In This Issue ...
Circulation: 98,627
ISSN: 1538-320
September 29, 2015
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When you purchased your school supplies, we hope you bought a three-ring binder for yourself.
You will use this binder to organize your child's file.
Now that school has started, you will begin to receive
- reports from teachers
- notes from administrators
- samples of work
- results of evaluations
- evidence of problems or concerns
- other school related documents
After you organize the information about your child into a file, you will have a clearer understanding of your child's disability and needs.
In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you will learn how review your child's records and organize the file. Find where to start, what supplies you will need, and how to request records and develop your Master Provider List.
Please don't hesitate to forward this issue to friends, family members, or colleagues.
School Has Started - Should I Request my Child's Records?
Should I request a copy of the file? How will I know what's missing?
1. Send a request letter to inspect and review your child’s records.
2. Specify all files in the letter, whether or not you believe these records exist.
Read all the steps in 14 Tips for Reviewing Your Child's Educational Record.