
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
April 15, 2003

Issue -
ISSN: 1538-3202
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In this Issue

Writing IEPs for Success

What is Your IEP IQ?

FAQs: Must Teachers Provide Accoms & Mods in the IEP?

Need Help? Visit the Yellow Pages!

Mistakes People Make: Advocates & Evaluators by Bob Crabtree, Esq.

Editor's Choice: Good Books About IEPs

Advocacy Training: MA, FL, VA

Subscription & Contact Info

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This issue of The Special Ed Advocate is the second in a series about IEPs.

Highlights: Writing IEPs for success; test your IEP IQ; Pete answers questions about accommodations and modifications in IEPs; get help from our Yellow Pages for Kids; mistakes people make - evaluators & advocates by Bob Crabtree; editor's choice - good books about IEPs; Pete & Pam's May schedule includes training programs in MA, FL, VA.

Download newsletter in html: https://www.wrightslaw.com/nltr/03/nl.0415.htm

Subscribers on April 14, 2003: 42,799

The Special Ed Advocate
newsletter is free - please forward this issue or the subscription link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about special education law and advocacy too. We appreciate your help!


1. Writing IEPs for Success

Frustrated with one-size fits all IEPs that are not tailored to the child's unique needs? Feel intimidated at IEP meetings? Worried that your child is not making progress in the special ed program? You are not alone.

In Writing IEPs for Success, you learn how to write IEPs that are educationally useful and legally correct.


In Writing IEPs for Success, Dr. Bateman walks you though the IEP process, step-by-step. Few people will disagree with Dr. Bateman's assessment of IEPs and the IEP process:

"Most IEPs are useless or slightly worse, and too many teachers experience the IEP process as always time consuming, sometimes threatening, and, too often, a pointless bureaucratic requirement . . ."

"Parents who attempt to participate as equals are often intimidated into acquiescence. They are given false and outrageous distortions as, 'We (the district) don't provide individual tutoring'; or 'We are a full inclusion school and have no special classes or resource rooms because we don't believe in pull-out programs'."

"When these blatantly illegal practices are presented as if they are fact, few parents are prepared to challenge the school district."

If you want to participate in the IEP process, you must learn how to write IEP goals and objectives that measure the child's progress. Learn how to make the IEP process and product "educationally useful and legally correct" - download, print and read Writing IEPs for Success.


NOTE: This article includes an extensive discussion of transition and transition plans.

2. What is Your IEP IQ?

If you visit Wrightslaw, you are likely to have questions about IEPs. Test your knowledge - take our IEP Quiz. (you will receive answers to the quiz by email)


After you review your score, visit our IEP Resources Page for articles, tactics and strategies, tips,
law and regulations, and free publications about IEPs and IEP meetings:


3. FAQ: Must Teachers Provide Accommodations & Modifications in Child's IEP?

Do teachers have to provide the accommodations and modifications listed in the child's IEP?

Pete answers questions about IEPs, teaching skills v. providing accommodations and modifications, Helen Keller -- and shares his "Big Gripe" about special education.


Do you want to learn more about "The Right Way to Advocate for Children?" Visit Fetaweb.com, the companion site we built for our book, Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy.


If you have Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, be sure to get a copy of the Owner's Manual at

4. Need Help? Visit the Yellow Pages for Kids!

"Can you tell me if there is a support group for Aspergers? We live in Columbia, SC."

"I need to find an advocate - I live in Washington state."

We built the Yellow Pages for Kids so you can get reliable information and support. When you visit your state Yellow Pages for Kids, you will find many different resources - evaluators, tutors, advocates, consultants, programs, attorneys, and support groups.


"The new Yellow Pages on Fetaweb.com are a great idea - Thanks!" - Jeanne

Yellow Pages Applications

We are accepting applications from evaluators, educational consultants, tutors, advocates, attorneys, and others who help parents get services for their children. If you provide a service, you may request a free listing on your state Yellow Pages for Kids.

Learn about application process: http://www.fetaweb.com/help/states.htm

Yellow Pages Flyers

To get the word out about the Yellow Pages for Kids, we designed a general Yellow Pages Flyer and flyers for each state.

Download flyers: http://www.fetaweb.com/help/state.flyers.htm

Please distribute your state Yellow Pages for Kids Flyer at schools, day care centers, libraries, doctor's and psychologist's offices, community centers, and hospitals. Ask the s school to include the Yellow Pages flyer in the school newspaper too.

"Your flyer will go up on my information board and website today!" -
Fleet & Family Support Center

Do you have a website? Please link to the Yellow Pages for Kids! Download Yellow Pages images: http://www.fetaweb.com/help/add.htm

5. Mistakes People Make: Advocates & Independent Evaluators by Bob Crabtree, Esq.

Last week, we featured two of Bob Crabtree's popular "Mistakes People Make" articles about parents and school districts. This week, we give you two more articles in the "Mistakes People Make" series about advocates and independent evaluators.

"Because the non-lawyer advocate plays an extremely important role in the special education process, advocates must be mindful of their power and the trust parents place in them. The more serious mistakes advocates may make are generally ones of excess . . . "

Read Mistakes People Make: Advocates.


"To make their case for services or a specific program for their child, parents usually need a competent, credible independent evaluator. Serious mistakes by evaluators can make undermine their credibility or render their opinions powerless."

To learn about mistakes independent evaluators should avoid, read Mistakes People Make: Independent Evaluators.


6. Editor's Choice: Good Books About IEPs

The heart of your child's special education program is the Individualized Education Program (IEP). These books will teach you how to write IEP goals and objectives that target your child's problems.

New! Writing Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives by Barbara D. Bateman & Cynthia M. Herr.

A guide to quick and effective writing of accurate and measurable IEP goals and objectives. This book will give special educators, regular educators, and parents the confidence and know-how to develop IEPs that are both legally correct and educationally useful.


Measuring Instructional Results by Robert Mager 

In the best-selling book on educational progress, Robert Mager teaches you how to write clear measurable IEP goals and objectives. 


New! When Johnny Doesn't Behave: 20 Tips and Measurable BIPs by Barbara Bateman and Annemieke Golly.

Learn how to write Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs); includes concrete "tips" to help you avoid behavioral problems.


For more good books about IEPs, visit the IEP section of the Advocate's Bookstore:

Bestseller List: https://www.wrightslaw.com/bkstore/bks_index.htm

7. Wrightslaw: Advocacy Training: May 2003

"Before Boot Camp, special ed was occupying every worry cell in my brain. Now that I have a road map, I worry less and accomplish more." - Carolyn from Oklahoma

Knowledge is power. When you have information and skills, you will be a more effective advocate for your child. Our role is to help you gain knowledge so you can negotiate with the school on your child's behalf.

"I have never learned so much useful information at a workshop - thank you for having a heart for kids and the head for the Law." - Susan from Texas

In May, we will do Boot Camps in Springfield, Massachusetts and Jacksonville, Florida.

May 2 & 3, 2003 - Springfield, MA (Boot Camp)

May 16-17 2003 - Jacksonville, FL (Boot Camp)

and a one-day advocacy training program in Roanoke, Virginia.

May 21, 2003 - Roanoke, VA

Wrightslaw seminars and training programs focus on four areas: special education laws, rights & responsibilities; how to use the bell curve to measure progress & regression; SMART IEPs; and how to use tactics & strategies for effective advocacy.

"I attended your OKC Boot Camp with two coworkers. We learned SO MUCH in those two days! Your books could not be more helpful to anyone who works with special education students." - Christie from Kansas

For more information about these events and programs that will be held over the next few months, please check our Seminars & Training page.


We are now booking programs for 2004. To learn how you can bring Pete & Pam Wright to your community, please read our FAQs about Seminars.


8. Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, and tactics and strategies. Subscribers receive "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books.

Law Library - https://www.wrightslaw.com/law.htm

Advocacy Library - https://www.wrightslaw.com/advoc.htm

Free Newsletter - https://www.wrightslaw.com/subscribe.htm

Newsletter Archives - https://www.wrightslaw.com/archives.htm

Seminars & Training - https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/index.htm

Yellow Pages for Kids - http://www.fetaweb.com/help/states.htm

Contact Info

Pete and Pam Wright
Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043
Website: https://www.wrightslaw.com
Email: newsletter@wrightslaw.com

Yellow pages image