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Wrightslaw Special Education Law
Changes in IDEA: Implications for School Psychology
Greenbelt, MD on April 27-28, 2006

This Wrightslaw special education law program, Changes in IDEA: Implications for School Psychology, is being sponsored by the Maryland School Psychologist's Association (MSPA) as part of their Spring Conference.

The program will be
held at:Martin's Crosswinds, Greenbelt, MD
Martins Crosswinds
7400 Greenway Center Drive
Greenbelt, MD 20770-3053
Phone: 301-474-8500

Program Overview

April 27, 2006: Special Education Law: Changes in IDEA and Implications for School Psychology by Peter W. D. Wright, attorney and child advocate.

The reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which went into effect July 1, 2005, includes many changes that will affect the practice of school psychology. In particular, the new IDEA amendments will mean significant changes in the way schools refer, evaluate, identify, serve, and discipline students with disabilities.

This workshop will provide a practical overview of major changes in IDEA that most profoundly impact the practice of school psychology.
Topics include: implications of changes for school-wide discipline, positive behavioral supports, manifestation determination, functional behavioral assessment, removal from the classroom, and interim alternative settings.

Other issues: specific learning disability identification (RTI vs. discrepancy model), re-evaluations, early intervention services, over-identification and disproportionality. Your registration fee includes a copy of Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004.

Friday, April 28, 2006 -
Evidence-Based Prevention and Intervention Programs: Identification and Implementation Practices in Schools by Thomas R. Kratochwill, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dr. Kratochwill will provide an overview of the Evidence-Based Intervention (EBI) movement within education and related professions. Specifically, he will review developments on the national level including those of education and psychology task forces and the U.S. Department of Education initiatives for evidence-based practices in prevention and intervention.

Special emphasis will be placed on developments relevant to establishing multi-tiered models of prevention and intervention in schools. Dr. Kratochwill will also review EBI prevention/intervention efforts in Wisconsin including the Early and Ongoing Collaborative Assistance Project goals.

Conference information l
Registration Form


Registration is limited and accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Registration Form

Registration must be postmarked by April 17, 2006. There is a $20.00 additional fee for late registrants and for on-site registrations.

: Documentation of attendance will be provided for 3 contact hours (Thursday) and 5 contact hours (Friday) of Continuing Education for Certified School Psychologists and Licensed Psychologists who complete each day of the conference. The National Association of School Psychologists and the Maryland Board of Examiners of Psychologists recognize MSPA as a sponsor of continuing education for psychologists. MSPA maintains responsibility for the program.

Note: Meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible and signing for the deaf can be arranged.

Questions? Contact: Laura Shriver at 410-751-3122. For an E-mail response, contact the new MSPA Conference e-mail site at mspaprogram@hotmail.com

Logistics, Accommodations, Directions

Airport -
BWI - Baltimore International Airport is approximately 20 miles from the conference site.

Parking - Free parking
will be available at the conference site.

Accommodations - here is a short list of hotels near the conference site:

Greenbelt Marriott, 6400 Ivy Lane, Greenbelt, MD, 301-441-3700

Courtyard by Marriott Greenbelt, 6301 Golden Triangle Drive, Greenbelt, MD 20770, 301-411-3311

Holiday Inn Greenbelt-NASA, 7200 Hanover Drive, Greenbelt, MD, 301-982-7000

Driving Directions - click the Mapquest link

From Silver Spring, Rockville, Bethesda, Tysons Corner on the Capitol Beltway
Take Beltway exit 22A (Baltimore-Washington Parkway North) to the first exit (MD 193 - Greenbelt, Goddard, NASA). Stay in center lane on exit ramp. At traffic light, turn left onto Greenbelt Road. At the next light, turn right onto Hanover Parkway. Go about 2/10 of a mile and turn right onto Greenway Center Drive. Continue straight on to Martin's Crosswinds.

From Baltimore or Baltimore-Washington Parkway Take BW Parkway south to exit MD 193(Greenbelt, Goddard, NASA). At stop sign, turn left and bear left at fork. At traffic light, turn left onto Greenbelt Road. Go about 4/10 mile. At third traffic light, turn right onto Hanover Parkway. Go about 2/10 mile and turn right onto Greenway Center Drive. Continue straight on to Martin's Crosswinds.

Need a Map?

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