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The Famuan

Country Needs Boost in Education

April 1, 2012
by Roderick Smith

As we enter a generation where education is the key to the future, “No child should be left behind.”

In January 2002, President Bush signed the, “No Child Left Behind Act.” It reauthorized the existing elementary and secondary education act. NCLB made the most knowledgeable changes in federal law regarding public schools in nearly 40 years.

NCLB, includes significant new accountability measures for all public schools. It is based on the ambitious goal that all children will be efficient in reading and math by 2014.

Sara Azor, a nurse in Orlando, Florida say’s “It helped out the children in her community tremendously.”

The law requires that highly qualified teachers teach the children. The law also emphasizes improving communication with parents and making all schools safer for students. State- wise standardized tests have resulted in a higher enrollment for courses in mathematics than ever before according to, “The Public Schools system of North Carolina.”

As stated in, “great,” NCLB has the best nine-year-old scoring history since 1971, with academic improvement in all subject categories.

Legislation encouraged accountability in public schools to provide additional educational options. It researched the negligible achievement gap between white students and the minorities. Measurement based performance assessment. Detailed report cards explaining AYP performancerecommended Para –professional or parental involvement and preferred line of curriculum and instruction practice for each child.

NCLB put a special focus on students from low- income groups and disabilities. This increased responsibility towards ethnic subgroups by awarding schools adequate rating and recognition for measured school performance. It improved instruction and classroom practices and scope for more parent involvement.

Funding for school technology used in classrooms as part of NCLB, is administered by the “Enhancing Education through Technology Program,” funding for technology use within classrooms, professional teacher training and development of online assessment interfaces.

In agreement with, Wrights law”, NCLB has a lacks in certain areas.

One being the absence of desired federal intervention to address random subject choice for teachers. Another being inadequate oversight in the case of special education, and manipulated test records and results.

Tim Jenkins, of Bradley University added, “NCLB lacks sensitivity towards disabilities education for the visually impaired and others. It’s inappropriate dispossession of students who fail to meet the desired performance levels for the school to earn incentive.”

It forces mandatory curriculum in reading, writing, and arithmetic, impairing grade advancement. Restricted and almost absent non- English test assessments. I limits scope for research-based case studies, within the “one size fits all,” policy.

According to a report in, “Time Magazine,” there has been controversy surrounding NO child Left Behind. Teachers, schools, educational organizations and even entire states have come forth and declared “No Child Left Behind,” to be ineffective for various reasons.

Money concerns has been a big issue, because if you lack funds, the plan may become more of a burden than an aid. Another issue leading to the controversy behind NCLB is the fact that some teachers may feel pressured to focus on the subjects rated by the NCLB testing requirement, rather than focusing on providing children with a well-roundededucation.

According to, “Schools may begin cutting back on studies involving science and the arts to increase the focus on English and math.”

As a result education wouldn’t really be improving; it would be sacrificing one subject proficiency for another.

While the controversy surrounding “No Child Left Behind,” is relatively new and growing, pains are sure to be experienced during its implementation. The turn of the year is quickly approaching, with that being said; almost everyone is in agreement that aims of “No Child Left Behind,” are high.

"Country Needs Boost in Education" The Famuan

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