What People
Are Saying . . .
What are people
saying about Wrightslaw and The Special Ed Advocate?
website is an oasis of knowledge about special ed
law. We will come back again and again, until we have swallowed
enough information to establish a useful IEP program for our daughter.
Thank you!"
"As a parent
of LD children, I am lucky to have found this site. Every time
I click on, I learn something new, some new twist to ed law.
Thank you for the hard work you put into this web site."
"I am a
retired teacher who owns an education consulting service. Your site
is a God-send! It has valuable info that I, among many, can use.
Keep up the good work!"
is my first visit to your web site and the first time I felt
that someone has answers to my questions. Thank you."
"I want
to tell everyone about your website -- it is a life-saver!"
"I wanted
to write and tell you how much I appreciate your web site,
and all the information that is available. I have
used it and used it and used it!"
I especially like is that you urge parents to maintain
good relationships with their districts -- so many advocacy
sites don't do that, and anger destroys so much of what we
are working for! All schools need to do is be stung
by one parent, and the damage flows right to the next parent
who asks for something! Thank you!"
"Just want to make
sure you realize how important the work you do is . . . We love you
for it. Thanks again."
"I talked to the
director of our disabilities rights center and a respected advocate.
They didn't know that you published an important case from our state
on the Wrightslaw site. They didn't know about the Special
Ed Advocate Newsletter. They said they will subscribe - if only
to learn what parents are learning on the web!"
"Ask your subscribers
to get the word out about the Special Ed Advocate newsletter
and the Wrightslaw site. If each newsletter subscriber gets just one
new person to subscribe, the positive impact will double!"
Get the Word Out!
We think this is
a great idea!
The Special
Ed Advocate newsletter
and the Wrightslaw site are free. Please help us get the
word out to people who are interested in special education, and
disabilities issues.
If you want
to help, ask a friend or colleague to subscribe. To help your
friends subscribe, forward our Newsletter
subscribe page to them.
or print copies of this "Get the Word Out" page to share with
Pete & Pam Wright