Wrightslaw |
Special Ed Advocate Newsletter |
At Wrightslaw, our goals are to help you gain the information and skills you need navigate the perplexing world of special education. Highlights: The blame game - learning about school culture; school won't evaluate child with 504 Plan, says child must fail; accommodations and modifications on high-stakes tests; next wave of special education litigation; high-stakes testing flyer; subscribe to The Beacon; Wrightslaw programs in MI, NH, AK, MD; get help from Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. Wrightslaw
is ranked #1 in education
law, special
education law, and special
education advocacy. (2003 Alexa
rankings) The
Special Ed Advocate newsletter is free - please forward this
issue or the subscription
link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about
special education law and advocacy too. We appreciate your help!
newsletter 1. The Blame Game: Are Learning & Behavior Problems the Kids' Fault? Parents of special ed kids often say that they are intimidated and patronized by staff at their children’s school. Are parents too sensitive? Do they misperceive and misunderstand what happens in their contacts with educators? Or are parents just over-protective of their children, as many educators claim? If school staff believe that you or your child are responsible for your child’s problems, how can you work with them to ensure that your child gets a good quality education? The
Blame Game! describes five reasons why kids have learning
and behavior problems, what school personnel don't tell parents,
and what you can do about it. Learn about school culture, beliefs,
evaluations and consultants, and how to negotiate. 2. Section 504: Child Needs Help, School Won't Evaluate "My
daughter has a 504 plan. Her grades have dropped from A's and
B's to C's and D's. I recently met with school personnel and asked
that she receive more help." What
do you think? Do you have ideas about how this parent should proceed? 3. Accommodations & Modifications on High-Stakes Tests As school districts and states come under increased pressure to improve educational results, high-stakes testing has emerged as a hot issue. Many
parents, teachers and administrators are confused about accommodations
and modifications on high-stakes tests. Some believe that children
with disabilities cannot receive accommodations and modifications
on high-stakes tests. Others believe that the child's IEP team
makes this decision. Learn
more about high-stakes tests. Learn more about accommodations & modifications 4. The Next Wave of Special Education Litigation by Pete Wright, Esq. According to Pete Wright, "Special education law and litigation is on the verge of a major shift in direction." "As
more states require students to pass high-stakes tests before
they receive high school diplomas, we are seeing a new kind
of case. We are being asked to represent children who cannot
pass high-stakes tests because their schools did not teach them
the information and skills they need to pass these tests."
"Schools that retain or refuse to graduate children often claim that No Child Left Behind requires them to take these actions. This is not true . . . " Not
true? Read The
Next Wave of Special Education Litigation
Reauthorization: Parents Urge Senate to Vote "No"
on Senate Bill 1248 Learn
about more objections to Senate Bill 1248 in Parents
Urge Senate to Vote "No" on Senate Bill 1248." The
Beacon: Journal of Special Education Law and Practice is
an electronic journal published by Harbor
House Law Press. The Beacon includes articles and essays
for attorneys, advocates and others who are interested in special
education law and practice. 7. Coming Soon! Wrightslaw Programs in Michigan, New Hampshire, Alaska & Maryland Please join us for a Wrightslaw special education law and advocacy program. These programs fill up fast - if you plan to attend, don't procrastinate - register today! Troy, Michigan - February 28, 2004 Manchester,
New Hampshire (Boot Camp) - March 26-27,
Juneau, Alaska (Boot Camp) - April 8-9, 2004 Anchorage, Alaska (Boot Camp)- April 13-14, 2004 Annapolis, Maryland (Boot Camp) - April 30-May 1, 2004 If you are interested in bringing Pete and Pam Wright to your community, please read our FAQs about Seminars. (We are scheduling programs for 2005-2006.) 8. Need Help? Visit the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities Are
you looking for a tutor or therapist? A
psychologist or educational diagnostician?
A speech language therapist? An advocate
or attorney? Are
you looking for a research-based
reading program? Review the list
of providers who use structured, multisensory,
alphabetic techniques. Check the database
of service providers from the International
Dyslexia Association. 9.
Subscription & Contact Info
Contact Info Pete
and Pam Wright |