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The Special Ed Advocate:
IEP FAQs: Functional Levels & Functional Goals; IEP Checklists & a FREE Chapter
by Pam and Pete Wright

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Good Friday morning. Today's issue is a 2-minute read (505 words). Spring has sprung so it's time to get serious about preparing for the next IEP meeting. Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments.
In this issue of The Special Ed Advocate, you will . . .

  • Get answers to questions about Present Levels of Functional Performance and Functional IEP Goals
  • Download the IEP Checklist - Is Your Child's IEP Individualized?
  • Check out Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
  • Download a FREE CHAPTER about Reading Assessments.

woman sitting at computer participating in a virtual IEP meeting

1. FAQs: Present Levels of Functional Performance and IEP Goals

This week, we answer questions about Present Levels of Functional Performance and Functional IEP goals from parents and educators, questions like these:

  • What does the word "functional" mean?

  • What are examples of functional skills?

  • How do you measure functional skills?

  • How can I resolve a dispute about present levels in my child's IEP?

  • Must all IEPs have a functional performance statement or functional annual goals?
Learn more about Present Levels of Functional Performance and Function Goals. You are likely to learn something newl

2. IEP Checklist: Is Your Child's IEP Individualized?

What does it take for an IEP to be "Individualized"?

When you answer the questions in this IEP Checklist: Is Your Child's IEP Individualized?, you will know if your child's IEP is individualized, as the law requires.

Download the IEP Checklist: Is Your Child's IEP Individualized? in PDF.

You'll find more IEP Checklists in Wrightslaw: All About IEPs, including

  • Present Levels Statements Checklist & Measurable IEP Goals Checklist (Chapter 4)

  • IEP Progress Reports Checklist & Participation in Assessments Checklist (Chapter 6)

  • Special Factors Checklists (Chapter 7) about

  • Children with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

  • Children with Visual Impairments

  • Children with Communication & Language Needs

3. Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments, 2nd Edition

When a child is struggling in school, you need to find out why.

If you are concerned about a child's learning, academic progress, social skills, or behavior, a comprehensive assessment is the first step to develop a plan to help.

woman sitting at computer participating in a virtual IEP meeting

Wrightslaw All About Tests and Assessments, 2nd Edition includes:

  • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V)

  • The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, Fourth Edition (WJ IV);
  • More than 200 answers to questions about tests in fifteen areas;

  • Strengths, weaknesses, and potential problems with tests; and

  • Charts of tests that assess specific skills and abilities.

Wrightslaw All About Tests and Assessments, 2nd Edition is available in four formats:

  • Print Book

  • Kindle Digital Book

  • ePub Digital Book

  • New! Print Book and PDF Combo
Table of Contents

Download a Free Chapter! Reading Assessments

"I LOVE the Test Charts!"

"Parents will find answers to all their questions in this book, even questions they did not know to ask. I'm so glad you wrote about evaluations and tests in such detail. In Chapter 3, "What do I need to know about subtest scores? - Perfect!"

Created: 03/26/21

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