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February 25, 2003 - Orlando, FL

Florida Developmental Disabilities Council and UCF-Center for Autism and Related Disabilities Present:

"Seeds for Success" - Wrightslaw Understanding Educational Advocacy, Tuesday, February 25, 2003 - 9:00am-4:30pm

The seminar is Sponsored by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities and the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc. will be held at:

The Rosen Centre Hotel
9840 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819

If you have questions or need further information please call UCF-CARD at 407-737-2566.

Registration: No fee is required to attend “Seeds for Success,” however, pre-registration is required by mail or fax. Get the form here. This conference is for Florida residents and professionals ONLY. Registration must be received on or before February 10, 2003. Space is limited to the first 150 registrants. Please download and distribute the flyer designed by UCF- CARD

Agenda: For the full day’s agenda, please visit UCF-CARD’s website. Registration will begin at 8:00am.

URL: http://www.ucf-card.org/news/news.html

The Rosen Centre Hotel, adjacent to the Orange County Convention Center


Adjacent to the Orange County Convention Center, The Rosen Centre Hotel is just 15 minutes from Orlando International Airport, a U.S. Port of Entry. Guests enjoy easy proximity to all theme park attractions, golf and shopping.

Directions from Tallahassee or Gainesville
Take the Florida Turnpike to I-4 West exit. Going West on I-4 take Exit 72 (Beeline Expwy-SR528).
Take the first exit (International Dr. and SeaWorld). At the bottom of the exit turn right onto International Drive. The Rosen Centre Hotel is about 1/4 mile on the left, just before the Convention Center.

Directions coming from Daytona Beach or Orlando Heading West on I-4
Going West on I-4 take Exit 72 (Beeline Expwy-SR528). Take the first exit (International Dr. and SeaWorld). At the bottom of the exit, turn right on International Drive. The Rosen Centre Hotel is about 1/4 mile on the left, just before the Convention Center.

Directions coming from Tampa heading East on I-4
Take I-4 east to Exit 72, (Beeline Expwy-SR528) (also the International Airport Exit). Once on State Route 528, take the first exit (International Drive SeaWorld Exit). Bear right on International Drive. The Rosen Centre Hotel is about 1/4 mile on the left.

Directions from the Airport to the Hotel
Take the north exit from the airport. Take State Route 528 West (the Beeline Expressway). Take the International Drive/SeaWorld exit from the Beeline. At the end of the exit ramp, bear right on International Drive. The Rosen Centre Hotel is about a 1/4 mile on the left.

Directions From Miami, Fort Lauderdale
Take the Florida Turnpike to I-4 West. Take I-4 West to Exit 72, Beeline Exp-SR528. Take the first exit (International Dr. and SeaWorld). At the bottom of the exit, bear right on International Drive. The Rosen Centre Hotel is about 1/4 mile on the left, just before the Convention Center.

Here is a link to Map Quest if you would like to obtain you own directions. http://www.mapquest.com

Parking: There is parking available at no cost in the attached garage.

Lunch: Below is a list of nearby places to eat. Lunch will not be available at the conference.

  • The Rosen Centre Hotel, Café Gauguin - Buffet, 407-996-9840
  • McDonald's (0.0 miles from hotel), 9814 International Drive, 407-345-8996
  • Denny's (0.1 miles from hotel), 9880 International Drive, 407-351-5127
  • Red Lobster (0.1 miles from hotel), 9892 International Drive, 407-345-0018
  • International House of Pancakes (0.2 miles from hotel), 9990 International Drive, 407-352-9447
  • Beeline Diner (0.3 miles from hotel), 9801 International Drive, 407-345-4460
  • Subway (0.4 miles from hotel), 6143 Westwood Boulevard, 407-370-0454
  • Bennigan's (0.4 miles from hotel), 6109 Westwood Boulevard, 407-352-5657
  • Nature's Table Café (0.6 miles from hotel), 6675 Westwood Boulevard, 407-370-0500
  • Sbarros (1.1 miles from hotel), 8540 International Drive, 407-363-9030
  • Wendy's (1.3 miles from hotel), 5824 Central Florida Parkway, 407-239-4134


Orlando International Airport, One Airport Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32827-4399

Accommodations:  Below is a list of places to stay.

  • The Rosen Centre Hotel, 9840 International Drive, Orlando, Florida 32819, Just 12 minutes from Orlando International Airport, 407-996-9840
  • Red Roof Inns (0.2 miles from hotel), 9922 Hawaiian Court, 407-345-8557
  • Howard Johnson (0.2 miles from hotel), 9956 Hawaiian Court, 407-351-5100
  • Peabody (0.3 miles from hotel), 9801 International Drive, 407-352-4000
  • Travelodge (0.4 miles from hotel), 6263 Westwood Boulevard, 407-345-8000
  • Wynfield Inns (0.4 miles from hotel), 6263 Westwood Boulevard, 407-248-2030
  • Sleep Inn (0.4 miles from hotel), 6301 Westwood Boulevard, 407-313-4100

Visit the Florida yellow pages at http://www.fetaweb.com/help/fl.htm.

Download the Florida yellow page flyer at http://www.fetaweb.com/help/fl.pdf.

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