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Summer School 2017
Present Levels in the IEP. What's so Important?

The IEP is not a form document. It is constructed only after careful consideration of the child’s present levels of achievement, disability, and potential for growth. - Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court decision, Endrew F. v. Douglas County Schools, March 22, 2017.

How can you know where you’re going, if you don’t know where you started? Start here!

Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

In this four part self-study series, Summer School 2017, you will learn:

  • what Present Levels are and what they describe
  • the IDEA requirements for Present Levels
  • where Present Levels information comes from
  • how to use Present Levels to get the program, placement, and education your child needs

Session 1

Present Levels in the IEP. What's so Important?

Present Levels are where a SMART IEP begins. To develop a SMART IEP, begin with your child's Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Until the Present Levels in your child's IEP are up to date, you will never be able to get the program, placement, or education your child needs

In Session 1: Present Levels in the IEP, you will learn the requirements for Present Levels in IEPs. Parents must learn how to design current and accurate Present Levels.


Session 2

The Present Levels Checklist

Huge mistake if... the Present Levels section on your child's IEP shows only test scores and grades! It is about much more than that.

The Present Levels are a critical part of the IEP - the foundation for everything else.

As a parent, your input is most important during the IEP team's assessment of your child's present levels of performance.

In Session 2: Present Levels Checklist you will find out that parents must learn how to design accurate and up-to-date Present Levels. Learn why parent input is so important during this part of developing the IEP.

Get your Homework Assignment #1 - Download and complete your checklist.

Session 3

Present Levels Before Placement

Parents must analyze your child’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance.

Don't put the cart before the horse! If you begin by trying to find a program or placement with "good" goals, the goals won’t relate to your child's unique needs.

You will be able to see your child's needs clearly and know what the school should provide, if the present levels are:

  • accurate
  • current
  • comprehensive
  • based on objective test data

In Session 3: Present Levels Before Placement you will learn to ask this question - In what setting can we appropriately put my child's IEP into action? If the school does not have an appropriate placement, it must create one.

Get your Homework Assignment #2: Create a blueprint for your child's Present Levels. Read the directions, complete your lists, submit the form.


Session 4

All Goals Need Present Levels

Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance require objective data from assessments.

You will be able to:

  • see your child's needs clearly
  • know what the school should provide

if the Present Levels are:

  • accurate
  • current
  • comprehensive
  • based on objective test data

In Session 4: All Goals Need Present Levels learn how Present Levels are used to develop SMART Goals in the IEP to meet your child's unique needs and to get an appropriate program and placement.


Your Certificate


You have completed Summer School 2017: Present Levels in the IEP - What's So Important?

You’ve learned the IDEA requirements for Present Levels, the importance of parental input to keep the Present Levels current and accurate, and how to create a Present Levels blueprint so you can develop a SMART IEP for a program and placement that will meet your child’s unique needs.

Download your Certificate.


We appreciate your positive comments about the Special Ed Advocate summer series.

"This summer school series for parents you've been running in the newsletter is perfect for the parents I'm training at the Parent Information Center workshops. You haven't just told parents what to learn, you are telling them how to learn it and how to approach the learning..."

"The homework assignments in this series will be so very helpful to my parent group! I will print them out packets! Thank you!"

"Excellent job again Wrightslaw! I cannot underscore the extreme importance of maintaining an ongoing “flow” of documentation of all school activity pertaining to your student. I just love it when a school official says, 'I don’t have knowledge or evidence of the district’s approval of that service for your student'. I can respectfully reply… 'I am eager to assist the IEP team in any way I can. I have the verification document you need right here.'"

"I LOVE your site. I have never received an electronic issue that did not have an article that was personally applicable. I would very much like to do each step in the summer organization 'class'. With three young children with special needs- I can't miss organizational help!!"


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