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Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy Training
Duluth, Georgia
Pre-Conference IDEA 2004 & Special Ed Advocacy Program: February 2, 2006
Conference: February 3-4, 2006

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On February 2, 2005, Wayne Steedman and Pat Howey will present a Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training program. Pre-Conference Information.

This Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy training program is sponsored by the Autism Society of America, Greater Georgia Chapter.

Gwinnett Convention Center Wayne and Pat will also do a Keynote address and two breakout sessions at the Conference. Conference Information

The program will be
held at:

Gwinnett Convention Center
6400 Sugarloaf Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097

Program Overview

The Special Education Law and Advocacy program will focus on four areas:

* special education law, rights and responsibilities
* tests and measurements to measure progress & regression
* introduction to tactics & strategies for effective advocacy

You will learn about key changes in IDEA 2004 including:

* New requirements for initial evaluations, reevaluations, parental consent
* New requirements for measurable IEP goals, IEP teams, revising IEPs
* New eligibility issues for students with specific learning disabilities
* New procedural requirements and timelines, Due Process Complaint Notice and Resolution (IEP) Session

Gwinnett Convention Center, Duluth GeorgiaWrightslaw special education law and advocacy programs are designed to meet the needs of parents, advocates, educators, attorneys, and health care providers who represent children with disabilities.

Pre-Conference Information (Feb. 2, 2006)
Conference Information (Feb. 3-4, 2006)
Registration for Pre-Conference Special Ed Law & Advocacy Program

Your registration fee includes two books, Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy (Retail Value: $35.)

You will also receive a complimentary copy of 10 Tips: How to Use IDEA 2004 to Improve Education for Children with Disabilities by parent attorney Wayne Steedman, Esq.

Lunch will be provided and is included in your registration fee.
Registration form
Wrightslaw Pre-Conference Fee
Early Bird - Before Jan 11
Fee After Jan 11
Individual (non-SPECTRUM member)
Individual (SPECTRUM member)
*Couple (non-SPECTRUM member)
*Couple (SPECTRUM member)

Note: Couples will receive one set of books.

Autism Asperger Conference Fee
Early Bird - Before Jan 11
Fee After Jan 11
ASA-GGC member
Non ASA-GGC member*

* Registration fee includes ASA-GGC membership

Registration form

CEUs: 6.5 hours for the Special Education Law and Advocacy program.

CLEs: 6.0 hours have been approved.

Questions? Please contact the
Autism Society of America, Greater Georgia Chapter by phone at 770-451-0954 or by email at asaconference@bellsouth.net

Logistics, Accommodations, Directions


The Gwinnett Convention Center is on I-85, approximately is 45 minutes north of Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport and 30 minutes north of downtown Atlanta.


Hotels with Conference Discounts

Two hotels are offering a special rate for ASA-GGC conference attendees. When you make your hotel reservation, be sure to mention that you are attending this conference to secure the discounted rate. These discounts are limited so please call early.

Hampton Inn at Sugarloaf (0.8 mi. from convention center)
6010 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
678-407-0018 or toll free: 1-800-HAMPTON

Holiday Inn Gwinnett Center (0.25 mi. from convention center)
6310 Sugarloaf Parkway
Duluth, GA 30043

Other Hotels near the Gwinnett Convention Center

Atlanta Marriott Gwinnett Place (4.1 mi. from convention center)
1775 Pleasant Hill Road
Duluth, GA 30096

Hilton Garden Inn Sugarloaf (0.4 mi. from convention center)
2040 Sugarloaf Circle
Duluth, GA 30097

LaQuinta Inn Duluth (0.9 mi. from convention center)
2370 Stephens Center Drive
Duluth, GA 30096

Driving Directions - Link to Mapquest

Traveling North on I-85 take the Sugarloaf Parkway Exit. Turn right off the exit, go back under the Interstate and cross over Satellite Boulevard . The Center will be on your left.

Alternate Route: Take I-85 to the Highway 120 Exit West. Turn right on Satellite Boulevard . The Center will be 1/2 mile on your left.

Alternate Concert Route: Take I-85 North to the Highway 120 Exit West toward Duluth (Exit will force you into correct direction). Cross over Satellite Blvd. Continue to next light at Meadow Church and take a right. Continue to Sugarloaf Parkway (next light) and turn right. The Arena will be on your right.

Traveling South on I-85 take the Sugarloaf Parkway Exit. Turn right off the exit and you cross over Satellite Boulevard . The Center will be on your left.

Alternate Route: Take I-85 to Highway 120 West exit. Turn right onto Highway 120. Turn right onto Satellite Boulevard . The Center will be 1/2 mile on your left.

Alternate Concert Route: Take I-85 South to Old Peachtree Exit. Turn Right. Then left onto Meadow Church . Turn left onto Sugarloaf Parkway . The Arena will be on your right.

From the Gwinnett Place Mall take Satellite Boulevard north 2-1/2 miles. The Center is located on your left.

From Gwinnett Center to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport take I-85 South towards Atlanta . Take exit 72 toward Atlanta Airport/Camp Creek Parkway . Stay on Camp Creek Parkway approximately 2 miles. Follow signs for parking/incoming/departing airlines.

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