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The Special Ed Advocate

Special Education Advocacy:
The Wright Way with Pete Wright, Special Ed Guru, and Ashley Barlow (11/18/20)

Today's issue is a 3 minute read (763 words ).

What a week, and it's only Wednesday morning! As COVID-19 rates surge, parents and teachers grow concerned about schools closing again and the poor outcomes from our big virtual education experiment.

What should you do? We suggest that you hope for the best (long-term) -- and prepare for the worst (short-term). Set aside time to become a more effective advocate for your child now.

Facts. Your child's rights did not change because of COVID-19. Your child is still entitled to a free appropriate education and an IEP that's designed to meet his or her unique needs. But . . . you need to recognize and avoid the obstacles that may lie ahead.

Obstacles? If you agree to reduced services in your child's IEP because of the pandemic, this may reduce the compensatory education services your child will receive later, after school reopens.

Do not . . .

  • agree to change your child's IEP to reflect the reduced services your child receives when in-person school is not available; or
  • allow the school to retain your child.

In this issue of The Special Ed Advocate, we're going to learn new things . . .

  1. Special Education Advocacy: The Wright Way with Pete Wright, Special Education Guru, and Ashley Barlow
  2. Get the Wright Stuff! Special Education Law and Advocacy Training by Pete Wright

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1. Special Education Advocacy: The Wright Way with Pete Wright, Special Education Guru, and Ashley Barlow

Ashley Barlow is on a mission: to empower parents and educators to be advocates and teachers, through collaboration, education, and support. She also hosts an exceptional podcast about Special Education Advocacy.

Ashley Barlow, special education advocate

Ashley invited Pete to be her guest on an episode posted earlier today: Special Education Advocacy: The Wright Way with Pete Wright, Special Ed Guru, and Ashley Barlow.

"Chances are you've read a Wrightslaw book or attended a Wrightslaw training. Pete's books and trainings bring practical information to parents in language they can understand.

"Pete and I do a round table in today's episode. Pete stresses effective communication throughout the school year and goes into detail with tips and strategies you can implement now!

"Then, we do a rapid fire round, talking about quick tips for behavior supports, inclusion, SLD eligibility. If you need inspiration, THIS should do it!"


Special Education Advocacy: The Wright Way with Pete Wright, Special Ed Guru, and Ashley Barlow

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More Tools and Freebies from Ashley Barlow.

2. Get the Wright Stuff! Special Education Law and Advocacy Training with Pete Wright

Although you can't attend a live Wrightslaw training program right now, you can still learn about the law and advocacy skills from Pete Wright.

The Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Download is a 6+ hour training program divided into four sessions: two about law and two about advocacy strategies. Program description.

Required Books: Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition and Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition.

Training and Book Combo - $89.95.

If you already own the two required books, you can purchase the Download Training Program separately for $49.95.

You receive a FREE PDF of the book Wrightslaw Special Education Law, 2nd Edition with your order!

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"What you taught me in one day changed the way I advocate for my children. I have a long road ahead with my four kids but you and the resources you provide are a beacon of light." More Reviews.

Reviews of Wrightslaw training programs.

Use Wrightslaw Training Programs for Staff Development and Parent Training, Support and Study Groups! Bulk discounts available for course books.

Understanding Your Child's Test Scores

All important educational decisions - eligibility, services in your child's IEP, educational progress - are based on test scores. Not grades, not subjective observations - test scores.

There's no way around it. To be an effective advocate, you need to know what tests measure and what test scores mean. When you understand your child's test scores, you can . . .

  • identify your child's strengths, weaknesses and needs;
  • determine if your child is making progress; and
  • create charts that document progress or regression

Understanding Your Child's Test Scores is a 1.5 hour training program that focuses on these areas:

  • what tests and subtests measure;
  • the Bell Curve;
  • standard scores and percentile ranks; and
  • how to chart test scores & create progress graphs
Learn more about Understanding Your Child's Test Scores.

Earn CEUs!

Revised: 11/18/20

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