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The Special Ed Advocate:
It's IEP Season and Time to Prepare for Your Child's Meeting
by Pam and Pete Wright

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Good Tuesday morning. Today's issue is a 2-minute read (490 words). Since Spring is just around the corner, IEP season can't be far behind.

In this issue of The Special Ed Advocate, you'll see how to . . .

  • use the IEP Pop-Up Tool to get answers to questions about IEPs;
  • get Special Education Law and Advocacy Training by Pete Wright; and
  • explore the role of Present Levels in developing IEPs

virtual or remote IEP meeting with computer screen, coffee cup

1. Developing an IEP? Use the IEP Pop-Up Tool!

Are you feeling rusty about Present Levels, IEP goals, the role of accommodations and modifications, and how to measure progress or lack of progress?

The IEP Pop-Up Tool is a series of questions about developing IEPs. When you click a question, you get the answer to that question AND the federal law and/or regulation that supports the answer AND links to additional information on that topic. Take the IEP Pop-Up Tool out for a spin. You'll be glad you did!

2. Get the Wright Stuff! Special Education Law & Advocacy Training with Pete Wright

When you can't attend a live Wrightslaw training program, you can still learn about the law and advocacy skills from Pete Wright.

The Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Download is a 6.5-hour training program divided into four sessions: two about law and two about advocacy strategies.

Detailed program description.

Listen and watch Pete share his first Report Cards.

Required Books

You need two books for the Special Ed Law & Advocacy Training Program:

Multimedia Training and Book Combo - $89.95.

Bonus! When you order the Wrightslaw Training and Book Combo, you'll also receive a Free! E-book edition of Wrightslaw Special Education Law, 2nd Edition.

If you already own the required course books, you can purchase the Download Training Program separately for $49.95.

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Use Wrightslaw Training Programs for Staff and Parent Training. Bulk discounts are available on the course books.

"Thanks for taking the initiative to produce useful, affordable training programs." -- Brice Palmer, Advocate

3. How to Use Present Levels to Build Appropriate IEPs by Pat Howey

As an advocate, I consult with parents concerned that the goals in their children's IEPs are inadequate or inappropriate. If you are the parent of a child with special needs, you may have similar concerns.

When I review a child's Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), I find little to no useful information about the child's Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP).

If the Present Levels are weak, wrong, or missing, it's impossible to create an IEP with goals, a program, and placement that are appropriate to meet a child's needs.

If the Present Levels are current, accurate, and based on objective observations and/or test data, you will clearly see the child's needs and know what the school needs to provide.

See How to Use Present Levels to Build Appropriate IEPs by Pat Howey.

Created: 03/16/21
Revised: 00/00/00

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