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The Special Ed Advocate:
Transition: To Find Your Dream Job, Know Your Strengths, Interests and Aptitudes by Pete Wright -

This issue of The Special Ed Advocate is packed with answers to your questions and advice about transition, vocational testing and assessments.

Transition: To Find Your Dream Job, Know Your Strengths, Preferences and Interests by Pete Wright

What is My Parental Role in Transition?

Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments

Please don't hesitate to forward this issue of The Special Ed Advocate to your friends, families, or colleagues.

1. Transition: To Find Your Dream Job, Know Your Strengths, Preferences and Interests by Pete Wright

"My son is 20 and attends a local community college. He is good with computers but he can't pass the tests in computer tech classes. He seems depressed and lost. Any ideas will help because we are out of plans." -- A Mom

In Game Plan for Finding Your Dream Job, Pete Wright shares his personal experiences with school problems, vocational assessments and counseling. He provides this Mom with a Find Your Dream Job Game Plan, and says "Before you and your son can develop a good plan you need to get the data."

"When I was in the eighth grade I had lots of problems so I saw a counseling psychologist. He administered a battery of tests that included vocational tests about my interests, strengths and aptitudes . . . "

Read Pete' story, what he learned, and his Game Plan for Finding a Dream Job.

2. What is My Parental Role in Transition?"

"I want my son to be prepared for the workfor<>ce before he leaves school. How can I get the IEP team to develop vocational goals for him?"

Many parents and educators don't know the legal requirements for transition assessments, goals and services.

You are the expert on your child. You've observed him in different situations and environments, not just in school. You have a deep understanding of his interests, strengths, blind spots, and personality style.

In in What's My Parental Role in Transition?, you learn about your parental role in transition and how a good assessment with the right tests will allow your child to set goals for the future.

(Nearly) Everything You Need to Know About Transition.

3. Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments

When a child is struggling in school, you need to find out why.

If you are concerned about a childs learning, academic progress, social skills, or behavior your first step is to get a comprehensive assessment. You will use data from this assessment to develop a plan to help.

Wrightslaw:All About Tests and Assessments, 2nd Edition includes:

  • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
  • The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, Fourth Edition (WJ IV)
  • Answers to more than 200 questions in fifteen areas
  • Strengths, weaknesses, and potential problems with tests
  • Charts of tests that assess specific skills and abilities

Table of Contents  l  Introduction  l   Reviews

Free Download! Glossary of Assessment Terms

Wrightslaw:All About Tests and Assessments, 2nd Edition is available in several formats. Digital editions are Text-to-speech enabled.

Please visit the All About Tests and Assessments pagein the Wrightslaw Store to see the options.

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