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SOLD OUT! Skokie, IL - February 21, 2004

Niles North High SchoolThe Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Program is sponsored by Special Connections.

The program will be held at:

Niles North High School
9800 N. Lawler Avenue
Skokie, IL 60077

Questions? Please e-mail Chuck Kusar at chastk482@comcast.net

Registration Fees are $55.00 per individual, $75.00 per couple (one set of books). For individuals who receive CEUs (teachers, social workers, counselors, etc), the fee is $65.00. Walk-in registration is $75.00 individual, $95.00 couple, $90.00 with CEU. Books may not be available to walk-in registrations.

The registration fee includes the one day presentation by Pete and Pam Wright, the two books - Wrightslaw: Special Education Law and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy by Pete and Pam Wright (value: $59.90), a copy of the Illinois Special Education rules and light refreshments.

This program has been approved for 7 CLE credits in Wisconsin.

Please download and distribute the registration form designed by Special Connections.

Download the information flyer designed by Special Connections.

Parking will be available at the conference location.

Detailed directions from Map Quest. Simply go to www.mapquest.com and fill in your personal information and Niles North High School, 9800 Nl Lawler Ave., Skokie, IL 60077. Below is a detailed list of driving directions. The conference site, Niles North High School is located immediately west of the Old Orchard Shopping Mall.

North or South

Take I94 (Edens Expressway) to Old Orchard Road. Go east on Old Orchard Road to Lawler Avenue, approximately 1 block, and turn south. Parking lot entry will be on your right. The school is plainly visible.

Lunch will be available to purchase at the conference location. If you would rather get lunch on your own please visit the list of nearby restaurants.

Champs (1 block)
Potbelly's (1 block)
Corner Bakery (2 blocks)
Houlihan's (2 blocks)
The Bagel (1 block)
Magianno's (2 blocks)

O'Hare International airport is approximately 12 miles away

Accommodations are listed below if you are planning on staying the night.

Doubletree Inn, 9599 Skokie Boulevard, Skokie, IL 60077
Howard Johnson's, 9333 Skokie Blvd., Skokie, IL 60077 - 866-238-9330
Hampton Inn, 5201 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077
Extended Stay, 5211 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077
Omni Orrington (in Evanston 3 miles)

Attractions: Skokie's reputation as "The Village of Vision" is well-deserved. Skokie's excellent location has aided its development and sustained its prosperity. The Skokie Chamber of Commerce has long contributed to the growth of our local economy by offering a wide range of services and helpful educational and networking opportunities for area businesses. Carefully planned zoning has created quiet and attractive residential areas, bustling retail districts including Old Orchard Center, and attractive industrial zones filled with highly successful, clean, light industry. It is a community abundant with educational, recreational, cultural, and employment opportunities.

Skokie's village government is widely recognized for the high quality and breadth of its services and the professionalism of its employees, all at one of the lowest tax rates in the Chicagoland region. Skokie schools have won national awards for their excellence. Skokie Park District is a leader in the field of parks and recreation and winner of the 1997 National Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Parks and Recreation Management. Skokie Public Library is unquestionably one of the finest libraries in the metropolitan area. Skokie's superb local government services, its successful mix of residential, commercial, and industrial areas, and its proactive approach to economic development make it a most desirable place to work, live, and raise a family.

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We built the Illinois Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so you can get reliable information and support. The Illinois Yellow Pages has many helpful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others who help parents get services for their children.

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