In This Issue ...
Circulation: 98,627
ISSN: 1538-320
April 14, 2015

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In order to receive FAPE, some children require special education and related services longer than the usual school year.
Extended School Year (ESY) services are special education and/or related services provided beyond the usual school year, at times when school is not usually in session – typically during the summer.
ESY services are different from summer school, summer remedial classes, and summer enrichment programs. ESY services are individualized, based on the child’s needs as documented in the IEP, and are free of charge to parents.
In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you'll find information and advice about Extended School Year (ESY) services and how to get these services in your child's IEP.
Please don't hesitate to forward this issue to friends, family members, or colleagues.

Principal Says, "Too Many Goals to Include ESY"
When we met with the IEP team, we were told that our son can only have four IEP goals. Is this true? Is there a maximum number of IEP goals? Wrong!
Many school people who dispense advice have not read the law. If you don't learn how to find answers to questions, you'll continue to be dependent on school personnel for legal information and advice. What can you do about inaccurate advice?

How Can I Ensure the IEP Will Meet My Childs Needs?
If your child's IEP does not include goals that address any academic, developmental, and functional needs, the IEP will obviously not meet all your child's needs
Wrightslaw: All About IEPs, Chapter 4 - Present Levels, Measurable Goals, Services