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Hilo, Hawaii - July 29-31, 2005

This Wrightslaw Boot Camp is sponsored by LDA of Hawaii.

University of Hawaii at HiloThis conference will be held at:

University of Hawaii at Hilo
200 W. Kawili St.
Hilo, HI 96720-4091

Friday, July 29, 2005 - Learn about the The Ho`ona`auao Conference. Free and open to students, young adults, parents and family members, educators and other professionals, agency representatives, interested members of the public. Pete will be the Keynote speaker. Pete and Pam will present two break-out sessions. No registration fee.

Saturday, July 30 and Sunday, July 31, 2005 - Pete and Pam Wright will present a two-day Boot Camp about special education law and advocacy.
Download the registration form.

Registration fees: One parent (individual) $70: two parents/guardian team $85 (share materials); professional/other - $85.

Late registration (rec’d after 7/8/05) $10.00. Each person/team registering will receive Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy and Wrightslaw IDEA 2004 (a $50 value).

Questions can be emailed to Jennifer Schember-Lang or call (808) 536-9684 (x22).


Free parking is available on campus. Participants should enter the campus from the Main entrance on West Kawili Street. Parking is available in front of the Campus Center. See maps.

Detailed directions can be found by visiting www.mapquest.com. Simply enter in your personal information and University of Hawaii at Hilo, 200 W. Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720-4091

Hilo airport serves the State of Hawaii and has direct flights to and from the Mainland on select airlines. The Hilo airport is approximately 4 miles from the University of Hawaii at Hilo (conference site). Travel by car will take approximately 15 minutes

Public transportation to the University of Hawaii at Hilo is available though the Hilo bus service - Hele On Bus (808) 961-8744.

Restaurants are available at KTA Shopping Center and Hilo Shopping Center. LD Conference on 7/29/05 - Lunch will be available at participant's own cost. The Campus Center cafeteria will be open for participants and serves both hot and cold foods. Wrightslaw "Boot Camp" on 7/30-31/05 - Lunch will be provided to participants as part of the registration fee. Lunch will be served in the Campus Center Cafeteria on both days.

Accommodations are listed below:

Hilo Hawaiian Hotel, Castle Resorts and Hotels, 71 Banyan Drive, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, (808) 935-9361, Toll free 1-800-367-5004. Distance from conference site - Approximately 3 miles

Country Club Hawaii Condo Hotel, 121 Banyan Drive, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, (808) 935-7171, Toll free: (866) 935-7171. Distance from conference site - Approximately 3 miles

Hawaii Naniloa Resort, 93 Banyan Drive, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, (808) 969-3333. Distance from conference site - Approximately 3 miles

Hilo Seaside Hotel, 126 Banyan Drive, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, (808) 935-0821. Distance from conference site - Approximately 3 miles

About Hilo and the Big Island of Hawai'i

Hilo is the seat of Hawaii County on the eastern coast of the island of Hawaii, between Keaau and Papaikou. The city lies along Highway 11 near Hilo Bay and Lelewi Point.

The area was settled by missionaries around 1822 and incorporated as a city in 1911. Hilo sustained heavy damage from tsunamis in 1946 and 1960.

Today Hilo is one of the state's largest cities. It has a busy seaport and is a commercial and tourist hub of the island.

Sugarcane, fruits, macadamia nuts and orchids, are cultivated in the surrounding area.

Hilo and the Big Island of Hawai'i have a wealth of diversions for visitors - beaches and watersports, an active volcano, scenic drives, state parks, museums, botanical gardens, nurseries. The University of Hawaii has a campus in the city.

Visit http://www.hiohwy.com/h/hilo.htm for things to do while in Hilo.

Hawai'i Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities

We built the Hawai'i Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so people can get reliable information and support. The Hawai'i Yellow Pages has many helpful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others who help parents get services for their children.

If you provide a service, sign up to be listed on the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities - this is a free service from Wrightslaw.

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