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The Special Ed Advocate Archives for 2004
Print this page December 20, 2004 - Free tutoring & tutors for kids; free special ed advocacy course; free professional development workshops; alternative routes to teaching; free shipping, price cuts, autographed books; free advice - taking care of yourself; free help & free listings on Yellow Pages for Kids; winter schedule - Wrightslaw programs in FL, NJ, NY, IN, MO, AZ. December 14, 2004 - IDEA 2004 - schools cannot require kids to be medicated; answers to your questions about passing grades, IQ scores, eligibility; how to get services by asking questions; why gatekeepers say 'no;' free shipping & price cuts in our holiday special; when is a child entitled to a personal aide; behavior & discipline info; winter schedule - Wrightslaw programs in FL, NJ, NY, MO, AZ. December 7, 2004 - President signs reauthorized IDEA; highly qualified special ed teachers under IDEA 2004; help for teachers, principals, paraprofessionals; free shipping & price cuts - holiday special; what is your NCLB IQ?; free pub - The Road to Nowhere; winter schedule - Wrightslaw programs in FL, NJ, OH, NY, MO. November
30, 2004 - How IEPs will change under IDEA 2004; Rule 11 & attorneys
fees; download full text of IDEA 2004 compared with IDEA-97; Holiday Special
- prices cut, free shipping; independent educational evaluations; what
you should know about evaluations; Wrightslaw programs in OK, FL, NJ,
OH, NY, MO. IDEA Alert, November 12, 2004 - Congress Will Meet on November 17 to Reauthorize IDEA November 9, 2004 - Failure to include regular ed teacher on IEP team is fatal; procedural safeguards & parent notice; top 10 articles for October; IDEA Update - negotiations continue; sample letter with background info & resources; educating all children; find help in the Yellow Pages for Kids. November 2, 2004- Reading and research; double-dipping - kids with disabilities and Title I reading programs; effective methods to teach reading; teaching adolescents to read; teaching late bloomers; retention as an intervention; caselaw about reading; Wrightslaw programs in VA & OK. October 26, 2004 - What is your IEP IQ?; your child's IEP - practical & legal guidance; teaching a child to read: Reading First or special ed?; strategies for IEP goals & objectives; how to use a parent IEP attachment; recommended books about IEPs; symposium on educating at-risk children. October 19, 2004 - Child with 504 plan is failing, school won't help; who is eligible for protections under Section 504 (not IDEA); answers to your frequently asked questions; advocacy 101 - gatekeepers & why schools say "no"; IDEA reauthorization news; free professional development courses for teachers; free tutors for kids. October
12, 2004 - How to get a certified reading teacher; feds publish inaccurate
info on graduation rates for disabled kids; court overrules decision in
stay-put case as "unfair to parents"; due process hearings;
Surviving Due Process; winter schedule - Wrightslaw programs in
VA, OK, FL, NJ, OH, NY. IDEA Alert - Negotiations on IDEA Reauthorization to Begin. (09/24/04) September 21, 2004 - Special education due process hearings; how to resolve disputes - mediation, negotiation, litigation; how to prepare for a special ed due process hearing; how to put on a special education case; do parents of disabled children have rights in the workplace?; find help in the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. September
16, 2004 - Getting help for a child with reading problems; what does
law say about passing grades; can parent get child's IEP changed: do teachers
have to provide accommodations in child's IEP; new issue of The Beacon on high-stakes
testing; Wrightslaw programs in CT, VA, OK. August 17, 2004 - Success story: how I used school evals to get ABA therapy program; are children with ADD/ADHD eligible for special ed; useful pubs on evaluations & eligibility from USDOE; are schools required to give personal info to military recruiters; how will NCLB affect you? August 12, 2004 - Planning is key to success; success story - why plans are our safety net; assertiveness & effective parent advocacy; managing your child's documents; "Paper Chase" in The Beacon; advocacy training programs in Indianapolis, Hartford CT, Virginia Beach, & Oklahoma City. August
3, 2004 - Advice about "10-day notice letters";
how to use letters to persuade & prevail; how to deal with confusing
terms & jargon; choreography of trial preparation; representing the
special ed child. July 21, 2004 - Dealing with a hostile school environment; resolving problems & protecting relationships; Letter to the Stranger & changing perspectives; learning to negotiate & persuade; legal decisions about advocacy by parents; Getting to Yes, How to Argue and Win. July 14, 2004 - Discipline - still a hot topic; can the school suspend or expel a child with LD/ADHD; what you need to know about functional behavioral assessments; caselaw on discipline; free pub - IEP Team's Introduction to Behavior Assessments & Intervention Plans and more; Why Johnny Doesn't Behave - 20 Tips from Experts. July
7, 2004 - New decision from 8th Circuit ends parental
nightmare; responsibility for providing FAPE; alternatives to name-calling
& other bad behavior; mistakes parents make; when parents and schools
disagree - how to resolve disputes; school leaders testify in favor of
NCLB. June 23, 2004 - How to get an appropriate education and avoid due process; encouraging parents to be adversarial; teachers and low expectations; advice about law school; advice about moving; objections to Boot Camp as "militant." June 16, 2004 - Summer school for parents; learn about legal rights & responsibilities; find help in your community; join a parent group; take action, help others, start a FETA Study Group; Reading Recovery & IEP problems. June 8, 2004 - Summer school for parents; get a psychoeducational evaluation; measure child's progress; learn about SMART IEPs; what people are saying about Wrightslaw books; get your state academic standards. June 3, 2004 - Summer school for parents; take care of yourself & your family; write a thank-you note; develop your master plan; learn to negotiate; learn about child's disability and effective education; Boot Camp in Sacramento; help from Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. May 25, 2004 - Evaluations; how to use an evaluator; factors to consider when selecting an evaluator; preparing psycho-educational reports; mistakes people make - independent evaluators & advocates; top 5 articles in May. IDEA Alert - On Thursday, May 13, the Senate passed S. 1248, the bill to reauthorize the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), on a 95-3 vote. (05/20/04) May 19, 2004 - Your role at your child's IEP meeting; progress in general curriculum; how to use info from evaluations in the IEP; child's IQ scores falling, school says he is "doing fine"; how a parent lobbied for an appropriate program; free pubs about IEPs. May 4, 2004 - A fresh look at special ed advocacy; mistakes people make - parents, schools; help for teachers, paraprofessionals, principals; Wrightslaw programs in AL, FL, WA, CA; free workshops for teachers; help from Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. IDEA Alert - Senate to Vote on IDEA; Call-In Day (04/30/04) April 27, 2004 - Transition from school to work; legal requirements for transition in IEPs; follow-up letters and IEP meetings; how to use a parent IEP attachment; good cases about IEPs; free pubs about IEP and transition; Wrightslaw programs in MD, AL, FL, WA, CA. April 21, 2004 - How to write IEP goals & objectives; how to get an IEP revised; who is responsible for providing an appropriate program?; Wrightslaw books - easy on tight budgets; frequently asked questions about IEPs; teaching reading - special Ed or Reading First?; IEP caselaw. April 13, 2004 - Advocating for your child - getting started; IEP goals & objectives; how to disagree with the school; Alaska students with disabilities graduate with diplomas; exit exams can be optional if you plan ahead; new issue of The Beacon about high-stakes testing. April
7, 2004 - One million dollar verdict for special ed teacher
in retaliation case upheld; inside story of one million dollar verdict;
lessons from the Settlegoode case - paper trails and letter writing; Council
of Parent Attorneys and Advocates; Wrightslaw programs in AK, MD, AL. March 2, 2004 - Autism and PDD; debate about ABA /Lovaas therapy; functional behavior assessments & positive interventions; anatomy of special ed case; ABA/Lovaas caselaw; support groups & organizations. February 25, 2004 - School culture and the "blame game;" school won't evaluate child with 504 Plan, says child must fail; accommodations and modifications on high-stakes tests; next wave of special education litigation; high-stakes testing flyer; subscribe to The Beacon; Wrightslaw programs in MI, NH, AK, MD. February 19, 2004 - Writing IEPs for success; IEP resources and help; letter from advocates about state returning federal funds; NCLB news; free pubs about IEPs, reading, bullying, private school students, behavior & discipline; Wrightslaw programs in IL, IN, MI. February 11, 2004 - How to prepare for mediation; how to resolve disputes by negotiation, mediation, litigation; FAQs about mediation; learning to negotiate; mediation & the lighter side of special ed. February 3, 2004 - What is your IEP IQ?; IDEA reauthorization - advocates speak out, organize, demonstrate; 8 steps to better IEP meetings; how to use a parent IEP attachment; IEP info and resources; Wrightslaw programs sell out. January 27, 2004 - States sit on 5.7 billion in federal funds; how to hire a lay advocate or attorney; how to work with an educational consultant or evaluator; strategies for getting help - database of service providers; Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) conference in San Francisco; Pete and Pam go to Midwest, provides special Ed legal and advocacy training. January 20, 2004 - Reading at Wrightslaw; information and resources for parents and teachers; tutors, training, & research-based instruction; free pubs about reading; caselaw about reading; Children of the Code; put Wrightslaw training on your "to-do" list. January 14, 2004 - States send millions in education funds back to feds; what to expect from an evaluation of your child; what you need to know about evaluations; working with evaluators and educational consultants; tests to evaluate reading problems; put a Wrightslaw training program on your "to-do" list. January 7, 2004 - New site - No Child Left Behind at Wrightslaw; how NCLB will affect you; NCLB law, regulations, guidance publications, policy letters; reading and research-based instruction; No Child Left Behind information directories; education statistics & report cards; flyers, fact sheets, brochures, free newsletters.