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The Special Ed Advocate Archives for 2003

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The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. The newsletter iprovides accurate, up-to-date information about special education legal and advocacy issues. Our goal is to help readers navigate the confusing world of special education and get quality services for children with disabilities. Mission.

The 2003 Archives includes links to all issues of The Special Ed Advocate newsletter and Alerts published this year. To read issues published since April 1998, please visit the
Newsletter Archives.

December 12, 2003 - NCLB news - something amazing happened on December 9; child has health problems, school says he is truant; Section 504, accommodations and after-school programs; learn about Section 504; Section 504 caselaw; Pete and Pam coming to FL, MO, IL, IN, MI, NH, and AK.

December 3, 2003 - How to request a one-to-one aide; lesson about related services; Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind ships; photos; IDEA reauthorization update, December 2003; due process hearings and the lighter side of special ed; free Wrightslaw advocacy program in OK; winter schedule includes programs in FL, MO, IL, IN, MI, and NH.

Alert - Join Pam and Pete in Edmond, Oklahoma on December 6, 2003. (12/02/03)

November 25, 2003 - Tests and measurements for parents, teachers, advocates and attorneys; child can't read so mom needs help; we can train Shamu but we can't teach a child to read?; parents, kids, and IEPs - the lighter side of special ed; free Wrightslaw advocacy program in OK; help from Yellow Pages for Kids; EducationNews!

November 18, 2003 (Issue 236) - Right to a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE); free shipping & free CD-ROM with Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind - pre-pub offer ends today; questions about accommodations and high-stakes testing; resources and flyers about high-stakes tests, retention, and discrimination; get help from Yellow Pages for Kids; Wrightslaw advocacy training program in OK - free to parents.

Alert - November 17, 2003 - Pre Pub Offer on Wrightslaw No Child Left Behind Ends On November 18, 2003!

November 11, 2003 (Issue 235) - Reading by grade 3; research-based reading instruction; pre-pub offer on Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind includes free shipping on all Wrightslaw books; new Yellow Pages for Kids; last Wrightslaw training programs in 2003.

Alert - November 4, 2003 - Pre Pub Offer on Wrightslaw No Child Left Behind

November 3, 2003 (Issue 234) - High-stakes tests and children with disabilities; resources about testing and accountability; attorneys Bob Crabtree and Pete Wright answer questions about discipline, behavior problems, suspensions, and expulsions; learn about functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans; visit new Yellow Pages for Kids.

Alert - October 31, 2003 - Join Pete and Pam Wright in Woodbridge, Virginia on November 12, 2003 and in Syracuse, New York on November 15, 2003 for a One Day Advocacy Training Program!

Alert - October 30, 2003 - Join Pam and Pete in Jackson MS on November 7-8, 2003 for a Boot Camp.

October 23, 2003 (Issue 233) - Two new publications from USDOE; What can one person do?; LD Advocates Guide; Eliminating Short Term Objectives in IDEA?; Legal Definitions of Reading in NCLB; How Is Your State Doing?; Join Pam and Pete in MS, VA, NY & OK; New from Wrightslaw -

Alert - October 21, 2003 - New Service From Wrightslaw -

October 15, 2003 (Issue 232) - Advocacy - what will you do this week; 1st Circuit rules parent can represent child in IDEA dispute; cases about advocacy by parents; Game Plan to resolve eligibility disputes; Wrightslaw: Special Education Law; advocacy training programs in MS, NY, OK; A Call to Action on October 18.

Alert - October 14, 2003 - Join Pete and Pam Wright in Woodbridge, Virginia on November 12, 2003 for a One Day Advocacy Training Program

October 7, 2003 (Issue 231) - What can one person do; what two people did; teaching a child to read - special ed or Reading First; A Call to Action; questions about support for NCLB; IDEA reauthorization update; dangerous amendments may weaken IDEA; advocacy training programs in MS, NY, OK; what will YOU do this week?

October 1, 2003 (Issue 230) - Advocacy - what can one person do; what one person IS doing; how to use Open Records laws; A Call to Action; advocacy training programs in MS, NY, OK; using flyers to educate others; free pubs about NCLB; accountability follows money; what will YOU do this week?

September 25, 2003 (Issue 229) - Power is out - the long, dark wait; bill to gut No Child Left Behind introduced in House; 4 important definitions of reading in NCLB; join Pete and Pam for advocacy training programs in NC, MS, NY; new issue of The Beacon; glossaries of special ed and assessment terms.

Alert - September 17, 2003 - Join Pete and Pam on the Mid-Atlantic March (September 20-26)

September 15, 2003 (Issue 228) - Hurricanes and the "rules of adverse assumptions;" NCLB, school choice and tutoring; when parents and schools disagree; join Pete and Pam on the Mid-Atlantic March; help for college kids; new issue of The Beacon; free pub about children with learning disabilities; glossaries of special ed and assessment terms.

Alert - September 8, 2003 - Join Pam and Pete Wright in Annandale, VA on Sept. 23, 2003 or in Charlotte, NC on Sept. 26, 2003.

Alert - September 5, 2003 - Join Pete and Pam Wright in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 20, 2003 for an Advocacy Training Program

September 3, 2003 (Issue 227) - Back to school, backs to the wall on IDEA reauthorization; IDEA talking points; IDEA reauthorization news; free shipping on Wrightslaw books; mistakes people make - parents, schools, evaluators, advocates; Wrightslaw march through the Mid-Atlantic.

August 26, 2003 (Issue 226) - What to do if you think your child's rights have been violated; how to handle a parent-school crisis; how to prevent burnout; new issue of The Beacon coming soon; how to avoid a big mistake most parents make; how to get help from a consultant, evaluator, advocate; free shipping on Wrightslaw books; special education law program in DC; attend a Wrightslaw Advocacy Training Program.

August 19, 2003 (Issue 225) - 9 myths about testing; Pete & Pam answer questions about FAPE, rules of adverse assumptions, how to disagree with the IEP team, how to tape-record meetings, how to write letters that document concerns, how to get an IEP changed; maximum number of IEP goals; how to plan for the future; Wrightslaw Advocacy Training Programs; Free Shipping on Wrightslaw books.

Alert - August 18, 2003 - join Pete and Pam Wright in Wichita for a Wrightslaw Boot Camp, a two-day intensive training program in special education law and advocacy.

August 14, 2003 (Issue 224) - Pam's recovery continues, Pete's polishes his cooking skills; are Pete and Pam enemies of public schools; four great things about reading in NCLB; advocacy 101 - documents, letters, paper trails; strategies for success - how to get services by asking questions; free shipping on Wrightslaw books; IDEA Update - battle against low expectations continues; attend a Wrightslaw Advocacy Training Program.

August 7, 2003 (Issue 223) - Pam has surgery, Pete collects surgical tools; champion of special-ed children doing good, having fun; four wonderful things in NCLB - reading, essential components of reading instruction, scientifically based research, diagnostic reading assessments; IDEA Update - IDEA 2004; put Wrightslaw advocacy training on your "to-do" list; new decision from 4th Circuit; free shipping on Wrightslaw books.

July 23, 2003 (Issue 222) - Getting help for children with reading problems; fighting for appropriate services; falling IQ scores and the Matthew Effect; reading and reimbursement caselaw; strategies to find an evaluator, tutor, advocate, or attorney; free shipping on books from Wrightslaw; advocacy training programs in KS, PA, VA, NC, MS, NY; managing your newsletter subscription.

July 16, 2003 (Issue 221) - School pressure is off. Maybe things will be better next year. Not yet! Here is your Summer To Do List.

July 2, 2003 (Issue 220) - Senators listen to parents & advocates about IDEA; advocating for your child; assertiveness and effective advocacy; learning the "rules of the game," Pete and Pam are coming to KS, PA, VA, NC, MS, NY; managing your newsletter subscription.

June 26, 2003 (Issue 219) - "Championing Children for Whom Reading and Learning Are Difficult" by Brent Staples in The New York Times, Pete Wright & Shannon Carter, Reading and Learning Disabilities Research, Free Pubs about Reading and Reading Instruction

Alert - June 25, 2003 - We Need Your Help & Summer Sale Extended!

Alert - June 16, 2003 - Your Feedback Needed on Senate Bill 1248!

Alert - June 11, 2003 - Alert: Kids Need Our Help This Week

June 4, 2003 (Issue 218) - Answers to questions about No Child Left Behind, retention, high stakes testing; children with ADD/ADHD may be eligible for special ed; Section 504 and children with ADD/ADHD; great deals & free shipping in our Summer Sale; suspensions, expulsions and IEPs; the truth about Wrightslaw advocacy training programs.

May 29, 2003 (Issue 217) - IDEA Reauthorization - status report & homework assignment; how to avoid the high school exit exam; great deals & free shipping in our Spring into Summer Sale; Supreme Court upholds employment law protections for parents of disabled and sick children; how to disagree with the IEP team without starting WW III; how to put on a special ed case by Sonja Kerr.

Alert - May 28, 2003 - Wrightslaw the Spring into Summer sale! Great deals & FREE shipping!

May 21, 2003 (Issue 216) - What schools are obligated to do for kids with behavior problems; functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans; what parents need to know about behavior assessments and positive interventions; Writing Measurable IEP Goals & Objectives; tactics & strategies to avoid common IEP problems; how to use a parent IEP attachment; caselaw about discipline.

Alert - May 15, 2003 - Join Pete and Pam in Roanoke, Virginia on May 21, 2003!

May 13, 2003 (Issue 215) - Wrightslaw Game Plan for IEP goals and objectives; how to write measurable IEP goals & objectives; IEP checklists; how to get an IEP revised; help in From Emotions to Advocacy; support for school personnel & parent training in IEPs; advocacy programs in Florida, Virginia.

Alert - May 6, 2003 - Join Pam and Pete Wright in Jacksonville, Florida on May 16-17, 2003.

Alert - April 29, 2003 - National Call-in day. Kids need out help today!

April 23, 2003 (Issue 212) - When parents & schools disagree - advice from an independent educational consultant; graduation & dropout rates for kids with disabilities; learn about No Child Left Behind and extended school year (ESY); Pete & Pam Wrightslaw training programs in Florida and Virginia.

Alert - April 21, 2003 (Issue 211) - IDEA Threatened - Kids Need Our Help on April 29!

April 15, 2003 (Issue 210) - Writing IEPs for success; test your IEP IQ; Pete answers questions about accommodations and modifications in IEPs; get help from our Yellow Pages for Kids; mistakes people make - evaluators & advocates by Bob Crabtree; editor's choice - good books about IEPs; Pete & Pam's May schedule includes training programs in MA, FL, VA.

April 11, 2003 (Issue 209) - What is your IEP IQ? - take our quiz and find out; frequently asked questions about IEPs; practical and legal guidance about your child's IEP; support for school personnel and parent training in the IEP; IEP caselaw; Lighter Side of Special Ed; schedule for May 2003.

April 4, 2003 (Issue 208) - Strategies to fight mandatory retention and other damaging policies; mistakes parents and schools make; learning the "rules of the game;" how to start a FETA study group; how to use flyers to educate others; side-by-side analysis of proposed changes to the IDEA.

Alert - March 31, 2003 (Issue 207) - Congress Needs Your Help on House Bill

March 25, 2003 (Issue 206) - New Pro-Child Decision in ABA Lovaas Case , Evolving ABA/ Lovaas Caselaw, What People Are Saying . . . Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, Free Pubs: Reading & Learning Disabilities, The Lighter Side of Special Ed: The IEP by Aimee Gilman, Wrightslaw: Advocacy Training: April-May 2003, Subscription & Contact Info.

March 20, 2003 (Issue 205) - In this special issue about IDEA reauthorization, you learn about new bills that propose significant changes to the special education law; how you can be heard; and important changes in The Special Ed Advocate newsletter.

March 18, 2003 (Issue 204) - Important Message from Wrightslaw.

March 11, 2003 (Issue 203) - Evaluations, the bell curve, and how to use test scores to measure your child's educational progress.

March 7, 2003 (Issue 202) - The File: Do It Right!, The Paper Chase: Managing Your Child's Documents By Bob Crabtree, Esq., Advocacy Campaign Help Needed!, Hot Topics: High Stakes Testing, NCLB: How Does Your State Rank?, I Need Your Help: An Education Writer's Plea.

Alert - March 5, 2003 (Issue 201) - Join Pete and Pam Wright in Illinois on March 21-22, 2003.

February 27, 2003 (Issue 200) - IQ scores and the Matthew Effect; teacher quality and NCLB; parents' right to know qualifications of child's teachers; sample letters; letter writing and paper trails; training in Illinois and NJ; and a new report about "Rehabilitating Section 504."

Alert - February 26, 2003 (Issue 199) - IDEA Reauthorization News!

February 22, 2003 (Issue 198) - Tests to measure educational progress and FAPE; get advice about effective educational programs; learn what parents should know about evaluations; recommend a great electronic newsletter; learn about proposed funding increases for vouchers, special ed, and teacher training; and bring you “The Lighter Side of Special Education.”

February 12, 2003 (Issue 197) - Retention, social promotion, and high-stakes testing; answer your questions about No Child Left Behind; offer a new No Child Left Behind flyer; introduce new features on Wrightslaw, our spring advocacy training schedule; info about 50% discount on Wrightslaw books.

Alert - February 7, 2003 - Wrightslaw Tour - Shreveport, Baton Rouge & New Orleans

February 4, 2003 (Issue 196) - Mediation and negotiation - what mediation can and cannot accomplish, how mediation works, when to request mediation, and mediation pitfalls; learn about a new class action suit under No Child Left Behind; and download the Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind.

Alert - January 28, 2003 - Special Ed Funding Threatened - Kids Need Our Help! January 28, 2003

January 24, 2003 (Issue 195) - Behavior and discipline problems; functional behavior assessments & behavior intervention plans; a new damages case from California; "the frustration that is special education;" how to handle a parent-school crisis; From Emotions to Advocacy - The Special Ed Survival Guide; annual conference of Council of Parents, Attorneys & Advocates; help from the Yellow Pages.

Alert - January 20, 2003 (Issue 194) - Attorney Skills Training - March 13-16, 2003

January 15, 2003 (Issue 193) - The right to a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE); educational benefit - and how to measure it; parent-tested strategies to get an appropriate program; facts about retention and social promotion; how to get help from the Yellow Pages; and the Wrightslaw Tour.

January 7, 2003 (Issue 192) - No Child Left Behind, meet an abused child who finally returns to school, learn how to start an advocacy group, download free publications and subscribe to free newsletters, and learn what Pete and Pam are up to this winter.

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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