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Learning NELP Report: Developing Early Literacy. Summary from Reading Rockets. The National Early Literacy Panel looked at studies of early literacy and found many things that parents and preschools can do to improve the literacy development of young children and that different approaches influence the development of a different pattern of essential skills. Download Report (pdf) Preventing Early Reading
Failure "We have tools to reliably identify the children who are likely
destined for early reading failure. Most importantly ... if we intervene early,
intensively, and appropriately, we can provide these children with the early reading
skills that can prevent almost all of them from ever entering the nasty downward spiral ..."
Catch Them Before They Fall By Joseph Torgesen. Identification and Assessment To Prevent Reading Failure in Young Children. Published by the American Federation of Teachers, American Educator. Why Children Succeed or Fail at Reading, Research from National Institute of Child Health and Human Development’s Program in Learning Disabilities.
* * * * * * * * * * Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science, What Expert Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do by Louisa Moats, published by the American Federation of Teachers. IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading (International Dyslexia Association). “Reading difficulties are the most common cause of academic failure and underachievement." These Standards provide a content framework for courses and delineate proficiency requirements for practical application of this content (e.g., interpretation of assessments, delivery of differentiated instruction, and successful intervention with a child or adult with a reading disability). "Reading disabilities are the most understood and effectively corrected learning disability ...
From ABC to ADHD: What Every Parent Should Know About Dyslexia
What Content-Area Teachers Should Know About Adolescent Literacy. Report from the National Institute for Literacy (2007). No Offense: But It's Alarming That So Many Children are Not Learning to Read. If your child was in 5th grade and reading on the 2.7 grade level, wouldn’t you be alarmed? Wouldn’t you want a research-based reading program that has a proven record of success before your child falls even further behind? One Reason Kids Aren't Learning to Read by Sue Whitney. "We should not be surprised that people untrained to accomplish the goal are unable to accomplish the goal. If we were graduating and certifying people who could teach reading, they would be doing it." Fifth Grader is Reading at 2.7 Grade Level. Should He Be Tested for Special Ed? The big question is whether anyone will teach him how to read if he goes into special ed. Several factors are working against him in special ed. What Education Schools Aren’t Teaching about Reading and What Elementary Teachers Aren’t Learning. The National Council on Teacher Quality examined what aspiring teachers learn about reading instruction in college. NCTQ analyzed a representative sample of reading courses to assess the degree to which students are taught the five essential components of effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Decoding Dyslexia. Let's Take it Viral! Decoding Dyslexia, launched by New Jersey parents, is an excellent and inspirational story about how a small group of parents banded together to change education in their home state and in other states.
What Works in Teaching Children to Read, Whole Language or Phonics? by Dr. Reid Lyon.
Why Reading is Not a Natural Process by Reid Lyon from LD Online. To learn to decode and read printed English, children must be aware that spoken words are composed of individual sound parts termed phonemes.When we speak to one another, the individual sounds (phonemes) within the words are not consciously heard by the listener. Thus, no one ever receives any natural practice understanding that words are composed of smaller, abstract sound units.
Chat Transcript: Evidence-Based Research Policy with Dr. Reid Lyon, research psychologist and the chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch within the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity: Dr. Sally Shaywitz, author of Overcoming Dyslexia, an outstanding book on dyslexia, also has a superb website with a tremendous amount of information -- both facts and human interest stories. Open Letter about Reading Recovery - In an open letter to policy makers, educational leaders, researchers, and federal agencies, more than 30 international reading researchers expressed serious concerns about the continued use of Reading Recovery in public schools. Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement. These questions were compiled through a collaborative effort by parents, educational consultants, teachers, professors from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Charlotte, and staff from the Exceptional Children's Assistance Center. Pop-Ups and Checklists Assessing Reading Difficulties and Disabilities. Click on the pop-up box to learn about reading difficulties and disabilities, like dyslexia, and find out how reading is assessed. Get IDEA requirements for evaluations, see answers to your questions, find federal law or regulations that support these answers, and a list of additional resources. Understanding Dysgraphia. This fact sheet from the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) describes types and causes of dysgraphia, who can diagnose, appropriate
treatment for dysgraphia, and whether children should use cursive writing or printing. Testing Written Expression: Myths and Misconceptions. Dr. Melissa Farrall explains the importance of measuring specific skills when evaluating writing expression. You will learn what areas should be included in a written language test and learn what commonly used tests of written expression measure. Could Your Child Have Dysgraphia? Take the Quiz from the Understood for Learning and Attention Issues. The
"Write Stuff" for Preventing and Treating Writing Disabilities -
Written language disabilities are prevalent in children with learning disabilities.
Although reading disabilities are often identified sooner than writing disabilities,
writing disabilities are more persistent. This article focuses on early intervention
to prevent writing problems and long-term remediation to treat writing disabilities.
She describes types of writing difficulties - handwriting automaticity, spelling,
and composition - and the coordinated components of a functional writing system. Dysgraphia Information Page from the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Fact Sheet from the Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) of Minnesota. My Child Has Dysgraphia - How Can I Find a Tutor? If your child has dysgraphia - or dyslexia, dyscalculia (a learning disability in math), another learning disability - here's an article about where to start. Questions Parents Can Ask about Spelling, Writing, and Testing. These questions were compiled through a collaborative effort by parents, educational consultants, teachers, professors from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Charlotte, and staff from the Exceptional Children's Assistance Center. How Spelling Supports Reading -And Why It Is More Regular and Predictable Than You May Think by Louisa C. Moats. Research has shown that learning to spell and learning to read rely on much of the
same underlying knowledge. Spelling instruction can be designed to help children better understand that
key knowledge, resulting in better reading. Q&A
with Pete Wright: 'Kids are...Teaching-disabled' My
Son Can't Read - What Can I Do? How
Can I Get Help for My Child with Reading Problems? Teaching
a Child to Read: Special Ed or Reading First? Double-Dipping:
Are Kids with Disabilities Barred from Title I Programs? Late
Bloomers: Are We Teaching Kids to Read Before They Are Ready? Doing Your Homework. Sue Whitney, Research Editor at Wrightslaw, answers FAQs about Reading. The Nation's Report Card for 2019. The average reaading score for 4th and 8th grade students decreased between 2017 and 2019. The NCES results show lower reading scores at both grades. Mathematics scores increase at grade four, and decrease at grade eight compared to 2017. Most states show no score change in math. Previous Years The Nation's Report Card for 2017. Compared to 2015, there was a 1-point increase in the average reading score at grade 8 in 2017, but no significant change in the average score for reading at grade 4, or for mathematics at either grade. 36 percent of fourth graders
are proficient readers - and more nearly 60 percent are not proficient. 4th grade scores remain the same from 2015, with no significant increase.
24 percent of eighth graders are "below
basic" readers. The Nation's Report Card, 2015. Average scores for reading in 2015 declined at grade 8; there was no significant change in the reading score for fourth-grade student. Thirty-six percent of fourth-grade and 34 percent of eighth-grade students perform at or above the Proficient level in NAEP reading. Thirty-one percent of fourth-grade and 24 percent of eighth-grade students perform at the below basic level in reading. The Nation's Report Card, 2013 Mathematics and Reading, shows some improvement nationally from the last assessment in 2011 among fourth- and eighth-grade students in mathematics, and among eighth-grade students in reading. The performance of 4th graders in reading shows no improvement. The Nation's Report Card 2011 shows improvement reading comprehension at grade 8, but no significant change at grade 4. The overall average score for fourth-graders in 2011 was unchanged from the score in 2009. The average score for eighth-graders in 2011 was 1 point higher than in 2009. State results for grade 4 show higher scores in 2011 than in 2009 for 4 states, and lower scores for 2 states. At grade 8, scores were higher in 2011 than in 2009 for students in 10 states, and no states had a lower score than in 2009. The Nation's Report Card 2009 reports reading scores up since 2007 at grade 8 and unchanged at grade 4. According
to the Nation's
Report Card for 2005, 31 percent of 4th graders and 31 percent of
8th graders are proficient readers. Minority students score lower -
just 16 percent of African American and 22 percent of Hispanic 12th
graders are proficient readers. NELP Report: Developing Early Literacy (2009). Summary from Reading Rockets. The National Early Literacy Panel looked at studies of early literacy and found that there are many things that parents and preschools can do to improve the literacy development of their young children and that different approaches influence the development of a different pattern of essential skills. Download Report (pdf) Framework for Informed Reading and Language Instruction: Matrix of Multisensory Structured Language Programs. This publication from the International Dyslexia Association explains different reading programs and what they cover. These
programs, when properly implemented, have been
successful in teaching students to read, write, and use
language. A Child Becomes a Reader: Birth Through Preschool. A
Child Becomes a Reader: Proven Ideas from Research for Parents (K-Grade 3).
What to do at home, what to look for in classrooms, what every child should be
able to do by the end of K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades. Put
Reading First: Building Blocks For Teaching Children To Read: Kindergarten Through
Grade 3. Describes the 5 essential components of reading instruction (phonemic
awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension); summarizes what
researchers know about each skill; implications for instruction; proven strategies
for teaching reading. Put
Reading First: Helping Your Child Learn to Read - A Parent Guide. An overview
of findings of the National Reading Panel; gives ideas for what to expect from
a school's reading program based on evidence from the research (preschool through
grade 3); suggests ways parents can reinforce reading instruction at home. Special Education Cases: Reading Carter
v. Florence County School District IV. Tuition reimbursement case that
was appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court. Decision focuses on an appropriate program
and IEP for Shannon, a child with dyslexia. Landmark decision issued in 34 days by a unanimous 9-0 Supreme Court. If the public school defaults and the child receives an appropriate education in a private placement, the parents are entitled to reimbursement for the child's education. This ruling opened the door to children with autism who receive ABA / Lovaas therapy. Links to all decisions, transcript of oral argument in Carter The
International Dyslexia Association (IDA) maintains a national database of
providers and others who can help, including: For
information about the IDA database (or to be included in the database), contact
the IDA Information and Referral Department at 410-296-0232, extension 125 or
e-mail info@dyslexiada.org. Join IDA l IDA Provider Directory l IDA Branches
Back to the Top MSL
Courses and Certified Individuals The Alliance is a group of organizations that promote standards for quality
professional preparation. Members include: Multisensory
Structured Language (MSL) Providers These
individuals and groups have stipulated to the International
Dyslexia Association that they use structured, multisensory, alphabetic techniques.
Alphabetic Phonics Based Methods Alphabetic Phonetic Structural Linguistic Approach to Literacy (APSLA) Derived Programs The
Association Method Lindamood-Bell
Learning Process Orton-Gillingham Approach Project
Read/Language Circle Reading
Slingerland Approach Sounds
in Syllables The
Spalding Method Starting
Over Starting Right Wilson
Reading Language System Note: In 2015, Congress reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the statute formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act. The new statute , the "Every Student Succeeds Act," removed many requirements about school accountability.
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