In This Alert ...
Protect Children Nationwide from Restraint & Seclusion in Schools
Contact Your Congressman Today!
VA Parents & Advocates
Proposed Regulations
Circulation: 91,630
ISSN: 1538-320
May 14, 2013
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Pete and Pam Wright
Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043
Copyright © 2013 Peter W. D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright. All rights reserved. Please do NOT reprint or host on your web site without explicit permission
Keeping All Students Safe Act (HR 1893)
On May 9, Congressman George Miller (D-CA), ranking member of the House Education & Workforce Committee and Congressman Gregg Harper (R-MS) introduced the Keeping All Students Safe Act, HR 1893, a bill to protect all students nationwide from restraint and seclusion.
Please CALL your members of Congress and ask them to Cosponsor and Support the Keeping All Students Safe Act, HR 1893.
Dial 202-224-3121; ask for your Representative’s Office, and then ask for the education aide.
Why should they support this Bill?
The Keeping Students Safe Act will:
- ban restraint/seclusion except in emergencies where someone is in danger of physical harm
- require that parents be informed if their child was restrained/secluded on the same day that the event occurred
- ban restraints that impede breathing, mechanical restraints, and chemical restraints
- prevent restraint/seclusion from being used when less restrictive alternatives, like positive supports and de-escalation, would eliminate any danger
- require that if children are placed in seclusion rooms, school staff must continuously visually observe them
- ban dangerous aversive practices that threaten safety; require the collection of data; and require appropriate training of staff
Thanks to everyone who signed onto the letter from 200 organizations in support of the bill.
Summary l HR 1893 Bill l Congressman Miller's speech l Legislative Advocacy
Instructions for Contacting Congress to Support the Bill
Please call your Congressional Representatives and ask them to cosponsor the Keeping All Students Safe Act, 202-221-3121. Ask for your Representative. Then ask for his/her education aide.
You can find your Representative on the House of Representatives website:
You can also go to that link to send an email message directly to your Representative, but it is much better if you call. |
Restraint, Seclusion, and Use of Aversives: Proposed Virginia Regulations
Virginians: Please Tell the Virginia Board of Education to Change Regulations Permitting the Use of Aversives, Prone Restraint, and Other Harmful Behavioral Practices upon Children in Private Schools. More about the Proposed Regulations.
There is no reason to permit restraint that impedes breathing or impairs life, or the other practices. They are not effective and are dangerous.
It is important for Virginians to share their views with the Board by sending comments to the Virginia State Board of Education at
Please get your comments in before the May 23 meeting.
Get suggested comments you can make to the VA BOE.
VA Special Education l Legislative Advocacy l Proposed Regulations
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