Don’t let your recordings of IEP meetings sit in a file collecting dust. Put them to good use! Use the recordings to help you write an effective IEP meeting follow-up letter.
Your follow-up letter will re-state what the team discussed and agreed to provide.
You cannot testify at due process. How can you tell the administrative law judge or hearing officer what happened in your IEP meeting?
Your follow-up letter can “testify” for you.
In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate, Part 4 of the Short Course, you will learn how to write three levels of follow-up letters that hit the highlights (or lowlights) of your IEP meetings and are accurate, cordial, and factual. You will find samples of four letters to help you hone your letter writing skills.
Please don't hesitate to forward this issue to friends, family members, or colleagues.
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