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Oakland Schools, Waterford, MI - May 24, 2005

Wayne D. Steedman, Esq., and Pat Howey will present a Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy Program, including a thorough overview of changes in special education law.

Date: May 24, 2005
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford, 48328

This program is one of a five-part series on IDEIA: The New and Improved IDEA sponsored by Oakland Schools.

Fee: $40.00. Registrants for this program will receive Wrightslaw: Special Education Law and either Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy or Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind as part of their registration packet.

How to Register

Register Online.
(For assistance using the logon process, please contact Oakland Schools at 248-209-2500 or by email to EMRegistration@oakland.k12.mi.us )

Fax your registration form to 248.209.2021 - registration is secured upon receipt of payment.

Mail your registration form and payment to: Event Management, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI. 48328-2736.

Email the registration information to EMRegistration@oakland.k12.mi.us - registration secured upon receipt of payment.

Fee for all five sessions: $140. Download brochure about the five-part series on IDEIA: The New and Improved IDEA.

Audience: General and special educators, parents, advocates, principals, administrators, Title I coordinators, attorneys, hearing officers, related services staff.

Questions? Call Event Management at 248.209.2500 or toll-free at 888.263.3867.


Oakland Schools is located at 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI, 48328-2736. We are on the southwest corner of Telegraph and Pontiac Lake Road, with the entrance on the south side of Pontiac Lake Road. Map and Directions

From the North
Take I-75 south, exit at Dixie Highway, Exit 93. (Please note that Dixie Highway also has an exit just south of Flint that exits on the left. Do not use that exit.) Turn right onto Dixie Highway and travel west approximately eight (8) miles to Telegraph Road. Turn right onto Telegraph Road, travel approximately one (1) mile south, and make another right onto Pontiac Lake Road. Oakland Schools is the three-story, glass building on your left.

From the South
Travel north on Telegraph Road (through the Bloomfield Hills and Pontiac areas, passing Square Lake Road, Voorhies Road, Huron Street/M-59 and Elizabeth Lake Road). Continue north on Telegraph, passing the Summit Place Mall on your left. The next major intersection will be Pontiac Lake Road, and you need to get into the right lane. Go straight through the light and take the exit immediately on the right, to Pontiac Lake Road. This will take you in a circle around to the right back across Telegraph. Once you are through the light, Oakland Schools is the three-story, glass building on your left.

From the East
Take M-59 west until it exits into the Pontiac area. You will need to make a left on Perry Street and then a right to continue on M-59/Huron Street. Travel through downtown Pontiac to Telegraph Road, turning right onto Telegraph. Pass Elizabeth Lake Road, and Summit Place Mall on your left. As you approach the next major intersection, Pontiac Lake Road, move into the right lane. Go straight through the light and immediately circle around to the right on the “exit” for Pontiac Lake Road. Oakland Schools is the three-story, glass building on your left.

From the West
Take M-59/Highland Road east to Pontiac Lake Road making sure you have passed the Oakland County International Airport (Note: There is another intersection of M-59/Highland and Pontiac Lake Road further west, but you don’t want to turn there. You want to turn onto Pontiac Lake Road after you have passed Oakland County International Airport) Turn left onto Pontiac Lake Road. Oakland Schools will be located on your right approximately two (2) miles away. It is the three-story, glass building on your right. If you reach Telegraph Road, you’ve gone too far.

Need assistance? Call 248.209.2145 and we'll help get you here safely.

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