In This Issue ...
Circulation: 98,627
ISSN: 1538-320
June 2, 2015
Wrightslaw Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities
At Yellow Pages for Kids, our passion is helping those who help kids with disabilities and special needs.
- Are you looking for help, or a helper?
- Are you listed in the Yellow Pages?
- Have you updated your listing with current information?
In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you will learn how to use the Yellow Pages for Kids to find accurate information, resources, and help in your state. Find out how to get a free listing, become a sponsors, and build your team.
Please don't hesitate to forward this issue to friends, family members, or colleagues.
Help Others! Apply for a FREE Listing in the Yellow Pages
On the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities you'll find
- educational consultants, psychologists, educational diagnosticians
- health care providers
- academic therapists, tutors
- speech language therapists, occupational therapists
- coaches
- advocates, and attorneys
Apply for a free listing today!
Use the Listing Update to change or correct listing information.
Find Your State Special Education Regulations
State special education regulations vary from state to state. You must check your state regs to learn what your state requires.
Find your state Department of Education and state regulations on the Yellow Pages.
Your state regulations must be consistent with the requirements of the Federal laws and regulations.

Regulations Now Posted on Some State Pages
We are in the process of updating our State Pages. At the top of some state listings, you will find your State Code and State Special Ed Regulations.
Here's an example from West Virginia.
WV Statute/Code - 2014 Legislative Session
WV Spec Ed Regs - 9/15/2014
Comprehensive Guide to WV Spec Ed Regs by WV Advocates - April, 2015 |
Make Sure Your Have Current, Up-to-Date Regs
Note: Each state revises its regulations from time to time. The link to your state's regs on our website may be current or may be outdated.
To make sure: Google search - "yourstatename special education laws rules and regulation"
In most instances that will take you to the correct page. |

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
This issue of the Special Ed Advocate is brought to you by DEHancock Consultancy, LLC.
To meet other Wrightslaw sponsors, visit the Yellow Pages for Kids!
Find out how to become a sponsor.

How to Search for Information in the Yellow Pages
Search Tip: You don't have to scroll through pages of addresses on your state page. Here's what to do!
- For Windows: press Control, letter F
- For Mac: press Command, letter F
If looking for a location, type in the city or zip code. Try zip codes for other nearby towns.
If looking for a particular service, type in consultant, evaluator, attorney, or other search criteria.
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