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The Special Ed Advocate:
Special Factors: Does the IEP Meet All Your Child's Needs?
by Wrightslaw

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Good Friday morning! In this issue of The Special Ed Advocate, we look at "special factors" that affect children's ability to learn, but are often overlooked when IEP Teams develop IEPs. Today's issue is a 2-minute read (490 words).

These special factors include:

  • Behavior
  • Limited English Proficiency
  • Communication Needs
  • Deaf / Hearing Impairment
  • Blindness / Visual impairment
  • Assistive technology

If one or more of these special factors are relevant to your child, you need to know what the IEP Team is required to do.

Special Factors in IEPs: Does the IEP Meet All Your Child's Needs? describes what your IEP Team is required to do when developing IEPs for children with these special factors.

The Special Factors Pop-Up Tool answers your frequently asked questions about special factors and the legal requirements for addressing special factors in IEPs.

boy with glasses in the library

1. Special Factors: Does the IEP Meet All Your Child's Needs?

The IDEA requires IEP teams to determine if any of these factors are relevant for the child and, if so, to address the factor(s) in the child's IEP.

Special Factors include:

  • Behavior: If your child's behavior interferes with his learning or the learning of others, the team must devise strategies to address this behavior.

  • Limited English Proficiency: If your child has limited proficiency in English, the IEP must consider the child's language needs as the needs relate to the child’s IEP.

  • Communication Needs: Many communication disorders negatively affect the child's ability to communicate with teachers and classmates. The IEP Team is required to address these needs.

  • Deafness / Hard of Hearing: If your child is deaf or hard of hearing, the IEP team must identify her language and communication needs, opportunities to communicate with classmates and school staff, academic levels, and opportunities for direct instruction in her language and communication mode.

  • Blindness / Visual Impairment: If your child is blind or visually impaired, the IEP team must provide for instruction in Braille or the use of Braille, unless the Team determines -- after an appropriate evaluation -- that your child does not need instruction in Braille.

  • Assistive technology: The IEP team is required to consider each child's need for assistive technology devices and/or services.

Go deeper: Special Factors: Does the IEP Meet All Your Child's Needs?

2. Wrightslaw: All About IEPs - Download a Free Chapter!

In Wrightslaw: All About IEPs (ISBN: 978-1-892320-20-9, 192 pages, perfect bound), we answer more than 200 questions and guide you through realistic scenarios.

Learn what the law says about:

  • IEP Teams and IEP Meetings

  • Parental Rights & Consent

  • Steps in Developing the IEP

  • Placement, Transition, Assistive Technology

  • Strategies to Resolve Disagreements

Download a Free Chapter! Chapter 1. Getting Started

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Created: 04/14/21
Revised: 00/00/00

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