2012 Progress Report...and
A Thank You Note

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In This Issue ...

Circulation: 90,619
ISSN: 1538-320
January 8, 2013

The first issue of The Special Ed Advocate went out to 200 people in April, 1998.

Today, more than 90,000 people receive a copy of the weekly newsletter.

Many thanks to our readers. Throughout the year you offer advice, ideas and support, send new cases, and share your struggles and successes.Pete and Pam Wright

We appreciate your enthusiastic response to our website, books, and training programs.

Thank you for your emails and letters, your questions and comments on the Wrightslaw Way Blog, and your participation in Wrightslaw on FB.

We've had a great year in 2012. It's time for our annual progress report - and a big thank you from all the Wrightslaw staff.

Pam & Pete Wright

In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you will find links to the top 10 articles, topics, cases, and blog posts in 2012. We've listed the "Top 10s" to help you find important information quickly and easily.

Please don't hesitate to forward this issue to other friends, families, or colleagues.

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2012 Progress Report


Wrightslaw stats were way up this year! Over 3.4 million people visited Wrightslaw in 2012. Wrightslaw recorded over 10.7 million page views.

The Wrightslaw Way Blog

2.5 million people visited The Wrightslaw Way Blog in 2012. In the 5 years since we started the blog, October 2012 was the busiest month ever on the The Wrightslaw Way.

Thanks to our online community for continuing to problem solve by asking questions, sharing advice and getting information from others. Don't hesitate to use the COMMUNITY HELPLINE to ask or answer a question

This year we created the HELPLINE Archives to help you find questions that have been asked and answered. Check the COMMUNITY HELPLINE or the HELPLINE Archives often for Q & As, then save a copy for your own records. You can do this by copy and pasting the information you want into a word doc to save, or, use the "print friendly" icon to print the page.

Wrightslaw on Facebook

Thank you for joining us on Facebook. We appreciate the support of our 18,000 Wrightslaw friends.

Find Wrightslaw on FacebookWrightslaw on Facebook

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Top TenTop 10 Articles in 2012

1. Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Advocate & Attorney by Pete Wright, Esq. and Pam Wright, M.A., M.S.W.

2. Functional Behavior Assessments: What, Why, When, Where, and Who? by Stephen Starin, Ph.D

3. Response to Intervention: Guidelines for Parents and Practitioners by James B. Hale.

4. 12 Rules for Writing GREAT Letters by Pamela Wright, MA, MSW.

5. Understanding Dysgraphia

6. Wrightslaw Game Plan: SMART IEPs by Pete and Pam Wright.

7. Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Education Reform

8. Key Differences Between Section 504, the ADA, and IDEA by Peter Wright and Pamela Wright.

9. Independent Educational Evaluations: What? Why? How? Who Pays? by Wayne Steedman, Esq.

10. 8 Steps to Better IEP Meetings: Play Hearts, Not Poker by Jennifer Bollero, Esq.

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Top 10 Topics in 2012

1. Discrimination: Section 504 and ADA

2. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

3. Special Education Caselaw

4. Response to Intervention (RTI)

5. Behavior Problems and Discipline

6. Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Asperger Syndrome

7. Inclusion, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), Mainstreaming

8. Special Education Advocacy

9. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)

10. Early Intervention

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Top 10 Cases in 2012

1. Bd. Ed. Hendrick Hudson Sch. Dist. v. Amy Rowley

2. Honig v. Doe

3. Cedar Rapids v. Garret F.

4. Doe v. Withers Complaint

5. Irving v. Tatro

6. Burlington Sch. Comm. v. Mass. Dept Ed

7. Dr. Pamella E. Settlegoode v. Portland Public Schools

8. Henrico v. R.T.

9. Florence County Sch. Dist. IV v. Shannon Carter

10. Brown v. Board of Education

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Top 10 Blog Posts in 2012

1. How Can I Develop SMART IEP Goals for Behavior Problems?

2. When Schools Punish Sick Children Who Miss School: A Game Plan

3. Does a Child Need an IEP AND a 504 Plan?

4. Is ADHD a learning disability? I’ve been told “no, it’s not.”

5. Should Poor Organizational Skills be Accommodated in an IEP?

6. I’m a Teacher, and I know IEPs Aren’t Being Followed. What Do I Do?

7. Can Parents Observe Children's Classrooms & Placements?

8. Retention or Promotion? What's Best for my Child?

9. Advocating for a Child with ADHD - 504 or IEP?

10. IEP FAQs: Is There a 10 Day Timeline for IEP Meetings?

If you have not already visited our online community, go to the COMMUNITY HELPLINE to ask or answer a question.

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What People Are Saying About The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter

"Thanks for the trustworthy information an support you provide through the Wrightslaw web site and newsletter. You helped our family act when we needed to - we are thriving now."


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