The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter

How Can I Get a Trained Reading Teacher?
Your Requests for Help,
F *r e e Boot Camp in OKC!

Date: Nov. 29, 2005
Issue: 331
ISSN: 1538-3202

In this Issue

1. How Can I Get a Trained, Certified Reading Teacher?

2. Reading at Wrightslaw

3. Answering Your Requests for Help

4. F*R E E Wrightslaw Bootcamp in OKC

5. Subscribe & Contact Info


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In this issue of The Special Ed Advocate, we look at reading, trained reading teachers, and answer your requests for help. You will also learn about a F*R E E Wrightslaw Boot Camp - but you have to act fast.

Download this issue.
All newsletters published in 2005

Subscribers on November 29, 2005: 47,550

Quote of the Week: "We have tools to identify the children who are destined for early reading failure ... if we intervene early, intensively and appropriately, we can provide these children with the early reading skills that can prevent almost all of them from ever entering the nasty downward spiral ..." Preventing Early Reading Failure

1. Doing Your Homework: How Can I Get a Trained, Certified Reading Teacher?

"My child is in third grade and is having difficulty learning to read, spell and write. I asked for a trained, certified reading teacher. The school says her special ed teacher is 'highly qualified' because she has 10 years of experience. The teacher is not trained or certified in any reading remediation program. What can I do?"

Sue Heath responds, "Trying to get by as a reading teacher without appropriate training makes as much sense as buying sheet music to become an opera singer. A teacher can't use the Wilson Method, or any other method, unless she has the required training."

Read Sue's advice to this parent in How Can I Get a Trained, Certified Reading Teacher for My Child?

Read more articles by Sue in Doing Your Homework.
Read more Frequently Asked Questions.

In addition to writing about creative advocacy strategies for Doing Your Homework, Sue is the co-author of Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind.

As a member of the Wrightslaw Speaker's Bureau, Sue provides training on No Child Left Behind. She also does programs on reading, research based instruction and strategies for using federal standards to advocate for children and improve public schools. Learn more

2. Reading at Wrightslaw

Reading at Wrightslaw includes information about reading, reading disabilities, research-based reading programs, law and caselaw, certified language therapists, and more.

"Reading disabilities are the most understood and effectively corrected learning disability ... if help is delayed until third grade, children rarely catch up with their peers ... 75% of the children who were poor readers in the 3rd grade remained poor readers in the 9th grade and could not read well when they became adults." From

Parents: Does your child have a language learning disability? You will want to read these articles:

What Every Parent Should Know About Dyslexia

Why Children Succeed or Fail at Reading - Research from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Program in Learning Disabilities

Put Reading First: Helping Your Child Learn to Read - A Parent Guide. Overview of findings of the National Reading Panel; ideas for what to expect from a school's reading program based on evidence from research (preschool through grade 3); suggests ways parents can reinforce reading instruction at home.

Teachers: Check out the articles in Teaching Children to Read, including:

What Works in Teaching Children to Read?

What Works in Teaching Adolescents to Read?

Put Reading First: Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read. Organized by topic for kindergarten through grade 3 (phonemic awareness instruction, phonics instruction, vocabulary instruction, fluency instruction, and text comprehension instruction); how research can be translated to practice.

Go to Reading at Wrightslaw for reliable information about reading, reading disabilities, research-based reading programs, law and caselaw, certified language therapists, and more.

Learn about Research Based Instruction

3. Answering Your Requests for Help

"I'm from New York. I need an advocate who can help me get a better program for my child. Can you help?"

"I need to find a good ABA program in Texas? Can you help?"

"I need to get an evaluation of my child - Please held me find a good evaluator?"

Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities

To answer your requests for help, we built Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities for every state and territory.

Your state Yellow Pages includes listings for psychologists, educational diagnosticians, therapists, health care providers, academic tutors, special education schools, advocates, attorneys, support and study groups, and others who provide services to parents and children.

Learn how to build your team, get educated, join a parent group, find legal and advocacy help, and more at the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities!

Help Others - Distribute Flyers for the Yellow Pages

Millions of parents are frightened, isolated, and seeking help. Reach out. Give them a hand. Let them know about the Yellow Pages for Kids.

Distribute flyers for your state Yellow Pages.

Where? At schools, day care centers, public libraries, doctors' and psychologists' offices, community centers, clinics, tutoring centers, and hospitals.

Tip: Ask your school, public library, day care center, and support group to post your state flyer on their bulletin boards and websites.

4. FREE Wrightslaw Special Ed Law & Advocacy Boot Camp in OKC on Dec 2-3, 2005

A free Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Boot Camp will be held in Oklahoma City on December 2 & 3, 2005. The program is sponsored by The Oklahoma Disability Law Center -- and is FREE for parents, family members, and individuals who work with children with disabilities.

Participants will receive two books: Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 and the new 2nd edition of Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy - The Special Education Survival Guide (value: $35.) Registration form

You will learn about changes in IDEA 2004 and you will learn how to:

* Use tests and measurements to measure educational progress
* Write SMART IEPs
* Use tactics and strategies for effective advocacy

Learn more about the Free Boot Camp in Oklahoma City. To learn when we are coming to your area, please check the schedule.

We are booking programs for 2006 and 2007. To learn how you can bring a Wrightslaw program to your community, please visit Seminars and Training.
Program Descriptions

5. Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, and tactics and strategies. Newsletter subscribers also receive "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books. Subscribe

Contact Info

Pete and Pam Wright
Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043
Website: https://www.wrightslaw.com
Email: webmaster@wrightslaw.com

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Wrightslaw Books
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
About the Book

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
About the Book

Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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