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Special Ed Advocate Archives: 2020

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. The newsletter provides accurate, up-to-date information about special education legal and advocacy issues. Our goal is to help readers navigate the confusing world of special education and get quality services for children with disabilities. Mission.

The 2020 Archives includes links to all issues of The Special Ed Advocate newsletter and Alerts published this year. To read issues published since April 1998, please visit the
Newsletter Archives.

January 7, 2020 - 2019 Progress Report...and a Thank You Note! Progress Report; Top 10 Topics; Top 10 Articles; Top 10 Cases; Top 10 Blog Posts.

January 16, 2020 - W&M Law School Institute of Special Education Advocacy. W&M Law School ISEA 2020: Registration is Open.

January 21, 2020 - Evaluations: Identifying & Addressing Learning Problems. What You Should Know about School Evaluations; Using Tests to Uncover Learning Problems; Why Parents Should Get a Comprehensive Evaluation; Measuring Educational Progress.

January 28, 2020 - Educational Benefit: What is It? How Can You Measure It? Learn about the legal concept of FAPE, who is responsible for providing a free, appropriate public education and what the courts have said about how it is delivered.

February 7, 2020 - $450,000 Settlement in Teacher Restraint and Seclusion Case. You will learn about a $450,000 settlement in a restraint and seclusion case (school district is a repeat offender), legal limits on seclusion and restraint, and tips about writing a ""No restraints" letter.

February 13, 2020 - Transition: Preparing for Further Education, Employment and Independent Living. You will learn about transition planning and goal setting and an article about common myths about IEPs, 504's, college admissions, and accommodations.

February 19, 2020 - Transition: Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions About Transition Plans, Goals, Services. Get your answers to transition plans, assessment, goals and timelines; explain why you need to begin planning for transition earlier; how interest inventories and assessments to gain a sense of direction; and the role of IEPs and 504 plans in collage.

February 25, 2020 - Seven Things You Need to Know About Transition Assessments. You will learn transition assessments and how to use those assessments to prepare your child for life after school.

March 3, 2020 - IEP Season: Advocating for Your Child-Getting Started. You will get an overview of advocay skills and learn that advocacy is not a mysterious process. A parent advocate asks questions to help identify your interpersonal style. She will also challenge you to learn the joys and challenges of parent advocacy.

March 19, 2020 - Coronavirus News: If you are like many parents, you have questions about how the Coronavirus will affect your child's special education program. We share new information about special education issues, help for life during the Coronavirus era, and advice to get your child's special education program back on track when schools re-open.

April 1, 2020 - IEP Meetings, Paper Trails and One Terrific Movie Answer your questions about IEP team meetings, create a paper trail to document your child's special education during school closure; recommend an inspiring new movie that you can watch with your kids.

April 6, 2020 - Alert! Protect Our Children's Rights under IDEA and Section 504 - The Stimulus Relief Act directs the Secretary of Education to report to Congress about waivers of rights under the IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) within 30 days. We need to take action, educate our legislators why waivers are a bad idea.

April 17, 2020 - Advocacy During the COVID-19 Crisis: Document, Test Scores, IEPs - Documentation is thekey to success; a special offer on "Understanding Your Child's Test Scores" with Pete Wright; Coronavirus FAQs: "If we grant a parent's request to postpone an IEP meeting, will the school be out of compliance?"

April 23 - Parent Survey: What's Happening with Your Child's Special Education Program?

April 28 - No Waivers! Schools Must Comply with the IDEA and Section 504 Good news about waivers to rights under the IDEA and Section 504; info about IEPs, IEP meetings, timelines and parent advocacy during the COVID-19 crisis; a Special Offer on a Bundle of Wrightslaw.

May 12 - Free Webinar! Special Education During the COVID-19 Quarantine - Parents have so many questions about their child's special education rights and needs in this time of quarantine. Join Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge and four special ed attorneys - Pete Wright, Piper Paul, Wayne Steedman, and Jack Robinson - who teach us what the laws are and how you can help our child RIGHT NOW. You can view this program NOW!

May 15 - Contingency Learning Plans: What? Why? How to Respond - Taking a closer look at Contingency Learning Plans (CLPs) - what they are, why school districts want them, and how to respond when you find one in your mailbox.

May 20 - IEPs During the COVID-19 Era: Your Parental Role, Present Levels in IEPs - Parents, never forget the reason why you are essential members of your child's IEP team. You are essential members because your job is to represent your child's interests.

May 27 - What is Compensatory Education? Is Your Child Eligible? - As schools remain closed, your child's special education is still on hold. You have so many questions about how to manage and what to expect when schools re-open.

June 9 - One of the Best Kept Secrets in Special Ed: Using Teletherapy to Provide Services in IEPs - Examine options for children to receive the instruction and related therapies they need, including teletherapy.

June 13 - Pete and Pam Wright Answer Questions about Compensatory Ed and IEPs in New Webinar.

July 2 - What Parents Think about Special Education During COVID-19 School Closures - A few weeks ago, we invited you to participate in a survey about your child's special education program after COVID-19 closed the schools. The Results are in!

July 9 - What's New from Wrightslaw? - Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019! Fifth in a series!

July 24 - Overcoming Roadblocks to Compensatory Education; Learning Why You Must Never Use the Word "BEST" - If you are among the millions of parents who counted on your child's school opening for in-school learning this fall, you may be facing a tough new reality: Your children may not be able to return to school this fall.

July 29 - Preparing for IEP Meetings During COVID-19 - If you are among the millions of parents who are preparing for an IEP meeting, you need to keep three things in mind...

August 8 - Is It Time to Consider a Different Plan for Your Child's Education? - Anxieties about COVID-19 infections have made it unlikely that schools will return to a normal schedule in the fall. In meetings around the country, school boards are asking parents to make choices about their children's education.

August 13 - Preparing for the Next IEP Meeting: Organize Your Child's File & Manage Documents - To prepare for the inevitable IEP meetings in your future, you need to organize your child's special education file and learn to manage your child's documents.

August 20 - From Emotions to Advocacy - The Parent's Journey - Success Story - From Victim to Mighty Force; Ten Tips for Hiring an Advocate.

August 28 - How to Write SMART IEPs: A Tactics and Strategy Session - As schools open and close, you need a clear sense of the issues that are importnat and those that will resolve in time. The law and regulations about special education, including IEPs, have not changed.

September 9 - Managing Parent-School Disputes During the COVID-19 Pandemic - If you are like millions of parents, you've been counting the days until your child's school is reopened for in-person learning. America's virtual learning experiment is off to a rocky start.

September 23 - Five Rules for Incredibly Successful IEP Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic - As schools attempt to re-open safely, districts are dealing with challenges related to school closures last spring. Experts worry that many students will miss academic milestones, fall behind grade level, and drop out of school permanently.

October 8 - Prepare for the Comp Ed Meeting, Part 1 - If you have a child with special needs, you may wind up battling the school district for compensatory education services. To prevail, you need knowledge, skills, and tools. That's why you need to learn all you can about compensatory education now.

October 22 - Preparing for Your Child's Comp Ed Meeting: 9 Simple Strategies to Collect Data and Track Progress. When you use our parent-tested strategies, you'll see that tracking progress and collecting date isn't that hard.

November 2 - Advocating for Students With Dyslexia - This recorded event was sponsored by the International Dyslexia Association and is designed for parents and other adult caregivers of students with dyslexia to help them know how to best navigate the special education process to help their student or child.

November 18 - Special Ed Advocacy the Wright Way with Special Ed Guru, Pete Wright, and Ashley Barlow. Ashley Barlow is on a mission to empower parents and educators to be advocates and teachers through collaboration, education, and support. She also hosts an exceptional podcast about special education advocacy.

December 3 - Special Ed Teacher Advocates for Child with Down Syndrome, School Retaliates. Meet an unsung hero, Meagan Norris, special education teacher and passionate advocate for her students.

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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