhonda Miga)

Questions? Please contact Rhonda Miga at (585) 242-0707 or email rhondamiga@yahoo.com.

Wrightslaw programs fill up early - don't miss out! Register today!

Logistics, Directions, Accommodations


The Rochester Public Library (Central Library), 115 South Avenue, is located in Rochester, New York.

From Rochester International Airport: I-390 N to I-490 E exit 20A to Rochester. Take the Inner Loop exit 13 to Downtown/Plymouth Ave.  Bear left at Allen Street.  Turn right at N. Plymouth Ave.  Turn left at W. Broad Street.  Continue on E. Broad Street.  Turn right at South Ave (approximately 10 miles from airport).

From Buffalo, New York: Take I-90 E to exit 47 (I-490 E) 22 miles.  Take the Inner Loop exit 13 to Downtown/Plymouth Ave.  Bear left at Allen Street.  Turn right at N. Plymouth Ave.  Turn left at W. Broad Street.  Continue on E. Broad Street.  Turn right at South Ave.

Coming from Albany, New York: Take I-90 W to exit 45 to Rochester.  Merge into I-490 W (14 miles).  Take the Clinton Ave S exit 16 to Downtown.  Bear right at S. Clinton Ave.  Turn left at E. Broad Street.  Turn left at South Ave.

Please click here for directions from MapQuest.


Parking is available at Court Street Garage (585-546-2150) and South Avenue (Ramp) Garage (585-325-5311).


Rochester International Airport
1200 Brooks Avenue
(approximately 10 miles from hotels and conference site)
Airport Taxi Transportation (585) 235-0508
Checker Cab (585) 325-2460


The following hotels offer a special rate to Wrightslaw conference registrants. Be sure to mention that you are attending the Wrightslaw program when you make your registration.

Clarion Hotel Riverside

120 Main Street

Rochester, NY 14604

(585) 546-6400 ($79.00)

Crown Plaza Hotel

70 State Street

Rochester, NY 14604

(585) 546-3450 ($89.00)

Hyatt Regency

125 E. Main Street

Rochester, NY 14604

(585) 546-1234


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