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Orlando, Florida - January 21-22, 2005

The Wrightslaw Mini-Boot Camp is sponsored by the Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida.

This program will be held at:

Holiday Inn at UCF
12125 High Tech Avenue
Orlando, FL 32817
Carol Brockington
(407) 996-5555 Fax: (407) 736-9394

Questions? Contact Amy Van Bergen, Executive Director, Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida, 1137 Edgewater Drive, Suite 101, Orlando, FL 32804, (407) 540-1121, (407) 540-1124 (FAX), E-mail: avanbergen@dsacf.org

Free parking will be available at the conference location.

Download the registration form and mail it in today!

Registration fee for a Student (copy of student ID required) $ 50, Professional $ 80., Individual $ 80., Family (2 individuals living in same household /one set of books) $125. To qualify for the Family Rate please enclose a photocopy of both drivers license. Both individuals must live in the same residence. Students are required to send a xeroxed copy of their student ID card. Registration fee includes: Wrightslaw Special Education Law book and From Emotions to Advocacy book, Snack Break on Friday, and Box Lunch on Saturday. If you need more information please feel free to call 407-823-1297. Books may not be available to walk-in registrants.

Registrations are still being accepted. Deadline for receipt of payment is Friday, January 7, 2005. For any cancellations there will be a $10. processing fee. Space is limited. On-site reservations will be accepted provided there is space at a fee of $90.

Detailed directions are available at mapquest.com. Fill in your personal information and Hampton Inn, 12125 High Tech Ave., Orlando, FL 32817.

Orlando International Airport is located about 15 minutes away from the conference location.

Accommodation rates for conferences would be negotiated for each event but would range from approximately $75/night to $125/night. Most likely, the negotiated rate would be at the lower end of this rate.

  • Holiday Inn Express East, UCF, 8750 East Colonial Drive, (407) 996-5555
  • Holiday Inn Select, Orlando East, UCF Area, 12125 High Tech Avenue, (407) 996-5555
  • Hampton Inn & Suites, UCF Area, 3450 Quadrangle Boulevard, (407) 996-5555
  • Radisson University Hotel, Orlando, 1724 Alafaya Trail, Kathy Hall, (407) 658-9008
  • Hilton Garden Inn Orlando East/UCF, 1959 North Alafaya Trail, Craig Leysen , (407) 992-5000

Restaurants nearby are listed below. (*Indicates Partner in Education)

  • *Applebees 12103 Collegiate Way
  • *Wing Zone Wings for take out. 12090 Collegiate Way
  • *Obee's Soups, salads, subs 12219 University Boulevard
  • *Donato's Pizza 3940 Dean Road
  • EL Cerro Mexican
  • Pizzeria Uno Chicago Bar and Grill
  • Burger King
  • Chipotle Grill Mexican cuisine
  • Panera Bread Fresh salads, sandwiches, pastries
  • Tony Roma's Sandwiches, steaks, ribs, salads
  • Perkins Classic American cuisine
  • Don Pablos Mexican cuisine


ORLANDO, a quiet farming town in 1970, now has more visitors than any other place in the state. The reason, of course, is Walt Disney World, which, along with Universal Studios Escape, Sea World and a host of themed attractions, pulls more than 25 million people a year to a previously featureless plot of scrubland. Few people head to Orlando proper, choosing instead one of the countless motels along Hwy-192, fifteen miles south, or International Drive, five miles southwest. Despite enormous expansion over the last decade, the town itself remains free of the commercialism that surrounds it.

Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities

We built the Florida Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so people can get reliable information and support. The state Yellow Pages has many helpful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others who help parents get services for their children.

If you provide a service, sign up to be listed on the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities - this is a free service from Wrightslaw.

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