In This Issue ...
ISSN: 1538-320
November 13, 2018
Special Education Law & Advocacy Training Schedule
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Dec 6 - OKC, OK (Residents only)
If a child isn’t learning in a particular program, that program doesn’t "work." The school must provide a different program that does work.
A program the school considers “good” may not be adequate for every child.
The special education law is based on the fact that children learn differently.
If a child does not learn and make progress in the district’s program, the district may not be providing FAPE.
In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you'll learn what the law requires so schools provide services individualized to meet the unique needs of each child. Find the qualities of effective reading programs, requirements for research based reading, and how to find reading programs.
We hope you will forward this issue to other friends, families, or colleagues.