![]() |
Principals, Paraprofessionals
No Child Left Behind - law, regulations, publications, research based instruction, information directories, flyers, news, fact sheets, and education statistics. To
Top IDEA 2004: What You Need to Know About IEPs & IEP Meetings - How did IEPs change under IDEA 2004? What does the law say about developing, reviewing and revising IEPs? Who may be excused from IEP meetings, when, how? When can the child's IEP be changed without an IEP meeting? What services must be provided when a child transfers to a district in the same state? A different state? What are multi-year IEPs? Elementary and Secondary Education Policy Guidance. Teacher
Litigation Pamella
Settlegoode v. Portland Public Schools - U. S. Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit upholds jury award of one million dollars to fired special ed
teacher; importance of free speech for teachers. (April 2004) Fales
v. Garst: Analysis of Teachers' Lawsuit Against Principal. Three teachers
alleged that principal violated their rights to freedom of speech and association
by instructing them not to discuss incidents regarding special education students
and their rights to equal protection by lowering their evaluations. Highly
Qualified Teachers State Teacher Policy Yearbook 2017 - Progress on Teacher Quality: How the States are Faring. NCTQ's bi-annual 2017 State Teacher Policy Yearbook grades states on how well their programs and policies raise the quality of the teachers in their schools. Executive Summary here. Scroll down to page 5 for findings about the preparation of special education teachers. What Education Schools Aren't Teaching about Reading and What Elementary Teachers Aren't Learning. The National Council on Teacher Quality examined what aspiring teachers learn about reading instruction in college. NCTQ analyzed a representative sample of reading courses to assess the degree to which students are taught the five essential components of effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Teacher Education: Coming up Empty - Describes a study in which leading teacher educators admit that there’s little evidence to prove the effectiveness of teacher ed. Improving
Teacher Quality - Non Regulatory Guidance, U. S. Department of Education (Rev.
9-12-03) Meeting
the Highly Qualified Teacher Challenge: The Secretary's Second Annual Report on
Teacher Quality, U. S. Department of Education (2003) Stop Bullying - Prevention at School Training school staff and students to prevent and address bullying can help sustain bullying prevention efforts over time. There are no federal mandates for bullying curricula or staff training. The following are some examples of options schools can consider. Fighting the Good Fight: How to Advocate for Your Students without Losing Your Job by Rick Lavoie. One of the greatest blessings of my professional life is the opportunity I have to talk with hundreds and hundreds of my Special Education colleagues. These conversations confirm my long-held belief that some of the finest people on the planet are toiling daily in America's classrooms…and particularly in our Special Education programs! LDonline (2008) A Good Grade for Teach for America What makes a good teacher? Experience helps. But a new study of Teach for America (TFA) – education's version of the Peace Corps – shows that their students do better on end-of-course exams than those of other teachers. TFA teachers' impact is even greater than that of teachers with three or more years of experience relative to new teachers. Article in pdf format Using
Data to Influence Classroom Decisions by the U. S. Department of Education.
Working with Parents toward Common Goals A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement by the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. Improving School Achievement and Closing the Achievement Gap. Hanover Research Report examines best practices for improving student achievement, including strategies for engaging students and imporving student outcomes. Best practices and case studies examine achievement levels and approaches for certain student sub-groups, academic programs, and innofvative solutions at high-needs schools. . Autism Speaks New School Community Tool Kit. The purpose of this kit is to provide information about autism – the features, challenges and strengths -- as well as some of the tools and strategies that may result in more positive interactions for all members of a school community. This tool kit is not intended to be a curriculum for special education for students on the autism spectrum, but rather a support for the general education and administrative school staff who interact with students with autism in various capacities. However, it is envisioned that this tool kit will provide valuable information and resources that can be employed by special education and administrative staff in their efforts to plan for and support students in general education environments and involvement in the school community as a whole. Research
Based Instruction Teaching
Reading IS Rocket Science, What Expert Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do
from the American Federation of Teachers. Transition of Students With Disabilities
To Postsecondary Education: From the Margins to the Mainstream from Jobs for the Future. High Schools That Work Conference Recognizes Good Work in Education. Southern Regional Education Board, High Schools That Work. These six design principles — when properly funded and implemented by school and district leaders and supported with a range of related services offered by SREB and HSTW — can help more youth prepare for a full range of postsecondary options. College and Career
Academy Support Network - Programs that organize instruction in academic subjects,
enabling students to fulfill requirements for college entrance while learning
how their academics relate to something outside high school. Early College Designs - Reinventing High Schools for Post Secondary Success. Factors Affecting Mathematics Achievement for Students in Rural Schools by Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Different
Routes to the Classroom National Council on Teacher Quality. Boston Teacher Residency (BTR) - Boston Teacher Residency drives student learning and achievement by equipping new teachers to make an immediate impact in the classroom. New Jersey's "Alternate Route"
to Teacher Certification. Alternative Teacher Certification Information. Troops to Teachers Program is located within the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), a component of the Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA). American Board: Your Community, Your Teachers The American Board is a nonprofit program dedicated to placing qualified individuals in the classroom through alternative teaching certification. Educating the Military Child AASA Toolkit: Supporting the Military Child. Guidance from the American Association of School Administrators for school leaders on meeting the unique educational needs of children whose parents are deployed or in transition. Includes Resources for Supporting the Military Child, Q & A for Meeting the Military Child's Needs, Videos, and Tips for School Leaders. Military K-12 Partners Special Education Professional Development - Training Modules. Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission. Support to Civilian Schools Educating Military Children Working with Military Children — A Primer for School Personnel An Educator's Guide to the Military Child During Deployment Military and Department of Defense Special Education Policy Guidance - Toll Free Hotline Numbers The Information Resource Center (IRC) is the home of 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327), the telephone number for information on the Department of Education's major education improvement priorities (e.g., reading, family involvement, technology). The local number in Washington, D.C. is 202-401-2000. Spanish speakers are available (se habla español). TTY: 1-800-877-8339. Elementary and Secondary Education - Policy Guidance. Free
Newsletters The
Achiever - (Archived) Newsletter with information, events and announcements about No
Child Left Behind. OSERS / IDEA Newsletters: Stay informed with the latest news coming out of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and the Department of Education. Subscribe to the Early Learning at ED Newsletter. Subscribe to Department of Education updates. Evidence-Based Practice and Autism in the Schools Educator Manual, second edition from the National Autism Center (2015). The manual outlines the current state of research findings, professional judgment and data-based clinical decision making, values and preferences of families, and capacity building. Each chapter sets a course for advancing the efforts of school systems to engage in evidence-based practice for their students on the autism spectrum. Free download (pdf) Accommodations Manual: How to Select, Administer, and Evaluate Use of Accommodations for Instruction and Assessment of Students with Disabilities. Developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards Assessing Special Education Students. The Accommodations Manual presents a five-step process for individualized educational program teams, 504 plan committees, general and special education teachers, administrators, and district-level assessment staff to use in the selection, administration, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of instructional and assessment accommodations by students with disabilities. The guidance in the manual pertains to students with disabilities who participate in large-scale assessments and the instruction they receive. Improving Accommodations Outcomes: Monitoring Instructional and Assessment Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. (2009) Third in a series of three CCSSO publications for states addressing accommodations and students with disabilities. This publication provides a comprehensive professional development guide for states to establish or improve quality accommodations monitoring programs. Accessibility: A Guide for Educators - Empowering students with accessible technology that enables personalized learning. This guide from Microsoft provides information about accessibility and accessible technology to help educators worldwide ensure that all students have equal access to learning with technology. Recommended
Books - See
also Effective Education Dysgraphia: Why Johnny Can't Write - A Handbook for Parents and Teachers by Diane Walton Cavey How
to be a Para-Pro: A Comprehensive Training Manual for Paraprofessionals by
Diane Twachtman-Cullen. Other Useful
Sites American Association of School Administrators Education Policy (Brookings Institute) Center
on Education Policy Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Council
of the Great City Schools Institute for Educational Leadership National Association of Elementary School Principals National
Association of School Psychologists National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Revised 05/01/18
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