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Special Ed Advocate Archives: 2009

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The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. The newsletter provides accurate, up-to-date information about special education legal and advocacy issues. Our goal is to help readers navigate the confusing world of special education and get quality services for children with disabilities. Mission.

The 2009 Archives includes links to all issues of The Special Ed Advocate newsletter and Alerts published this year. To read issues published since April 1998, please visit the
Newsletter Archives .

January 2, 2009 - Training Lions & Tigers: Discipline and Children with Disabilities. Pete's Parenting Tips; "Training Lions and Tigers"; Teach Your Children Good Habits and Self Discipline; Tips for Taking Care of Yourself.

January 6, 2009 - Four Rules for Raising Children. The Child Had to Work; No Telephone or TV in the Child's Room, Ever!; The Child Had to Learn to Touch Type at Home; Never ask "WHY?"; Smart Kids with LD 2009 Youth Achievement Award.

January 13, 2009 - Real People, Real Success: Looking Forward to Success in 2009. Embracing Success in 2009; What Keeps us Sane? Planning!; How I Dealt with Bullying & Harassment at School; Saving a Class, Saving our Children; Preparation is the Key to Success; A Cool Head and a Perceptive Ear; Combo Sale: 10% Off all Wrightslaw Combos.

January 20, 2009 - A New Voice in America: Community Service. Personal Message from P2 -Service to Others; PELE Special Ed Clinic Helps Families; Resources: Special Ed Legal Clinics; You are Invited to the PELE Kick-Off; "Ask What YOU Can Do for Your Country" - Service to Others.

January 27, 2009 - 2008 Progress Report...and a Thank You Note. Thank You Note from Pete & Pam; 2008 Progress Report; Top 10 Articles; Top 10 Topics; Top 10 Cases; Top 10 Blog Posts.

February 4, 2009 - Supreme Court News: Parents Can Sue School Officials for Discrimination; Tuition Reimbursement & Strip Search Cases. Parents Can Sue School Officials Under Discrimination Laws; a unanimous decision in Fitzgerald v. Barnstable; Supreme Court Will Revisit Tuition Reimbursement; Forest Grove School District v. T. A.; Did Strip Search Violate Student's Privacy Rights? Safford Unified School District v. Redding.

February 10, 2009 - Can a School be Forced to Evaluate a Child? Can Parents Force a School to Evaluate Their Child?; The Legal Requirement to Evaluate a Child is Clear and Unambiguous; Evaluation Criteria; Evaluating a Child Who Already Has an IEP; Evaluation Results Must Be Provided; Consider an Independent Educational Evaluation.

February 17, 2009 - Summary of the Stimulus Bill and IDEA Funding. Summary of Key Points in the Stimulus Bill for Special Education; What Happened in the Final Bill?; Bill Provides Major Increase in Special Education Funding; Questions and a Plan of Action; Two Sources of Funding to School Districts; Reporting Provisions & Modernization/ADA Compliance; How to Find the Bill.

February 24, 2009 - "Waiting to Fail" Instead of Teaching a Child to Read. Preventing the Downward Spiral in Reading; Another Year in the Same Grade is NOT a Gift; Get an Evaluation by an Expert; Teaching Your Child to Read.

March 3, 2009 - Parent Guide to Response to Intervention (RTI). RTI and Hope for Better Instruction; What is RTI?; RTI and Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD); Concerns about the RTI Process; Ask these Questions about RTI.

March 10, 2009 - Name the Book Contest: We Need Your Help! About the Book; Contest Rules; The Grand Prize: Wrightslaw Advocate's Deluxe Super Pack.

March 17, 2009 - Why Retain? It Didn't Work the First Time. The Real Issue: Reading; The Definition of Reading; Don't Allow the School to Retain Your Child; Sample Letter to Request the school NOT Retain Your Child.

March 24, 2009 - Get Good IEPs: Improve Your Advocacy Strategies & Skills. Your IEP game Plan: Writing SMART IEPS; Good IEP Goals: A Tactics & Strategy Session; What Can I Ask the School to Do?; videoVideo: Introducing Alex - He's a Child, Not a Label.

March 31, 2009 - "How To" Tips for Successful IEP Meetings. Plan & Prepare for the IEP Meeting; Use a Parent Agenda; How to Use a Parent IEP Attachment; The Power of Your Written Follow-Up Letter.

April 1, 2009 - New! Wright Tote IEP Kit. The Wright Tote IEP Kit Includes: Your Contact Log, Calendar, and Journal...and more; Want the Wright Tote IEP Kit PLUS the Wrightslaw Best Sellers?; More New Advocacy Supplies and Accessories.

April 7, 2009 - Strategies to Resolve IEP Problems. How to Indicate Disagreement on the IEP; How to Handle Disagreements with the IEP Team; When Disagreements Turn Into Power Struggles; Building Positive School Relations.

April 14, 2009 - Advocacy Skill Building: Answers to Your Questions about IEPs and...a Favor! Sharon's Story: Advocating for Emily; Got Questions? FAQs about IEPs.

April 21, 2009 - Overcoming Roadblocks to Extended School Year (ESY) Services. Standards for ESY; Overcoming Roadblock to ESY Services; Knowledge & Skills for Effective Advocacy Strategies; Court Rulings on ESY; What's on the Blog About ESY.

April 28, 2009 - Behavior & Discipline: Can the School Expel My Child? Behavior Problems at School; IDEA 2004: Disciplining Children with Disabilities; Can the School Expel My Child with ADHD; IEPs for Children with Behavior Problems; On the Blog: My Child is Aggressive, Will Special Ed Help?

May 5, 2009 - When Behavior is Caused by a Disability. Handling a Manifestation Determination Review; What Schools are Required to Do; Wrightslaw Conferences and Training; Suspending Children with Disabilities from School; New Posts on the Wrightslaw Way Blog.

May 12, 2009 - Behavior Problems? Get Help! Functional Behavioral Assessments; FBA and Positive Interventions: What Parents Need to Know; Spring Into Summer Sale; Free Pub: IEP Team's Introduction to Functional Behavior Assessments and Positive Intervention Plans; Get Help Here! Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities.

May 19, 2009 - Accommodations & Rights for College Students with Disabilities. College Course Requirements for Students with Disabilities; Spring Into Summer Sale 20% OFF; Help for College Students with Disabilities; Self-Advocacy: Know Yourself, Know What You Need; Know How to Get It; Help! My Son with LD Graduates! Who Will Write his 504 When he Loses His IEP?

May 25, 2009 - Memorial Day: Sacrifice, Support & Exceptional Military Families on the Move. Memorial Day Salute; Exceptional Family Members; Changing Schools; Summer Camps: Free Pub! Military Students on the Move.

June 2, 2009 - What IDEA 2004 Says about Paraprofessionals.
How to Request a One-on-one Parapro for your Child; Wrightslaw conferences & Training; Resources for Paraprofessional; Wrightslaw Way Blog Posts about Paras.

June 9, 2009 - Mistakes People Make Series. Parents; School Districts; Independent Evaluators; Advocates; Avoid Mistakes: Train Hard.

June 16, 2009 - Top Five Articles. Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Advocate & Attorney; Functional Behavioral Assessments: What, Why, When, Where, and Who?; Response to Intervention: Guidelines for Parents & Practitioners; IEPs for Children with Behavior Problems; Wrightslaw Game Plan: SMART IEPS.

June 22, 2009 - ALERT! Supreme Court Issues Decision in Forest Grove School District v. T.A. The Supreme Court issues a Pro-Child Decision in this case about tuition reimbursement for a child who was never found eligible and never received special education services from the public school.

June 23, 2009 - How I Won A Private Placement: A New Success Story. Good Documentation: Train Yourself to Write Things Down!; Special Education Law & Advocacy Training; On the Blog...Parental Involvement in Placement Decisions.

June 30, 2009 - IDEA Fairness Restoration Act, H.R. 2740: Call to Action! Why is the IDEA Fairness Restoration Act so Important?; Sign the Petition and Support the IDEA Fairness Restoration Act!; Analysis of Arlington v. Murphy by Pete Wright; Special Education Law & Advocacy Training.

July 7, 2009 - Alert! Call-In Day Thursday, July 9. Please call you Congressional Representative on July 9. Ask him or her to co-sponsor the IDEA Fairness Restoration Act, H.R. 2740.

July 14, 2009 - All About IEPS - It's a Winner! Winning title in the Name the Book Contest, All About IEPS; Getting Quality Services in the IEP; How to Tweak Your Child's IEP; Wright Tote IEP Kit.

July 21, 2009 - Summer School for Advocates: Advocacy 101. Advocating for Your Child - Getting Started; What Advocates Do; So You Want to Be an Advocate?; Hot Links: Advocacy Resource Directory.

August 4, 2009 - Summer School for Advocates: Part 2. How to Use IDEA & NCLB to Improve Your Child's Special Education Program; What is FAPE?; IDEA 2004; Your Child's Progress in the General Curriculum; Special Ed Legal and Assessments Terms Vocabulary Quiz.

August 11, 2009 - Summer School for Advocates: Part 3. Measuring and Tracking Progress. Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Advocate, & Attorney; Why are Test Scores so Important?; What is Your Bell Curve IQ?; Independent Educational Evaluations; What's on the Blog: Evaluations.

August 18, 2009 - Summer School for Advocates: Part 4. Final Exam - Special Education Law. Review Caselaw; Practice Questions; Take the Final Exam; Finding Special Education or Disability Law School Programs.

September 1, 2009 - Championing Children: Advocates in Action! A Powerful (but often overlooked) Advocacy Tool; Educate People in Your Community; Get the Word Out Advocacy Campaign; Your Summer School for Advocates Certificate.

September 15, 2009 - Back to School Tips: Starting a New IEP Advocacy Year. Back to School Tips; New Success Story: Setting High Expectations; Back to School Special Town Hall Meeting; School Guidance for Flu Season: What Does the "Swine Flu" have to do with FAPE?

Summer School for Advocates 2009: Parts 1- 5

September 22, 2009 - Twice Exceptional Children: Gifted Students with Disabilities. New Page at Wrightslaw: Twice Exceptional Children; Prohibition Against Disability-Based Discrimination; Characteristics of Gifted Students with Specific Disabilities; 2e Resources, Books, and Free Pubs.

September 29, 2009 - Problem Solving: Homework Refusal. Master of Deception: Homework Refusal and Failure; The High Cost of School Failure and Dropping Out; Parents: Doing Your Homework; Problem Solving: Need Help?

October 6, 2009 - Expired IEP - Now What? Can My Child's IEP Expire?Section 504 and the ADA, Confusion About benefits & Rights in IDEA & Section 504; Posts from the Wrightslaw Way Blog.

October 13, 2009 - Reading Tests: What They Measure & Don't Measure. Learning About Reading Tests; What Reading Tests Measure; Comprehensive Reading Evaluations; It is Alarming that So Many Children are Not Learning to Read.

October 20, 2009 - Measuring Educational Progress: Test Scores. Interpreting Test Scores; measuring Progress; Mastering the Bell Curve; Evaluating Children.

October 27, 2009 - What You Need to Know About Response to Intervention (RTI). Identifying Children with Specific Learning Disabilities; Catch Struggling Children Early; RTI Should Not Delay a Necessary Evaluation; RTI Resources.

October 28, 2009 - Alert! Special Offer, Wrightslaw: All About IEPs.

November 3, 2009 - Struggling with Dyslexia (AND French 101). French Now? or English First?; Reading: The Real Issue; Doing Your Homework: Reading; Reading is a Major Issue in Education; Special Offer on Wrightslaw: All About IEPs.

November 10, 2009- Alert! New! Wrightslaw: All About IEPs. Last Day -Special Prepublication Offer ends tomorrow.

November 17, 2009 - Celebrate Month of the Military Family. Ensuring FAPE for Military Children; DoD Special Needs Parent Toolkit for Military Families; An Exceptional Guard Family; Thank You for Supporting Our Troops.

November 24, 2009 - Methodology in the IEP. Methodology is vitally important; Who Chooses Methodology; New! Wrightslaw Training Program: All About IEPs; Proven Methods of Teaching and Learning.

December 1, 2009 - Research Based Reading Programs and Assessments. Effective Research Based Instruction; Research Based Reading Programs and Assessments; Reports on Reading Programs; ISO Smart Kids with LD Youth Achievement Award.

December 3, 2009 - Alert! Wrightslaw: All About IEPs is Shipping Now! How to Place Your Order; We Need Your Help with Two Questions; How You Can Help.

December 8, 2009 - Reading Recovery: What Do School Districts Get for Their Money? What is Reading Recovery?; Is Reading Recovery Effective?; Where's the "Bang for the Buck" with RR?; Meet Melissa Farrall.

Decenber 11, 2009 - Alert! New Law to Prevent Abuse in Schools: First "All About IEPs" Program in FL on Jan 15. Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion Act (H.R. 4247); First Wrightslaw "All About IEPs Program" in Florida on January 15, 2010.

December 15, 2009 - Alert! Join Us! "All About IEPs" Program in Tampa on Jan 15, 2020. Program Description; What You Will Learn; Special Offer: Reduced Registration Fee; Holiday Weekend Special - Save the Date!; Fun Stuff.

December 16, 2009 - Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act (H.R. 4247). What Does it Mean for Children with Disabilities?; IEPs, BIPs, and Educational Plans; What Can You Do?; National Reports on Seclusion and Restraints.

December 22, 2009 - Happy Holidays.

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