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Special Ed Advocate Archives: 2006

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The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. The newsletter iprovides accurate, up-to-date information about special education legal and advocacy issues. Our goal is to help readers navigate the confusing world of special education and get quality services for children with disabilities. Mission.

The 2006 Archives includes links to all issues of The Special Ed Advocate newsletter and Alerts published this year. To read issues published since April 1998, please visit the
Newsletter Archives.

January 3, 2006 - Smart Parent Advocacy. Tips to help your child get off to a good start when school begins; parent advocacy - what to do and not do; IDEA 2004 program in Northern VA; attorneys' fees under IDEA 2004; Pete and Pam Wright receive Outstanding Educator award.

January 10, 2006 - Annual Progress Report from Wrightslaw. Top 10 articles, top 10 topics, and top 10 cases for 2005.

Alert - Arlington v. Murphy - U. S. Supreme Court will decide whether parents who prevail in special education cases may be reimbursed for the costs of their experts and/or educational consultants. (01/12/06)

January 17, 2006 - Advocacy Strategies to Get Good IEPs. Questions about online training; how to use advocacy tactics and strategies to get a good IEP; what you can ask the school to do; get help from the Yellow Pages for Kids.

January 24, 2006 - Reading, Title I & IDEA. Double-Dipping? Are kids with disabilities barred from Title I reading?; teaching a child to read - special ed or Reading First; what reading tests measure ... and don't measure; Early intervention: Get Ready to Read Screening Tool.

February 7, 2006 - Reading Recovery & Research Based Programs. Why Reading Recovery is not appropriate for children with reading disorders; what school districts get for their money with Reading Recovery; why Reading Recovery is not appropriate for 1st graders; how to organize a successful parent group.

February 15, 2006 - Research Based Reading Programs & Assessments. Wrightslaw site en espanol; where to find reliable information about research based reading programs and assessments; criteria for research based reading programs; 10 tips - how to use IDEA & NCLB to improve your child's IEP.

February 22, 2006 - Difficulties in Getting the School to Provide an Appropriate Program. How to help your child build success; how to get the school to provide an appropriate program; navigating the forest without a flashlight.

Wrightslaw Alert - Protecting Educational Rights Under IDEA - Proposed requirements for multi-year IEPs and paperwork waiver programs pose dangers - your comments needed! (03/02/06)

March 7, 2006 - Answering Your Questions about FAPE. Pete and Pam answer questions about FAPE, how to document concerns and record meetings; FAPE for children with different needs; Evans v. Rhinebeck: Your Roadmap to FAPE.

March 20, 2006 - Answering Your Questions about Confidentiality, Mistakes People Make. Pete and Pam answer questions about parent observations v. confidentiality; mistakes people make - parents, schools, advocates, evaluators; feeling guilty about asking for special ed services?; Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board.

April 4, 2006 - Special Issue on COPAA, Part 1 - Advice from attorney members of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates; Gary Mayerson & Deal v. Hamilton Co TN; expert witnesses, paper trails, due process hearings, attorneys fees; Rowley, FAPE and high stakes testing.

April 11, 2006 - Special Issue on COPAA, Part 2 - Advice from COPAA members who are advocates, evaluators, educational consultants; progress report on online training; reading & exit exams, IEP meetings, complaints, negotiating, due process hearings; reading tests, reading methods, resolving parent school disputes.

April 18, 2006 - Arlington v. Murphy. Supreme Court to hear Oral Argument in Arlington v. Murphy; download briefs in Arlington v. Murphy; should a deaf child be taught by an interpreter; online training update.

May 2, 2006 - Behavior Problems & Discipline - What parents and teachers need to know; male aides for female students; Disability News interviews Pat Howey; update on IDEA 2004 regs.

May 10, 2006 - Game Plan for Writing SMART IEPs. Highly qualified teachers and research based instruction; NCLB - what every parent needs to know; update on IDEA 2004 Regs.

May 16, 2004 - Extended School Year Services - Success Story; legal standard; advocacy strategies to resolve an ESY problem; ESY caselaw.

May 24, 2006 - What Can One Person Do? - Start an educational advocacy group, build a cool website, educate people in your community, attend an IEP meeting with a parent, visit the new, improved Yellow Pages for Kids.

May 31, 2006 - Parents Prevail in ABA Autism Case - Includes Pete's Analysis of Henrico v. R.T.; Update on IDEA regs, California Supreme Court reinstates Exit Exam.

June 8, 2006 - IDEA Regs Under Review - What You Need to Know About IDEA 2004; IDEA publications, reports, resources.

June 14, 2006 - Strategies to Resolve IEP Problems - How to Use an IEP Attachment; How to Use Follow-Up Letters.

June 20, 2006 - Top 5 Articles & Topics, Top Cases, Yellow Pages for Kids

June 27, 2006 - Supreme Court Issues Decision in Arlington v. Murphy. Pete's Analysis; What You Don't Know About IDEA 2004 & NCLB CAN Hurt You!

July 11, 2006 - Parents Sue After Child Assaulted by Peer Tutor; Male Aide for Female Student; Why Parents Need to Ask "Dumb Questions"

July 18, 2006 - Call to Action! NY Allows Schools to Use Aversives on Children ... Including Electric Shock, Bell Curve Beta Groups ROCK; Protecting Your Child from Restraint, Aversives, Seclusion.

August 1, 2006 - IDEA Regs Approved, Expected Soon! What You Need to Know About IDEA 2004.

August 9, 2006 - IDEA 2004 Regs Available Now, Reformatted by Wrightslaw; Wrightslaw Webcasts Coming Soon!

August 15, 2006 - IDEA 2004 Regs & Model Forms. IDEA 2004 Regs, Model Forms for IEPs, Procedural Safeguards, Prior Written Notice; Online Training Soon.

August 22, 2006 - New Pro-Child Decision in Autism Case. Powerful Decision in Henrico v. R.T, Analysis of Henrico School Board v. R.T. by Pete Wright; Jeffers v. School Bd. DVD; More Resources about Autism, ASD, PDD, Asperger Syndrome.

September 1, 2006 - Another Powerful Pro-Child Decision in Autism Case. Judge Issues Powerful Decision on behalf of Child with Autism in JP v. School Bd of Hanover County; Autism Caselaw; More Resources about Autism, ASD, PDD, Asperger Syndrome

September 6, 2006 - Back to School Issue. 9 Ways to Boost Your Child's Attitude Before the Bus Arrives; 10 Tips for a Successful School Year; Parent Advocacy - What You Should Do and Not Do; New Sections about Early Intervention, Juvenile Justice, College, Military and DOD, and more.

September 12, 2006 - Your Child's Documents and File. The Paper Case: Managing Your Child's Documents, Why Schools Draw Lines in the Sand, What You Need to Know about IDEA 2004.

September 27, 2006 - IEP Goals & Parent Rights. How Can I Get a Trained, Certified Reading Teacher; How Can I Get Good Goals in the IEP, Do I have a Right to Observe My Child's Classroom; IDEA 2004 - Schedule of Public Meetings.

October 17, 2006 - IEP Teams and IEP Meetings. How to Handle Reading and IEP Team Problems; What to Do at an IEP Meeting; IEP Tips - Taping School Meetings.

October 25, 2006 - Children with Emotional and Behavior Problems. Schools Arresting Children for Minor Behaviors; IEPs for Children with Behavior Problems; Obligations to Kids with Emotional Problems.

November 6, 2006 - Advocacy, Voting & IDEA 2004. Most Powerful Advocacy Tool in IDEA 2004, What Can One Person Do (Do You Have a Free Hour?), Be a Good Role Model for Your Kids - Vote, Answers to Questions and Hotlines.

November 15, 2006 - Supreme Court to Hear Case about Parental Representation. - Can Parents Represent Their Children's Rights Under IDEA? Supreme Court to Hear Winkelman v. Parma School District; Surviving Due Process DVD; Trial Preparation: The Paper Chase.

November 28, 2006 - Section 504, Accommodations & Modifications. Discrimination. Who is Eligible for Protections Under Section 504, but Not Under IDEA; Why Must Teacher Make Modifications for One Child; Child with Health problems Dismissed from Team; Get Help from the Yellow Pages for Kids.

December 7, 2006 -Wrightslaw Special Education Law Available Now! Special Offer on print book and e-book combo from 12/07/06 through 12/20/06.

December 12 - IDEA 2004 & Functional IEP Goals. What You Need to Know About Functional Goals in IEPs; On the Record about Special Education in America with Pete and Pam Wright; 10 Things I Wish I Had Known about Learning Disabilities.

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