Wrightslaw |
Special Ed Advocate Newsletter |
At Wrightslaw, our goals are to help you gain the information and skills you need to navigate the confusing world of special education. Highlights: New site - No Child Left Behind at Wrightslaw; how will NCLB affect you; NCLB law, regulations, guidance publications, policy letters; reading and research-based instruction; No Child Left Behind information directories; education statistics & report cards; flyers, fact sheets, brochures, free newsletters; put a Wrightslaw training program on your "to-do" list. Wrightslaw
is ranked #1 in education
law, special
education law, and special
education advocacy. (2003 Alexa
rankings) The
Special Ed Advocate newsletter is free - please forward this
issue or the subscription
link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about
special education law and advocacy too. We appreciate your help!
newsletter 1. New Site! No Child Left Behind - Wrightslaw
Internet Orders l Mail, Fax, Phone Orders l Bulk Discounts l Exam Copies 2. How Will No Child Left Behind Affect You? If
you are a parent, you represent your child's interests. You need
to learn about your rights and responsibilities under No Child
Left Behind and how this law affects your child's education. The
articles in How
Will NCLB Affect You? were selected to answer your questions.
Topics include: 3. NCLB Law, Regulations, Guidance Publications, Policy Letters To
find answers to your questions about No Child Left Behind, you
may want to do your own legal research.
No Child Left Behind Law, Regulations, Guidance Publications,
Policy Letters 4. Reading and Research-Based Instruction No Child Left Behind requires schools and school districts to use federal funds on research-based reading programs. "A primary focus of this law is the requirement that school districts and individual schools use effective research-based reading remediation programs so all children are reading at grade level by the end of third grade. The law authorizes funds 'to provide assistance to State educational agencies and local educational agencies in establishing reading programs for students in kindergarten through grade 3 that are based on scientifically based reading research, to ensure that every student can read at grade level or above no later than the end of grade 3.' (20 U.S.C.§ 6361)" (page 73, Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind) Topics in Reading & Research Based Instruction include: *
Learning to Read If
you are looking for a tutor, check the database of service providers
from the International Dyslexia
Association. If you are a teacher, find training courses that
meet federal NCLB standards in Reading
& Research Based Instruction. 5. No Child Left Behind Information Directories We built the No Child Left Behind Information Directories to help you use NCLB and take advantage of opportunities in the law. Information in the No Child Left Behind Information Directories includes: *
NCLB Publications from the U. S. Department of Education 6. Education Statistics, Report Cards & Graphs Objective
information is essential to an effective accountability system.
Education Statistics,
Report Cards and Graphs provide current levels of performance
for schools, school districts, and states. These statistics show
where we are and how much progress we must make to achieve our
goals. 7. NCLB Flyers, Fact Sheets, Brochures, Free Newsletters You can use flyers and fact sheets to educate others about the No Child Left Behind Act. We collected dozens of informational Flyers, Fact Sheets, Brochures and Free Newsletters about NCLB. Examples: *
Parent's Guide to Supplemental Services You can distribute flyers and fact sheets at schools, day care centers, public libraries, doctor's and psychologist's offices, community centers, and hospitals. Ask your school, public library, day care center, and support group to post flyers on their bulletin boards. Ask your school to include flyers as attachments to your school newsletter. Ask your PTA or SEPTA to distribute flyers. For more ideas, read Using Flyers to Educate Others by Sue Heath 8.
Wrightslaw Training on Your To-Do List for the New Year
Wrightslaw special education law and advocacy programs focus on four areas: special education laws, rights & responsibilities; how to use the bell curve to measure progress & regression; SMART IEPs; and tactics & strategies for effective advocacy.
Our 2004 schedule includes programs in:
February 17: Jefferson
City, MO We
are scheduling programs for Fall 2004 and 2005. If you are interested
in bringing Pete and Pam Wright to your community, please read
our FAQs about
Seminars. 9.
Subscription & Contact Info
Contact Info Pete
and Pam Wright |