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Manchester, NH - March 26-27, 2004

Best Western Executive Court Conference HallsThe Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Boot Camp Sponsored is sponsored by: Education-A-Must

The training program will be held at:

Best Western Executive Court Conference Halls
13500 South Willow Street
Manchester, NH 03109
(603) 627-2525

For conference information, please email Dot French

Registration fees are $205.00 before January 15, 2004 and $225.00 after that. One set of books is included in the fee, the Wrightslaw: Special Education Law and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, written by Pam and Pete Wright. A $60 value!

Download a registration form and agenda designed by Education-A-Must, Inc.

11.75 CLE's in NH and CLE's in CT have been approved for this program.

11.75 CLE's in NY have been approved for this program.

12 hours CLE and CEU credits pending for MA, ME, VT, and NY.

Parking: There will be parking available at the conference at no charge.

Lunch: Will be included in the cost of the conference fee.

Airport: Manchester NH Airport is about 2 miles from the conference center.

Directions To Best Western Executive Court Conference Hall from Map Quest. Simply go to www.mapquest.com and fill in your personal information and Best Western Executive Court Conference Halls, 13500 South Willow Street, Manchester, NH 03109

From North
North get off exit 5 Londonderry go North on RT 28 & 28 A About 3 miles on Rt. 28 You will see the Yard Restaurant, Executive Court is where the Conference Hall end of parking lot of the Yard Restaurant beside the Best Western.

From South
South Get off South Willow Street Exit, Exit 1 of 293 you will see the Mall of NH Exit also. Come off Ramp take right pass the mall of NH go thru lights staying on RT 28 you will follow about 2 miles on left. You will see Best Western and the Yard Restaurant.

Accommodation: The conference organizer is getting rooms at the Best Western blocked off and offered at a special conference rate. Details will be posted soon.

The Best Western Executive Court Inn & Conference Center is located on 20 peaceful wooded acres, the Best Western Executive Court Inn and Conference Center is just two miles from the Manchester Airport, the gateway to northern New England, and three miles from Interstate 93. Designed to meet the needs of both the corporate and leisure travelers, we can assist with meetings from 10 to 500. Enjoy lunch, dinner or Sunday brunch in the Yard Restaurant, located adjacent to the hotel. Feel free to enjoy our well-equipped 1,200 square foot fitness center, play in our game room or relax and enjoy yourself on the poolside in our indoor in-ground pool/hot tub. We are five minutes from the Mall of New Hampshire as well as restaurants, convenience stores, banking, and only one hour from the lakes and mountains of New Hampshire.

Attractions: Below are links to area activities and attractions, profile and history, and other recreational opportunities.

Click the link below of a list of things to do and places to visit in Manchester and the surrounding area. Includes information on galleries and museums, performing arts, points of interest and venues, entertainment, and area attractions. http://www.ci.manchester.nh.us/Leisure/artsattract.html

Click on the following link to learn more about Manchester offering a wide variety of public recreational activities on 900 acres of parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, public beach and ski area. http://www.ci.manchester.nh.us/Leisure/Recreation.html

Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities

We built the New Hampshire Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so people can get reliable information and support. The state Yellow Pages has many helpful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others who help parents get services for their children.

If you provide a service, sign up to be listed on the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities - this is a free service from Wrightslaw.

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