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2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 The Press Room includes news items, newspaper and magazine articles, and other information about Wrightslaw publications and Pete and Pam Wright, founders of Wrightslaw.com. Wrightslaw is ranked #1 in education law, special education law and special education advocacy. Wrightslaw Press Room Camp Spring Creek Blog Can I Demand a Paraprofessional in the Classroom for my ADHD Child? - Mothering.com by Emmeline ll (05/17) IEP Special Factors - WhyNotFathers.com by Carl Young (04/12) Country Needs Boost in Education - The Famuan by Roderick Smith (04/01) When You Think Special Education Will Help Your Child - PortWashingtonPatch.com by Adina Genn (03/14) Punishment or Comfort? Teacher Placed on Leave After Putting Autistic Student in Box - blogs.babble.com/strollerderby by Joslyn Gray (02/28) Swampscott Special Ed Council Wants Reinforcements l Swampscott Patch.com by Terry Date (01/30) Autism and IEPS: When Knowledge is Power by C.A. Curie. Autism Key (02/11) Special Education Conference planned for Fortuna Focus is on autism and the law by Mary Bullwinkel. The Humboldt Beacon (03/11) April Workshop Targets Parents of Kids with Disabilities by Morgan Josey GLover. Greensboro News-Record (03/11) Special Education Law and Advocacy ConferenceThe Montgomery County Herald (03/11) Group to Sponsor Advocacy Boot Camp The Journal-News.Net (03/11) Lighting the Wayby Joe Dolinsky. The Wilkes Barre Times Leader (04/11) PPT Meeting: What to Expectby Susan SchaeferWest Hartford Patch.com (05/11) Special Ed & School Districts: Parents Struggle On To Get Their Kids What They Need by Kristina Chew Care2.com (05/11) Finding Help for Learning Disabilities by Lesley Alderman. New York Times (02/10) Resources for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities by Walecia Konrad. New York Times (02/10) Nudging Schools to Help Students with Learning Disabilities by Walecia Konrad. New York Times (02/10) Wrightslaw Special Education Law Conference Coming to Davenport on April 10. Quad Cities Online: Dispatch - Argus (03/10) 10 Sites Worth Checking Out If Your Child Has Autism by Jennifer Bixler and John Bonifield. CNN (04/10) Parents' Rights and Special Education by Lisa Jo Rudy. Autism.About.Com (04/10) Lawyer with Special Needs Niche Accused of Practicing Without License By Molly McDonough. ABA Journal (04/10) Attorney for parents of special needs kids accused of practicing without licenseBy Tom Jackman. Washington Post (04/10) Is Restraint Always Abuse? by Bill Ahearn. Psychology Today (06/10) Just in Time for School Year: Special Education Advocate Launches Must-Have School Supply for Parents, Teachers of Children with Disabilities.Hayward, CA (PRWEB) (07/10) How To Get The Extra Help Your Child Needs By Mari-Jane Williams. Washington Post (08/10) The Special Education Primer By Jayne Matthews. Baltimore Times (08/10) Parents advocating for special needs kids clash with schools as they adjust to new teachers by D. Aileen Dodd. Atlanta Journal Constitution (09/10) The Unwanted News by Dr. Ellenmorris Tiegerman. Long Island Press (09/23) Billions of special education federal funds historically go unspent by Robin Hansen. SF Special Ed Examiner (07/07) Shedding Light on Special Needs Educationby John McCallum. Cheney Free Press (07/03) Proud Parent of Bridge Academy by Alicia Grimaldi Brzycki. Central Jersey.com/Letter to the Editor (06/24) Free Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy Training Seminar by Heidi Coston. Plantation Family & Parenting Examiner (06/23) Summer Reading for Parents of Special Needs Studentsby Kindall Nelson. Chicago Special Education Examiner (06/13) Attorney in Key Special Education Case to Speak to Autism Group. The Maui News (04/22) Bellinger '09 Receives Equal Justice Works Fellowshipby Ann Gaudreaux. W & M Law School (04/07) National & Local Evidence of Reading Neglect and How You Can Fix Itby Robin Hansen. SF Special Education Examiner (03/31) The Best Kept Secret in Special Ed by Robin Hansen. SF Special Education Examiner (03/29) Breit and Wrights Lauded for Contributions to Parents Engaged for Learning Equality Initiative by Jaime Welch-Donahue. "The Wrightslaw Army"W & M Law School (02/20) Plotting the Course. ...One of the best handbooks available today is Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind by Leslie Martini. Boston Special Needs Kids Examiner (02/16) Getting Help For A Child With Autismby Elizabeth Cohen. CNN Blog (02/09) Autism: Growing Challenge by Kim Barto. Martinsville Bulletin (02/08) Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference Fundraiser at the William & Mary Law School for the Parents Engaged for Learning Equality (PELE) Special Education Advocacy Programwww.wrightslaw.com (01/30) William and Mary Law School opens the PELE clinic to assist children with special needs and their families W & M Law School (01/28) VA Trial Lawyer's Association joins W & M Law School to Assist Families with Special Needs. Special education experts Pete and Pam Wright present a conference fundraiser and kickoff for Parents Engaged in Learning Equality (PELE). VTLA Law Letter Online (12/19) Workshops in Hawaii are teaching homeless parents how to navigate the state's special-education system by using the book Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition. Read the article in the Star Bulletin. (11/17) Read the seventh installment of "The Wright Way" column in Spectrum magazine. This bi-monthly column focuses on protecting parent-school relationships. (June/July) Christina Samuels of Education Week wrote a review "It's All Wright"for the new The Wrightslaw Way blog. (5/8) "Exceptional Educators Honored with Awards", Anne W. Semme's article in the Greenwich Citizen, mentions using the wrightslaw.com site for parents and educators to understand their special education rights and responsibilities. (5/30) Read the sixth installment of "The Wright Way" column in Spectrum magazine. This bi-monthly column focuses on your child's IEP and the roadmap to get there. (Apr/May) Elizabeth Cohen's article "Getting Help For A Child With Autism" recommends both the wrightslaw.com and yellowpagesforkids.com websites as resources. Read the CNN.comarticle. (3/25) Read the fifth installment of "The Wright Way" column in Spectrum magazine. This bi-monthly column focuses on parent advocacy. (Feb/Mar) Crisis Management Step-by-Step is the fourth installment of "The Wright Way" column in Spectrum magazine. (Holiday Issue 12) Read the third installment of "The Wright Way" column in Spectrum magazine. This bi-monthly column focuses on how to become an advocate for your child. (Oct/Nov) Sheryl Knapp interviews Pete and Pam Wright for the September issue of Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities newsletter. In this second interview, the noted duo weighs in on a range of controversial subjects impacting students with LD. Read Pete & Pam Wright Redux. (09/07) Read Pam Wright's comments in The Wall Street Journal, "When Special Education Goes Too Easy on Students". (08/21) Special Education Law and Advocacy Online Training Launched. Wrightslaw, the special education advocacy group, and Harbor House Law Press, Inc., the Virginia-based publishing and training company, is launching web-based training for parents, educators, service providers, advocates, attorneys. Pete Wright and Pam Wright, founders of Wrightslaw.com, will provide online training on a variety of topics. (7/25) Read the second installment of "The Wright Way" column in Spectrum magazine. The Back To School issue focuses on preparing yourself and your kids for the upcoming school year. (August/Sept) The cover story, "Success at School" in the back to school issue of ADDitude magazine features Wrightslaw.com and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition in the "Back to School Resources" section. This issue gives advice on working with teachers, helping with homework, and setting up your child to achieve success at school. (09/07) Pete and Pam Wright presented a four-part parent support and learning series in Virginia, reported by the Gloucester-Mathews Gazette Journal. (07/26) "The Wright Way", Pete Wright's debut column in Spectrum magazine. This issue focuses on getting organized, The File: Do It Right!(June/July) Education Week talks to Pete Wright about the May 21st ruling by the United States Supreme Court, were he placed the Winkelman decision in the top three or four in importance of about 10 IDEA cases decided by the justices. (06/06) The Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU 88.5 FM, based in Washington DC, interviewed Pete Wright for it's daily radio talk show. The live NPR broadcast focused on the recent United States Supreme Court decision, Winkelman v Parma City School District, that parents may proceed in court unrepresented by counsel. (05/24) Read Pete Wright's comments in the The Vermont Reformer on the United States Supreme Court decision, Winkelman v. Parma City School District. "The pendulum has now swung back in favor of parents," Wright said. (05/22) Pete Wright served as Master of Ceremonies for the Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities benefit in Westport, Connecticut. Pete presented this year's Community Service Award to Elaine Zimmerman, Executive Director of the Connecticut Commission on Children and the Professional Achievement Award to Diana Hanbury King. (05/17) Read Kathryn Gleason's guest column in The Ithaca Journal, "Creativity Needed to Help Autistic Kids Thrive". She recommends visiting our site for guidance. (04/27) Exceptional Parent magazine reviewed Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd edition and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd edition. These books were awarded the EP Symbol of Excellence. "Through Wrightslaw and From Emotions to Advocacy, Pete and Pam Wright have provided a great service to parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys, providing them with hands on resources that pack power to the punch". (03/07) LD Podcast, a podcast for parents, by parents of children with learning disabilities interviewed Pete Wright this spring about the differences between an IEP and 504 accommodations and reading programs used in the public school system. (03/07) Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition is available as a Print & E-book Combo. The e-book version is available now, the print publication will be shipped in mid-January 2007. (12/10/06) On the
Record about Special Education in America: An Interview with Pete and
Pam Wright - In a wide-ranging
interview with Sheryl Knapp of Smart
Kids with Learning Disabilities, Pete and Pam answer questions about
problems identifying children with learning disabilities, the quality
of special education services, and how to effect change in schools.
Pete answers questions about developments in special education law and
how it is being interpreted. Pam has advice for parents about believing
in their children and keeping their self-esteem intact. (12/12/06) Pete & Pam Wright Guests on the Glenn Beck Show, CNN News. In Kalie McArthur v. Academy School District 20, parents sue school district after their child was sexually assaulted by a "peer tutor" who was not screened or trained; a school expert claimed the assault was "pleasurable" for Kalie. Mr. Beck asks Pete and Pam how parents can protect their children from abuse and whether the laws are tough enough to protect individuals like Kalie.Learn about Kalie's case & download complaint. (07/02/06) Pete and Pam Wright Receive 2006 Smart Kids Community Service Award - Dave Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue, presents Peter and Pamela Wright with the 2006 Community Service Award from Smart Kids with LD. (06/27/06) Expert Prediction: Parents Face Long Odds in Supreme Court Case on Special Education - Connect for Kids Editor Susan Phillips interviews Pete Wright about his impressions of oral argument in Arlington v. Murphy, and implications of the case. (04/25/06) U. S. Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Arlington v. Murphy - On April 19, the U. S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in the expert witness case, Arlington v. Murphy. Pete took notes of questions asked by the Justices. Pete shares his notes, impressions and observations of oral argument and predicts the outcome of the case. (04/24/06) Couple's Series of Books, Website Contain Information for Parents - "While the laws can be complex and overwhelming, it all boils down to finding some time or at least get an idea of what the laws are so parents can use them to obtain the appropriate education program their child needs." Reporter Joy Koballa describes how Pete and Pam Wright's Boot Camps, websites, and books fulfill those needs for today's parents. (04/04/06) Special Education Conference Features Children's Attorney - "Diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities in the second grade, a Richmond, Va., attorney recalled how condensation from a pitcher of Kool-Aid and some poster board used at a residential camp he attended served as pivotal tools in overcoming his struggles." Reporter Joyce Koballa highlights Pete and Pam's accomplishments and the resources they offer to families. (04/04/06) Children's Crusaders - Parents speak to Liz Stevens of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram about education and advocacy. "With special-needs kids, parents must sometimes become advocates to negotiate obstacles and find the best classroom fit." (02/21/06) Q&A with Pete Wright: 'Kids ar e...Teaching-disabled' - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution talked to Wright about teaching kids to read, how to keep Individualized Education Program meetings from going sour and why parents shouldn't resist standardized testing. (02/02/06) 2005 Progress Report and Thank You Note - In 2005, more than 1.7 million people visited Wrightslaw. You downloaded more than 6.5 million files. (2/01/06) 2005 User Summary Pete and Pam Wright Recipients of the Upton Sinclair Award of Influential Educators - The Haberman Foundation announced that Pete and Pam Wright were recipients of their Annual Upton Sinclair Award of Influential Educators. "Pete and Pam Wright have done more for parents of special needs children than anyone in the last five years. Their publications, presentations, workshops, newsletters and materials have assisted parents in navigating the Special Education maze." (01/02/06) Pete and Pam Wright Recipients of Sinclair Award from Haberman Foundation - "Pete and Pam Wright have done more for parents of special needs children than anyone in the last five years. Their publications, presentations, workshops, newsletters and materials assist parents in navigating the Special Education maze." (12/19/05) We published the 2nd edition of Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy. FETA-2 was completely revised to include IDEA 2004, No Child Left Behind, updated information about tests, and is receiving rave reviews. Pete Wright is Guest on Justice Talking - Pete Wright was a guest on NPR's Justice Talking, the weekly public radio program on legal issues and public policy. The topic was A Special Look at Special Education. Click this link to listen to the show. (11/3/05) U. S. Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Schaffer v. Weast - Pete Wright shares his notes about questions from the Justices and offers observations and impressions of oral argument in the burden of proof case. (10/8/05) We published Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004. By December, this book was in the 2nd printing with nearly 10,000 copies in print. (08/05) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - Burden of Proof - On Parents or Schools? The National Council on Disability (NCD) published IDEA Burden of Proof: On Parents or Schools? The NCD asserts that school districts, not parents, should have the burden of proof in issues about IEPs, placement, eligibility, and other matters related to an appropriate education. The author of this Position Paper is Pete Wright. (8/9/05) Forbes Selects Wrightslaw as a "Best of the Web" site. At Wrightslaw, "you'll find clear, helpful information about what your child is entitled to from the education system. The state-by-state Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities doesn't merely list experts and organizations; it walks you through different approaches to finding them and allows you to choose one you can feel comfortable with." (4/15/05) Helping Schools Do Whats Best for Special Ed Kids - Education World interviews Pete Wright about mistakes schools make and how schools can improve special education. "Peter Wright struggled in his first years of school until his learning disabilities were identified and intensive remediation helped him learn to read and write. Now an attorney, Wright is helping parents and educators understand special education law." (3/31/05) Surviving Due Process Wins Award of Excellence. Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board won an an 'Award of Excellence' from the Aegis Awards. The film was directed and filmed by V.A.V.S. Video Productions, a team of specialists in producing educational video programs. (1/9/05) Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board. The Surviving Due Process DVD takes you through a special education due process hearing from initial preparations to testimony by the last witness. Learn how attorneys prepare for due process hearings, direct and cross-examination, objections by counsel, and rulings by the hearing officer. This DVD is based on an actual case. (9/14/04) Special ed forum slated, by Theresa Winslow Staff Writer for The Capital, an Annapolis based newspaper. Special Education Law for Parents and Professionals: Understanding the Issues and Processes is the theme of the workshop. Pete Wright states, So many individuals feel they can't read the law and understand it. We provide hands-on experience. (The Capital, 4/22/04) Pete and Pam Wright traveled to Alaska in April presenting at two Alaskan Boot Camps. Organizers state, We held two Wrightslaw, IDEA trainings, one in Juneau and one in Anchorage. We were privileged to host the conference for more than 350 participants. It was exciting to see all of the stakeholders come together to learn and appreciate the same information which focused on our best resources, the children. (Sponsored by the Governor's Council on Disabilities & Special Education, 4/04) Meeting's Aim: Make adults advocates of kids with disabilities makes headline for The Detroit News. The Wright's crisscross the country leading conferences that help parents, educators, health care workers and lawyers learn how to advocate for children with disabilities within the educational system. (The Detroit News, 2/27/2004) 1.1 million people downloaded 4.6 million files from Wrightslaw. 45,000 subscribers receive The Special Ed Advocate, the free online newsletter about special education law and advocacy. Subscribe No Child Left Behind Press Release - Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind by Peter W. D. Wright, Pamela Darr Wright and Suzanne Whitney Heath, published by Harbor House Law Press, is now available. Learn what the law says about scientifically based reading instruction, annual proficiency testing, tutoring, transfers from failing schools, teacher qualifications, teacher liability protection, and more. (12/3/03) Website Helps Out Disabled Children. Hillary Copsey with The Winchester Star writes, "If knowledge is power, a new Website is empowering parents of children with disabilities." Yellow pages for kids is a state-by-state listing of tutors, agencies, organizations, and other resources for children with disabilities. www.yellowpagesforkids.com. (The Winchester Star, 11/4/2003) Experts Urge Active Participation by Parents. Hillary Copsey with The Winchester Star focuses on the IEP process. "No one knows your child better than you" states Pete Wright. (The Winchester Star, 11/29/2003) Special education champion to speak at workshop. Wright and his wife, Pamela, a psychotherapist, will present a special education workshop, "Emotions to Advocacy" at the University Center at Carnegie Mellon University. The program is sponsored by Parent Advocates for Learning Support and Achieve. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9/20/03) Paradise at end of the road - Champion of special-ed children still doing good while having more fun. After visiting with Pete and Pam Wright, Bill Lohmann of The Richmond Times-Dispatch writes about ">a fast-talking, hyperactive, former football player with a photographic memory and a passion for his work" who "fights for children and sails for himself," a man "who struggled through school, like the kids he helps, with learning disabilities," a man who lives in "a slice of paradise" with his wife, Pam. (Richmond Times-Dispatch, 8/3/03) Championing Children for Whom Reading and Learning Are Difficult. Brent Staples of the New York Times asked, "Why is Pete Wright a warrior for children?" Mr. Staples found that "People who get help after suffering humiliation in school often grow up to be champions of children who remind them of their younger selves. This is what happened to Mr. Wright." (New York Times, 6/26/03) Local Parents Learn About New Law by Jill Harden. Residents and parents gathered at the Town Hall on Thursday to learn how to prepare for the the No Child Left Behind Act in a presentation by Sue Heath, researcher and parent. (Hampton Union, 3/4/03) Special-ed planning is skewed, critics sayby Star-Telegram Staff Writer Jennifer Radcliffe. Advocates and lawyers encourage parents to be persistent with public school to win more services for their children. "It's an economic issue- bottom line. And your job for your kid is to push them to the front of the line," said Pete Wright, a lawyer from Virginia who instructed parents at an advocacy conference last month in Oklahoma. (2/16/03) Advocacy Seminar & Cruise - Special education activists focus on law, rights by Shawna S. Kelsch. "Husband and wife special education advocates Pete and Pam Wright will conduct a full day legal and advocacy training seminar Wednesday at the Radisson in Port Canaveral." (Florida Today, 1/14/03) Pete Wright featured in ADD Magazine Ten perfect jobs for people with ADD (1/03) Pete Wright discusses tactics and strategy when it comes to dealing with special ed issues. (Quest Magazine 12/02) Note: This is a large article and may take several minutes to download. Special Ed Rights are Specialty of Deltaville Firm. Tom Chillemi writes about Pete and Pam Wright who "built Wrightslaw, a dot-com company in the heart of Deltaville that is ranked among the top 40,000 websites in the world." (Southside Sentinel, 11/27/02) Autism Therapy is Effective, but Rare.New York Times article features Stefan Jaynes and his parents, describes problems parents face in getting ABA therapy for children with autism and failure of schools to use effective methods. (New York Times, 10/21/02) Maintaining Good Relationships Between Parents and Schools. Pete and Pam Wright discuss parent responses to a crisis, why conflict is inevitable, and how to build and maintain good working relationships between parents and schools. (Third in a 3-part series in Special Education Law Update, 8/02) Designing SMART IEPs. Pete and Pam Wright discuss tips on creating SMART Individualized Education Programs that are specific, measurable, use action words, are realistic, and time-limited. (Second in a 3-part series in Special Education Law Update, 7/02) Wall Street Journal Recommends Wrightslaw as Resource for Parents of Disabled Children. In For Some Parents, the Care Can't End, an article about parents of disabled children, WSJ reporter Kelly Greene recommends Wrightslaw as an advocacy resource for parents of children with disabilities. (Wall Street Journal, 7/02) Advocates Urge Parents and Educators to Learn the Law. Addressing more than 400 parents and educators at an Illinois high school, Pete and Pam Wright urged parents and educators to understand the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, overcome emotions, and use non-confrontational methods to devise appropriate programs for disabled children. (First in a 3-part series in Special Education Law Update, 6/02) Wrightslaw: Special Education LawGoes Into 8th Printing- More Than 25,000 in Print. Less than three years after Wrightslaw: Special Education Law was published by Harbor House Law Press, the book goes into the eighth printing. (5/3/02) The publicity campaign planned by Attorney-Activist Pete Wright and Psychotherapist Pam Wright, whose latest book, From Emotions to Advocacy addresses the problems that confront the nearly 7 million disabled children in the US who receive special education services. The Wright's launched the book with a cruise. . . (Publishers Weekly Magazine, 4/1/02) From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise. To promote their new book, Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, Pete and Pam joined parents, advocates, and attorneys on a five-day From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise and Seminar. (1/14-18/02) Advocacy Training, State Capital, Honolulu. While we taught advocacy skills to parents, we learned about the Felix Consent Decree, damages cases against Hawaii, about Aloha from Naomi Grossman and the warm, gracious people of Hawaii. (12/7-8/01) From Emotions to Advocacy Press Release (9/25/01) RCE Computer Camp a Success! After Wrightslaw and Harbor House Law Press challenge local businesses to "send a child to camp," computer camp is full. (From The Southside Sentinel, 7/19/01) Parents of Child with Autism Prevail. U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issues decision in Stefan Jaynes v. Newport News Public Schools. (7/11/01) Lawyer advises educators to bridge learning gaps, listen to children's parents by Nancy Averett, Reporter, The Morning Call. (6/26/01) Wrightslaw Special Education Law Press Release (8/19/99) If you need more information or would like an interview with the Wright's please, contact Debra Pratt, Marketing & Media Relations, Harbor House Law Press, Inc. toll free (877) 529-4332 or email debrapratt@harborhouselaw.com. To Top