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Date: Jan. 24, 2006
Issue: 340
ISSN: 1538-3202

In this Issue

1. Double-Dipping? Are Kids with Disabilities Barred from Title I Reading?

2. Teaching a Child to Read: Special Ed or Reading First?

3. What Reading Tests Measure ... and Don't Measure

4. Wrightslaw Training in GA, VA (Feb. 2006)

5. EI: Reading Test

6. Subscribe & Contact Info

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The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
Double-Dipping? Special Ed v. Title I;
What Reading Tests Measure

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Most children with disabilities have significant deficits in reading. These children need research-based instruction that targets their specific reading problems.

But most children do not receive appropriate research-based reading instruction so they never learn to read proficiently.

In this issue, we look at reading, research based instruction, reading tests, and tell you about a screening test of reading skills for young children.

Subscribers on January 24, 2005: 47,965

Wrightslaw is ranked #1 in special education law and special education advocacy. (2005 Alexa rankings)

Download this issue. All newsletters published in 2005

1. Double-Dipping? Are Kids with Disabilities Barred from Title I Reading Programs?

"I work as a speech therapist for a public school system. We have been told that students may not have Title I reading resource and special ed goals in reading because this is 'double-dipping' into federal monies. Is this true?"

What do you think? Are kids with disabilities barred from Title I Reading programs to prevent them from "double dipping?"

Pam Wright and Sue Heath answer these questions in Double-Dipping: Are Kids with Disabilities Barred from Title I Programs?

Read more Frequently Asked Questions.

2. Teaching a Child to Read: Special Ed or Reading First?

"My child receives special education for reading. He received an 'F' in reading on his last progress report. When we asked the school to put him in Reading First, they said he cannot be in special ed and Reading First. Is this true?"

In Teaching a Child to Read: Special Ed or Reading First? Sue answers these questions and provides strategies and a Learning Plan that parents can use to ensure that their children get needed services -- and learn to read.

Read more articles by Sue Heath in Doing Your Homework.

3. What Reading Tests Measure ... and Don't Measure by Dr. Melissa Farrall

Before educators can design an effective remedial program for a child, they must understand the exact nature of the child's weaknesses. This is not as easy as it sounds.

"There are two important realities in testing. Tests do not always measure what they appear to measure. Not all tests measure reading, writing, and math skills comprehensively."

In What Reading Tests Measure ... and Don't Measure, Dr. Melissa Farrall teaches you about the most commonly used tests of reading - what they measure, how they are administered, and their limitations.

Learn about tests and evaluations.

Reading at Wrightslaw - How children learn to read, teaching children to read, early screening tests, free publications, reading caselaw and more.

4. Wrightslaw Training Programs: February 2006

In February, programs are scheduled in Georgia and Virginia.

February 2: Duluth GA - Special Education Law & Advocacy Training; keynote; breakout sessions

February 11: Atlanta, GA - Keynote, breakout sessions at the Annual Conference of the Georgia Branch of the International Dyslexia Association

February 20: Northern VA - What You Don't Know About IDEA CAN Hurt You!

Full 2006 Schedule l Program Descriptions

We are scheduling programs for Fall 2006 and 2007. If you are interested in bringing a Wrightslaw program to your community, please read this conference information

5. Early Intervention: Get Ready to Read Screening Tool

We know that early identification and early intervention are essential to educating children with disabilities.

We also know that "if help is delayed until third grade, children rarely catch up with their peers ... 75% of children who were poor readers in the 3rd grade remained poor readers in the 9th grade and could not read well when they became adults. (What Every Parent Should Know About Dyslexia)

If you have a young child, please use the Get Ready to Read Screening Tool. This 20 question research based screening tool will determine if your child's pre-reading skills are weak, strong, or in between.

Note: This screening tool is designed for four-year-olds.

Visit Get Ready to Read! for more information about the Get Ready to Read Screening Tool, skills kids need to read, and activities you can use to help your child.

6. Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, and tactics and strategies. Newsletter subscribers also receive "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books. Subscribe

Contact Info

Pete and Pam Wright
Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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