Wrightslaw |
Special Ed Advocate Newsletter |
At Wrightslaw, our goals are to help you gain the information and skills you need navigate the perplexing world of special education. Highlights: How to get the school to provide an appropriate reading program; reviewing special ed rights & responsibilities; learning about FAPE; $10 off on Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy; A Parent's Guide to NCLB; recommended books about reading and research-based reading programs; Wrightslaw programs in NH, AK, MD; help from Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. Wrightslaw
is ranked #1 in education
law, special
education law, and special
education advocacy. (2003 Alexa
rankings) The
Special Ed Advocate newsletter is free - please forward this
issue or the subscription
link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about
special education law and advocacy too. We appreciate your help!
newsletter 1. How Can I Get the School to Provide an Appropriate Reading Program? "My
son entered special education in 2nd grade. He is now in 5th
grade. When he entered special ed, his reading level was 1.3.
After 30 months of special education, his reading level is 2.3. He
is falling further behind, not closing the gap." "When I asked that my son receive Wilson instruction five days a week, the principal said they were 'trying to meet me half way' but I was 'not entitled to dictate the method they chose to use to remediate Paul.' I have not signed the IEP." "Should I sign the IEP and be grateful for two days of Wilson? I am tired of fighting with them. I feel like giving up but my son is too important." How
can this parent get an appropriate reading program for her child?
How can she deal with the resistant teacher? 2. Review: Special Ed Rights & Responsibilities IEP
time is just around the corner. It's time to brush up on your
knowledge about special education rights and responsibilities.
You will find FAPE defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) at 20 U. S. C. § 1401(8) (Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, page 27) and in the Code of Federal Regulations at 34 C.F.R. § 300.13 (Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, page 142). How
can you tell if your child is receiving educational benefit? If
you compare the child's educational achievement test scores over
time, you will know if your child is receiving educational benefit. 3. What is FAPE? Because
special education programs should be designed to meet each child's
unique needs, programs will vary. These articles will help you
understand what a "free appropriate public education"
means for different children. FAPE?
Ohio Child Entitled to an Education That is Appropriate -- and
Free. What is FAPE? Court of Appeals says child entitled to
appropriate education that is also free; orders district to reimburse
parents for child's tuition at private school. 4. Save $10 on Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy - "An Invaluable Advocacy Tool" "If
I were asked to choose just one book to help me learn advocacy
skills, this is it!" - Support for Families of Children
with Disabilities Newsletter Discounts
& Exam Copies
50% Discount on Bulk Purchases of Wrightslaw Books -The Advocacy Challenge Discount is a 50% discount on bulk purchases of Wrightslaw books. Exam Copies - Teachers in colleges and universities around the country use Wrightslaw books in education, special education and special education law courses. Learn more Wrightslaw books are reasonably priced ($29.95) - easy on tight budgets. Wrightslaw:
Special Education Law (ISBN
1-892320-03-7) 5. A Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind Are
you confused about No Child Left Behind? You are not alone!
Sue explains, "Only 32% of fourth graders are proficient readers who read at a fourth grade level, so a large focus of No Child Left Behind is on reading achievement." To
learn how No Child Left Behind will affect you, your child,
and your child's school, read A
Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind A
Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind is also available
as a 4 page, printer-friendly pdf document. We encourage
you to print and distribute this article so parents, teachers
and child advocates learn about this important law. By working
together, we are making a difference! Learn
more about No
Child Left Behind. 6. Research-Based Reading Instruction We
asked attorneys, educators, evaluators, and advocates to
recommend their favorite books for our Advocacy
Bookstore. Here are some recommended books about reading,
dyslexia and learning disabilities:
will find other good books in the Effective
Education section of our bookstore. 7. Coming Soon! Wrightslaw Programs in New Hampshire, Alaska & Maryland Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Programs focus on four areas: special education laws, rights & responsibilities; how to use the bell curve to measure progress & regression; SMART IEPs; and tactics & strategies for effective advocacy. Manchester, New Hampshire (Boot Camp) - March 26-27, 2004 Juneau, Alaska (Boot Camp) - April 8-9, 2004 Anchorage, Alaska (Boot Camp)- April 13-14, 2004 Annapolis, Maryland (Boot Camp) - April 30-May 1, 2004 Wrightslaw
are usually "sold out" so if you plan
to attend, don't procrastinate - register today!
you are interested in bringing Pete
and Pam Wright to your community, please
read our FAQs
about Seminars. (We are scheduling
programs for 2005-2006.) 8. Need Help? Visit the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities Are
you looking for a tutor or therapist? A
psychologist or educational diagnostician?
A speech language therapist? An advocate
or attorney? 9.
Subscription & Contact Info
Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special
education legal and advocacy issues, cases, and tactics and strategies.
Subscribers receive "alerts" about new cases, events,
and special offers on Wrightslaw books.
Contact Info Pete
and Pam Wright |