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The Special Ed Advocate:
Parent Advocacy Strategies - When You Disagree with the IEP Team

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Good Thursday morning!

After what seems like an eternity of remote and hybrid learning, most children and teachers are back in school. As families look ahead, many are worried.

Will the school remain open? Will the school team develop and implement an appropriate IEP for my child, given her challenges? Will the school provide her with compensatory education so she can recover all the lost educational time?

As the school year begins, it may be time for you to develop a new habit -- writing things down as they happen.

In this issue of The Special Ed Advocate, you'll learn strategies for successful parent advocacy in the COVID-19 era.

  • When You Disagree with the IEP Team: How to Document Concerns, Record Meetings, and Use Letters / Email to Clarify Your Position
  • Get the Wright Stuff! 25% Off on a Bundle of Wrightslaw
  • Parent Advocacy: Write Things Down When They Happen (and How to Get Started)

Please don't hesitate to share this issue with friends, families, and colleagues.

1. Parent Advocacy Strategies - When You Disagree with the IEP Team.

"Our daughter made little progress after years of special education. Her IEPs contain vague, subjective goals. How can we get the IEP team to address our concerns and provide her with a free appropriate public education that meets her needs?"

The school is responsible for providing your child with a free appropriate education, defined as an education from which your child receives meaningful educational benefit.

If your child's team offers an IEP with vague goals, then says you have to "take it or leave it," the parent-tested strategies in When You Disagree with the IEP Team will help.

2. The Wrightslaw Bundle is Back in Stock with a Special Offer: 25% Off

25% Off on the Famous Wrightslaw Bundle - Was $77.80. Now $58.35!

The Bundle includes Four Wrightslaw books:

You'll find more great deals in the Wrightslaw Store!

Inside every Wrightslaw book, you'll find answers to questions,
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3. Parent Advocacy: Write Things Down When They Happen (and How to Get Started)

Why write things down? A successful outcome at the next IEP meeting is likely to depend on the documentation you can make available to the IEP team.

Start with a fresh new notebook or create a new document on your device. Begin to document by logging in things that happened today.

Did your child receive special education or related services today? If yes, describe those services. Did anyone on his special ed team contact you or your child today? What was the nature of the contact?

You cannot wait until the last minute to prepare documentation. In Parent Advocacy: Write Things Down When They Happen, advocate Sharon D. will teach you how to document and what to include.

You need to start now.

I'll turn the mic over to Sharon. She knows why it's so important to Write Things Down When They Happen so she will show you how to get started.

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