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IDEA 2004 Training, Richmond, Virginia
September 17, 2005

This Wrightslaw IDEA 2004 Training by Peter W. D. Wright, Esq. is being sponsored by the Legal Advocacy Center (LAC), the University of Richmond Children's Law Center, and Harbor House Law Press, Inc.

University of Richmond Law School The seminar will be held at:

University of Richmond
T. C. Williams School of Law

28 Westhampton Way
Richmond, Virginia 23173

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. The program starts at 9:00 a.m. We are sold out and last to arrive will have the worst seats.

What You Don't Know About IDEA 2004 Can Hurt You!
Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 is a full day (6 hour) program about key provisions of IDEA 2004, with emphasis on changes from IDEA 97. Participants will learn about the history of special education law, Congressional Findings and Purposes, changes in the legal requirements for evaluations and IEPs, and new procedural requirements, including the “Due Process Complaint Notice” and “Resolution (IEP) Session.”

You will also learn about Schaffer v. Weast, the "burden of proof" case that will be decided this year by the U. S. Supreme Court, and how the decision in Schaffer may shift the balance of power in IEP meetings and due process hearings. You will learn about the Position Paper from the National Council on Disability about the burden of proof issue raised in Schaffer.

"Meet and Greet" Party & Reception: Friday, September 16
A "meet and greet" reception / cocktail party will be held on Friday, September 16, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at the Embassy Suites Hotel. The guest of honor is William Hurd, the attorney who is representing Brian Schaffer and his family before the U. S. Supreme Court in Schaffer v. Weast.

The menu will include heavy hors d'oevres (jumbo shrimp, crabcakes, Virginia ham and biscuits, curried chicken salad, kebobs, and more). Cash bar with mixed drinks, wine, beer. Cost: $15 per person.

Sign up for reception online
l Sign up for reception by fax or mail

Registration - We are sorry but this program is sold out.
The registration fee includes the course book, Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004, continental breakfast, refreshments at breaks, and a box lunch.

Early Bird Specials - Registrations received before August 31
Parents, advocates, school personnel: $75.
Per H&W couple (one book, two lunches): $95.
Attorneys / Guardians ad litem ("GAL"): $95.

Registrations received after August 31
Parents, advocates, school personnel: $95.
Per H&W couple (one book, two lunches): $105.
Attorneys / Guardians ad litem ("GAL"): $105.

Credits: CLEs: 6.0 hours. GAL credit: 2.0 hours. CEUs: .6 unit hours.

Questions? Call 804-758-8400.

Note: If you are a person with a disability and require accommodations, please discuss your needs with Debra Pratt by calling 804-758-8400.

Directions to the law school are:

From East (Airport) or West via I-64:
Take Exit 183/Glenside Drive south. Continue south 0.9 miles on Glenside (which merges and changes name to Horsepen Rd.) to Three Chopt Road. Turn left onto Three Chopt. Follow Three Chopt to Boatwright Drive. Turn right on Boatwright Drive.

From North via I-95 (Do not take I-195):
Take Exit 79 to I-64 west. Continue west on I-64 to Exit 183/Glenside Dr. south. Continue south on Glenside (which merges and changes name to Horsepen Rd) to Three Chopt Road. Turn left onto Three Chopt. Follow Three Chopt to Boatwright Drive. Turn right on Boatwright Drive.

From South via I-95:
Take Exit 67/State Route 150 (Chippenham Parkway). Continue to State Route 147 (Huguenot Road), turn right on State Route 147. Continue across James River (Huguenot Bridge), turn left on River Road. From River Road, turn right on U.R. Drive.

The University is well marked by directional signs at interstate exits and on surrounding streets.

A map of the University is located at:

To create Mapquest.com directions, enter University of Richmond as the City, VA as the State, and 23173 as the zip code.

The program will be held in the Moot Courtroom at the University of Richmond which seats no more than 200 people. Registrations were processed on a "first come, first served" basis.

As of Monday, August 29, 2005, this program is SOLD OUT. The program will be held in the Moot Courtroom at the University of Richmond which seats no more than 200 people. Registrations were processed on a "first come, first served" basis.

Conference attendees may still
register for the Meet & Greet Reception & Party on Friday, September 16 from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Embassy Suites Hotel. Register online.

Special room rates are available at the Embassy Suites Richmond - Commerce Center for the evening of Friday, September 16. Embassy Suites Richmond - Commerce Center is at 2925 Emerywood Parkway, Richmond, Virginia 23294.
Tel: 804-672-8585; Fax: 804-672-3749.

To reserve your room at the discounted rate of $125. for a single room (King bed w/ sofa bed) or $145. for a double room (2 double beds w/ sofabed), please indicate that you are with the Legal Advocacy Center / Wrightslaw group. Embassy Suites provides shuttle service to the University of Richmond.

Note: These rates are only available until September 2, 2005.

Transportation, Logistics, Directions
Richmond International Airport (RIC) is 18 miles from the Embassy Suite Hotel. Estimated driving time is 25 minutes.

Transportation: By Super Shuttle, rental car, or taxi.

Directions from the airport: Take I-64 west to Exit 183C (W. Broad St. exit), turn left at the 2nd light on Broad Street onto Emerywood Pkwy. The hotel is on the left (part of I-64 merges with I-95 in Richmond)

Driving Directions to Embassy Suites -

From the East
: From Williamsburg, Hampton Roads or the Tidewater area, take 64 west to 95 north, exit 79 back to 64 west, 2 miles to the exit 183C (W. Broad St.), at 2nd light, turn left on Emerywood Parkway.

From the West: From Charlottesville and points west, take 64 eastbound, take exit 183C to W. Broad Street, turn left at first light onto Glenside, turn left at first light onto Broad St., turn at first light onto Emerywood Pkwy.

From North or South: Take 95 north or southbound, then take exit 79 to I-64 west, then Exit 183C to W. Broad Street. Go to the second light and turn left onto Emerywood Pkwy.

You can get detailed driving directions by going to www.mapquest.com and filling in your information and the location above.

Virginia Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities
We built the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so people can get reliable information and support. The Virginia Yellow Pages has many helpful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others who help parents get services for their children.

If you provide a service, please sign up to be listed on the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities - this is a free service from Wrightslaw.

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