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SOLD OUT - Indianapolis, IN - February 24, 2004

The Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training program in Indianapolis will be held at: english hall

University of Indianapolis
1400 East Hanna Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46227

This program is being sponsored by the Indiana Resource Center for Autism and the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community

Registration fees: $110.00. This fee includes morning coffee, danishes, a box lunch, presentation materials, two books by Pete & Pam Wright - Wrightslaw: Special Education Law and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy (value: $59.90), and a copy of Article 7.

6 CLE's have been approved for this program. Upon approval by the Indiana Professional Standards Board, Certification Renewal Units (CRU's) may be available.

Please download and distribute the registration form designed by the Autism Society of Indiana.

This seminar is not disability specific.

Questions about registration should be directed to Diana Stille or Donna Beasley at (812) 855-6508.

Questions about conference content should be directed to Cathy Pratt at (812) 855-6508.

Detailed directions from Map Quest. Simply go to www.mapquest.com and fill in your personal information and University of Indianapolis, 1400 East Hanna Avenue , Indianapolis, Indiana 46227. Below is a list of driving directions.

From the Northwest
Take I-65 south through Indianapolis to Exit 107 (Keystone Avenue). Turn right. Go to the third stoplight (Hanna Avenue); turn right. Once you pass the second stoplight (State Street), you have reached the U of I campus.

From the North
Take U.S. 31 south to I-465. Take I-465 east all the way around Indianapolis to Exit 53A (I-65 North). Take I-65 north one exit to Exit 107 (Keystone Ave.); turn left. Go to 3rd stoplight (Hanna Ave.); turn right. Once you pass the 2nd stoplight (State St.), you’re on campus.

From the Northeast
Take I-69 south to I-465. Take I-465 south around the city to Exit 53A (I-65 North). Take I-65 north one exit to Exit 107 (Keystone Ave.); turn left. Go to 3rd stoplight (Hanna Ave.); turn right. Once you pass the 2nd stoplight (State St.), you’re on campus.

From the East
Take I-70 or U.S. 40 west to I-465. Take I-465 south around Indianapolis to Exit 53A (I-65 North). Take I-65 north one exit to Exit 107 (Keystone Ave.); turn left. Go to 3rd stoplight (Hanna Ave.); turn right. Once you pass the 2nd stoplight (State St.), you’re on campus.

From the Southeast
Take I-74 northwest to I-465. Take I-465 south around Indianapolis to Exit 53A (I-65 North). Take I-65 north one exit to Exit 107 (Keystone Ave.); turn left. Go to 3rd stoplight (Hanna Ave.); turn right. Once you pass the 2nd stoplight (State St.), you’re on campus.

From the South
Take I-65 north to Exit 107 (Keystone Avenue); turn left. Go to 3rd stoplight (Hanna Avenue). Turn right. Once you pass the second stoplight (State Street), you have reached the U of I campus.

From the Southwest
Take Ind. 67 or Ind. 37 northeast to
I-465. Take I-465 east to Exit 2A (U.S. 31 North). Go to 2nd stoplight (Hanna Ave.); turn right. Go to 3rd stoplight (Otterbein Ave.). The campus is on the left.

From the West
Take I-70 or I-74 east to I-465. Take
I-465 south around Indianapolis to Exit 2A (U.S. 31 North). Go to 2nd stoplight (Hanna Ave.); turn right. Go to 3rd stoplight (Otterbein Ave.). The campus is on the left.

Attractions: Whether Indy is close to home or far away, you'll want to add it to your list of destinations to visit, for fun or business. The city's clean, safe downtown and Hoosier hospitality makes it a great place to spend your leisure time. Explore this site to find travel information, world-class accommodations, shopping, entertainment and culture.

Indiana Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities

We built the Indiana Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so you can get reliable information and support. The Indiana Yellow Pages has many helpful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others who help parents get services for their children.

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